Qin Hongyu had never used knives and forks, and the dishes were all ordered by Liu Feifei, so when he saw that there were only knives and forks on the table and no chopsticks, he was slightly stunned, and immediately called the waiter over: "Hello, bring me a pair of chopsticks." When

the waiter heard this, he immediately took the chopsticks.

Although it was a little strange to use chopsticks in a Western-style restaurant, Qin Hongyu didn't realize it at all, and still ate with relish.

Seeing this, Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng were stunned for a moment, and then inexplicably felt that Qin Hongyu seemed to have a different kind of elegance when he used chopsticks.

Ruan Mengmeng put down the knife and fork in her hand and exclaimed: "Little brother, I think you are so courageous and tasteful."

Qin Hongyu was a little puzzled: "Hmm, why do you say that?"

He knew that his charm value after taking the Charm Pill was off the charts, but no matter how high the charm was, he couldn't let the girl be embarrassed, right?!

" I have always been unaccustomed to using knives and forks, and I find it difficult to use to death, but I don't have the courage of you. Ruan Mengmeng said with a wry smile.

Liu Feifei thought so: "Yes, I think so too, and I have always felt that knives and forks are very clumsy to use, and chopsticks are convenient and beautiful to use, but many people follow the trend, which will cause some people to think that the use of knives and forks is advanced."

Ruan Mengmeng nodded: "That's right, in fact, they don't know that knives and forks are leftovers from our ancestors."

After saying that, they put down the knives and forks in their hands and asked the waiter to bring two more pairs of chopsticks.

This scene was taken into the eyes of the man at the next table.

He looked at the knife and fork in his hand, looked at the woman next to him who disliked him, and laughed helplessly, his smile was full of bitterness.

Why are they all people, and the handsome guy next door is not only not ridiculed for using chopsticks, but is touted?

At the same time, he seems to understand why everyone is ridiculing "licking a dog can't be housed" on the Internet.

He tried to muster up the courage to say to the woman, "I want to use chopsticks", but the idea was quickly rejected by him.

As long as she is happy, what does it matter what she uses?!

Because Qin Hongyu and they were sitting next door, and the restaurant was relatively quiet, the woman also heard Qin Hongyu's conversation.

When she heard that knives and forks were leftover from the Chinese ancestors, her first reaction was a little annoyed, because she had always believed that using knives and forks was synonymous with culture and seniority.

Moreover, as soon as she finished saying that she was forced to use chopsticks, Qin Hongyu and the others just said that, isn't this slapping me in the face?!

She was annoyed and angry, and wanted to shoot the case to refute the person who said such ignorant words. But when she raised her head and saw Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng who said this, her

courage faded in an instant!

There is a saying that looks like justice.

Compared with Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng, her appearance can be said to be a little stumbling.

As for other aspects of temperament and figure, she was also completely exploded.

Whether a man dares to be tough or not is to compare the strength and body type of the other party, while a woman is to compare the appearance of the other.

Therefore, when she was abused by Liu Feifei and Ruan Mengmeng in appearance, she didn't dare to squeak.

"What's the big deal, what's the difference between you and me, don't you just use it when you see someone else use it?"

she muttered, and her mood calmed down a little.

At the same time, she was a little curious about what kind of person would use chopsticks on such occasions.

She tilted her head slightly.

The moment she saw Qin Hongyu, she suddenly understood.

"The way this man uses chopsticks is too temperamental and elegant, right?!"

Looking at the Rolex green water ghost in Qin Hongyu's hand, she sighed sincerely.

After speaking, she turned her head to look at the man beside her and said, "Okay, since you don't know how to use knives and forks, then you can also use chopsticks." Hearing

this, the man immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly.

He was thinking about how to use chopsticks with the goddess, but he didn't expect the goddess to say what he thought.

The drama in his heart began to increase: Could it be that I have a heart with the goddess?

Just as he was holding the chopsticks and wanted to pick up vegetables for the woman, the woman frowned, and her eyes were full of disgust: "I really obeyed you, the knife and fork can't be used, and the chopsticks can't be used well, you can be a person." The

man was a little confused: "No, I use chopsticks to thief 6." The

woman smiled disdainfully: "You also call using chopsticks? I can only say that you use two wooden sticks, you look at other people, that is called chopsticks." The

person in her mouth is naturally Qin Hongyu.

The man was speechless and did not speak.

He looked at Qin Hongyu again and again, wanting to know what was the difference between the way he used chopsticks and Qin Hongyu.

But when he saw Liu Feifei's side face, his eyes froze: "Why is this person so familiar?"

He pretended to go to the toilet, and then took the opportunity to take a few more looks, witnessing Liu Feifei's full face.

When he saw Liu Feifei's whole picture clearly, his eyes widened, and he said, "Isn't this the boss's designated sister-in-law, why does she go out to eat with other men?"

After being shocked, he immediately took out his mobile phone, secretly recorded a video, and then opened WeChat and sent it to a friend called "Boss Long".

After sending it, he returned to his seat and looked at Liu Feifei from time to time restlessly, for fear that Liu Feifei would leave before she didn't reply.

Not long after, he replied to his WeChat: "Is the video true or false?"

He replied in seconds: "Really, my sister-in-law is sitting next to me, and I don't know the man."

After two minutes, WeChat replied: "Someone dares to rob a woman with me Long Aotian? Very good, very good!"

Seeing this information, the man's heart was cold.

He has followed Long Aotian for many years and knows Long Aotian's temperament very well.

When Long Aotian said this, it meant that he was very angry!

He replied cautiously, "Boss, what should I do next? I'm staring at them."

Long Aotian: "You did a good job, you keep an eye on them, if they make any moves, you can report to me, you don't have to worry about other things, dare to touch my woman, I will make him pay

!" "Okay, boss, don't worry, I am known as clairvoyant, with me, they will definitely not be able to run!"

The man licked the dog mode.


In the most central location of Yangcheng, at No. 16 Ersha Island Villa Park with the Pearl River at its back, a man with a tiger's back is standing on the balcony, looking at the Pearl River not far away with cold eyes.

He is the eldest young man of the Long family of the Yangcheng big family - Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's facial features are ordinary, but there is a sense of arrogance between his eyebrows, and there is a feeling of indispensability.

At this time, a bodyguard came over and said respectfully: "Long Shao, everyone has been arranged, I am looking for all the social people with ruthless personalities, and I have already instructed them, Long Shao only needs to appear at the right time later."

Long Aotian waved his hand when he heard this: "Okay, prepare a car for me." The

bodyguard hesitated for a while and reminded: "Long Shao, are we sure we want to make trouble at the Michelin restaurant, after all, that place is ......

" "I Long Aotian don't need you to dictate to things, get out!" Long Aotian's eyes froze, and he said coldly.

The bodyguard shuddered, didn't dare to say more, nodded respectfully, and then quickly retreated.

Long Aotian turned to look at Zhujiang, his eyes gradually became cold, and there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth: "Later, when you make a mess in front of Liu Feifei, you will know how stupid it is to rob a woman with me!"

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