Yangcheng Art Institute.

This is the only public comprehensive art school in Yangcheng.

In other words, most of the art students in Nanyue Province go to school here, and this also means that this place is full of beautiful women.

At the entrance of the school, there are countless Mercedes-Benz BMWs parked.

And one thing these cars all have in common is that they all have a bottle of drink on the roof.

Drinks come in a variety of styles, from green tea to red bull and mineral water.

The only thing that didn't have a drink on the table was a Ferrari GTC4Lusso.

In the campus, not far from the door, there are two beautiful figures, which attract the attention of countless passers-by.

One of the figures is Liu Feifei.

"Fei Fei, it's right for you to ask me to meet that local tyrant together, I know countless people, whether it is a real local tyrant or a fake local tyrant, I can tell at a glance. The

person who said this was the woman next to Liu Feifei - one of the school flowers of Yangcheng Art School, Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Mengmeng was wearing an ordinary white shirt and shorts, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, giving people a pure and beautiful look.

At the same time, Ruan Mengmeng looks like the goddess of many otaku - Sora Aoi.

As a result, she was sought after by countless boys at school, but none of them were able to win her favor.

"Yes, you know people best, after all, you are a woman who is dedicated to studying how to catch a golden beetle. Liu

Feifei and her are best friends, so the two speak very directly.

"What's wrong with me fishing for the golden beetle, normal men have one strength, but the golden beetle son-in-law has two strengths.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't think so, and at the same time improvised to start drag racing.

Liu Feifei covered her face and said helplessly: "What are your strengths and weaknesses, I really don't know how you look innocent, but you are so dirty."

She complained, and then said: "Don't talk about this, what if you say that I will reward my local tyrant and be a bald uncle later?"

Ruan Mengmeng's face became serious in seconds, and analyzed: "It's okay to be bald, if it's really like you said, the other party is plotting against you, then what are you going to do."

"Hehe, that's why I brought you here, and if the other party has bad intentions, then I'll sell you." Liu Feifei joked.

Ruan Mengmeng scolded back with a smile: "Get out." The

two were fighting and soon came to the school gate.

When the two of them appeared, the eyes of all the owners of the cars with drinks on the roof were instantly attracted to them.

They are amazed! They

often hunt for beauty at the gate of this school, and they are old drivers.

But they feel that the girls they have met before are rouge and vulgar fans compared to Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng, and the two are not of the same grade.

The drivers looked at each other and smiled like only a man would understand.

The next moment, several drivers moved, and they took the drinks on the roof of the car and walked towards Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng.

"Hello young lady, are you going out to play?"

a middle-aged man with a big belly shook the red bull in his hand and said obscenely.

Seeing this, Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng frowned, and then twisted their heads to the other side.

Seeing this, the other drivers did not give up and still leaned over.

"Get to know each other. "

You just make a price. "

If there are more good-looking boys to talk to, Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng are estimated to take care of it a little.

But for these middle-aged uncles in their thirties, who are either bald or have beer bellies, and look greasy and obscene, Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng directly ignored them.

Liu Feifei was about to take out her mobile phone and ask when Qin Hongyu would arrive.

Suddenly, Ruan Mengmeng shook her hand vigorously: "Feifei, look at it." Ruan

Mengmeng's action just now was a bit big, almost causing Liu Feifei's mobile phone to fall to the ground.

She was a little unhappy and wanted to complain, but when she followed Ruan Mengmeng's gaze, she understood why Ruan Mengmeng was so excited.

I saw a young man in a pure black suit standing next to the commissary in front of me.

The man is handsome and compelling, like a star on TV.

The first time Liu Feifei looked at the past, she was attracted to all her attention.

Ruan Mengmeng was very excited: "This man is too handsome, if he is rich, it is simply my best mate selection standard!" Liu

Feifei nodded: "It is indeed very handsome." "


On the other side, Qin Hongyu had been arriving at Yangcheng Art Institute for several minutes.

He bought a bottle of water and was about to get back to the car when he suddenly noticed two girls peeking at him.

After seeing the appearance of one of them, he smiled lightly and walked over to the two girls.

"You are Liu Feifei, hello, I'm Qin Hongyu, the one who gave you a gift in the live broadcast room. Qin Hongyu said hello with a smile.

Liu Feifei was stunned, her beautiful eyes were full of incredulity.

She didn't expect that the man who attracted her attention just now was Qin Hongyu who gave him a gift!

All her previous worries disappeared, and only joy remained in her heart: "Hello."

Ruan Mengmeng was a little unresponsive

, she looked at Liu Feifei, and asked with some disbelief: "Feifei, is this the god who rewarded you?"

Liu Feifei nodded.

Ruan Mengmeng was stunned again.

She didn't expect that the god who rewarded Liu Feifei was so handsome! And it was the kind of handsome that was close-range, multi-angle and had no dead ends!

When she came back to her senses, Ruan Mengmeng's mind began to come alive, and she subconsciously looked at Qin Hongyu's dress.

She has been studying the fishing of golden beetles, and after taking a look, she instantly got a judgment -- a top-level handmade custom suit, a master-level custom leather shoes, and a Rolex green water ghost watch -- Qin Hongyu's outfit is worth at least more than one million

! Ruan Mengmeng's eyes lit up instantly

! He was handsome and rich!

Isn't this his ideal goal?

At this moment, she had forgotten what her mission was this time.

On the other side, seeing that Qin Hongyu was so smooth and accosted Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng, the old drivers who had eaten deflated just now were a little depressed: "In this world, it's useless to be handsome, money is the king." "

That is, can you eat if you are

handsome?" "Although the young man is very handsome, he probably can't even afford to take a girl to a good hotel, right


?" A group of people were yin and yang at the same time, and they held the car keys in their hands and shook them.

The logos of BMW and Mercedes-Benz are slightly dazzling.

Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng were a little displeased when they heard this, and they wanted to speak up for Qin Hongyu, but Qin Hongyu said: "Let's go, don't bother with them." With that

, he turned and left.

Liu Feifei and the others were a little helpless, but they didn't say anything and followed.

Those old drivers looked at Qin Hongyu's back with playful eyes. They only thought that Qin Hongyu was weak and didn't dare to speak.

But in the next second, their smiles were dull.

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