In the Spring Warm Restaurant of the White Swan Picking Star Jade Hall, Qin Hongyu didn't know that he had been targeted, and he was still concentrating on enjoying the food.

Ruan Mengmeng was absent-minded, trying to tease him from time to time, and the scale of the hint was getting bigger and bigger.

Although Qin Hongyu understood, he didn't pay attention to it.

And Liu Feifei saw that Ruan Mengmeng's offensive was getting more and more fierce, and her sense of crisis was even stronger.

She found a chance for Qin Hongyu to pause, and began to fight back: "Hongyu, I remember you seem to have told me, you are still the first time to come to Yangcheng, right? Yangcheng is most famous for food, I have a lot of research on food, I can take you to eat and eat when the time comes."

Because Liu Feifei wanted to get closer to Qin Hongyu quickly, she became affectionate about her name.

"We'll talk about that then. Qin Hongyu replied lightly.

Liu Feifei didn't expect that she would take the initiative, and the other party responded so coldly, which suddenly hit her a little hard.

But when she saw Ruan Mengmeng, she instantly regained her motivation and took the initiative again: "But although the things outside are delicious, they are not hygienic after all, what dishes do you like to eat, I can make them for you." She

was speaking more and more boldly.

"How embarrassing is that. Qin Hongyu said politely.

Liu Feifei immediately said with a little coquettishness when she heard this: "You have paid so much for me, how can it be enough for me to just invite you to a meal? I think it's better to cook for you yourself.

Qin Hongyu was about to answer, when he suddenly felt something strange and itchy in his thighs.

He was about to look down, but Ruan Mengmeng, who was sitting opposite him, looked over with charming eyes and a smile on his face.

Qin Hongyu was a little unclear at first, but at this time, countless fragments of movies and novels quickly flashed in his mind, and then it was suddenly apparent.

Ruan Mengmeng, this girl, actually seduced herself on such an occasion?!

Qin Hongyu was shocked, but inexplicably felt a little excited, and his heart was slightly restless.

The corners of his mouth were lightly raised, and he looked at Ruan Mengmeng playfully.

Seeing this, Ruan Mengmeng became more flattering, and her actions became more and more bold.

Qin Hongyu only felt his body tremble.

Seeing this, Ruan Mengmeng bit her red lip and smiled, and then the jade foot went up again!

Qin Hongyu's breathing gradually increased.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng stopped-

"Yueyue, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's just that I was burned just now."

"Yueyue, don't you seem to be feeling well, why are you so red. With

that, she reached for it.

"Do you have a fever, your face is so hot.

"yes, what's wrong with you?

"I'm fine. As

she spoke, she looked at Qin Hongyu with a slight begging in her eyes.

Qin Hongyu turned a blind eye.

"Good brother, have you eaten enough?"

her address to Qin Hongyu changed to good brother, and the meaning of the plea was very obvious.

Qin Hongyu smiled lightly when he heard this: "It's almost."

After speaking, he scratched Ruan Mengmeng's feet hard, and let go of his hand under Ruan Mengmeng's exclamation.

Ruan Mengmeng immediately retracted her feet, and after obediently putting on her shoes, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Liu Feifei on the side had beautiful eyes full of suspicion.

She didn't believe Ruan Mengmeng's words, and at the same time, she didn't feel like Ruan Mengmeng was unwell.

What kind of illness can make people's faces red, their eyes blurred, and sometimes coquettish?

She glanced at Qin Hongyu.

When she saw Qin Hongyu looking at Ruan Mengmeng with a playful smile, her confusion was even worse.

And Ruan Mengmeng also knew that what she had just said was weak, she slowed down a little, and hurriedly spoke to divert Liu Feifei's attention: "Feifei, are you full?

Seeing that the doubts in her heart could not be solved, Liu Feifei had no choice but to give up.

The trio left the restaurant.

On the way to the parking lot, Liu Feifei looked at Qin Hongyu and said, "It's still early, why don't we go and sing together later?"

Qin Hongyu was about to speak, when a few men with a standard social dress walked up.

"Little sister, my brother has taken a fancy to you, how about you stay with me all night tonight?"

One of the men with dyed red hair came up to Liu Feifei's side, looking Liu Feifei up and down with unscrupulous eyes.

Liu Feifei was startled, and subconsciously stepped back and retreated to Qin Hongyu's side.

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