When Director Wang and the others heard this, their faces suddenly became strange.

And some people, presumably, couldn't help but laugh and coughed wildly in the back.

The foreign man standing at the front of the line seemed to understand the meaning of "silly fork", and after a long time of blue and red, he used a non-standard Chinese pronunciation: "No quality! I don't bother to talk to you! But you must apologize to me!"

Qin Hongyu turned a deaf ear and said to the third aunt with a smile, "Third aunt, we have a saying in Huaxia, called 'man wins the day'!" The third aunt's

body was shocked, and she looked at him with some sneer, as if she had known Qin Hongyu on the first day.

In her impression, although Qin Hongyu is filial, he has always belonged to the kind of obedient person, who can't beat a fart with three sticks, and is not good at expressing himself. But now, Qin Hongyu just used a short sentence to hit the deepest part of her heart.

Qin Hongyu was still not in a hurry, and said with a smile: "It's like when you had the operation, you needed a million surgery fees. That one million, in my eyes, is really an impossible goal. However, my third uncle and I were unwilling, and tried our best to find money.

"As a result, you see, God was convinced, and found an opportunity to send me this million obediently. The

third aunt's eyes were a little red.

Qin Hongyu took a deep breath and continued to smile: "So, third aunt, you know what I mean, right?"

"The third uncle and I have never given up, and we will never give up in the future

!" "Good boy!" The third aunt clenched Qin Hongyu's little hand, and her body trembled slightly, as if she was about to hold back her emotions and want to cry.

Qin Hongyu patted the back of her hand and continued to smile: "There is a teacher in our school who is very good at traditional Chinese medicine, I learned a few tricks from him some time ago, and last time I not only cured the third uncle's severe cold, but also cured a small problem of a female classmate in the class. One of the tricks is to massage several acupuncture points, which can improve sleep quality and enhance immunity. Can you give it a try?"

"Okay, you teach the third aunt."

Qin Hongyu taught the third aunt a set of simple massage techniques in the "Green Capsule Sutra".

The third aunt studied very seriously, and it didn't take long for her to learn.

This set of massage techniques, in fact, is to massage several acupuncture points such as Yongquan acupoint and Neiguan acupoint to promote blood circulation and relax the mood.

When the massage was over, her face regained a little ruddy, and her expression was a little surprised: "It's really amazing Xiaoyu, after this set of massage, I really feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable

!" Qin Hongyu smiled, and was about to answer, but the foreign man said disdainfully: "Ignorance

!" "This is just the result of psychological suggestion!" As he spoke, he flipped through the cases again, knocked on the series of physical examination reports on it, and said loudly, " You have uremia, and your condition has completely worsened, understand?"

The foreign man still said angrily: "This situation, even in the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine, which is second to none in the world in medical development, is impossible to cure, let alone in Huaxia, where you guys are still superstitious about what bullshit 'Chinese medicine' and 'witchcraft' are bluffing!"

"You, it's hopeless, understand?"

At this moment, not only the third aunt's face was ugly, but even the faces of the doctors of Nansha People's Hospital such as Director Wang were also ugly.

This gringo not only ruthlessly crushed the patient's hope in front of the patient, but also severely belittled the process of Chinese medicine and the crystallization of the wisdom of

the Chinese miracle doctors of the past dynasties in front of many Chinese doctors, "Chinese medicine"! This is no longer of low quality, but a naked contempt and slap in the face!

However, because of the identity of this gringo, those doctors and nurses dare not speak out in anger -- no matter how angry they are in their faces and hearts, they do not dare to refute a word.

Only Qin Hongyu.

He smiled, then looked at Director Wang, pointed at the gringo with one hand and asked, "Who is this stupid fork?"

In the ward, many doctors who felt that they had a bad breath suddenly coughed violently again to hide their almost uncontrollable laughter.

The foreign man's face was as ugly as eating Xiang.

Just today, right here, Qin Hongyu had already ignored him twice

in a row! Before that, no Chinese had ever dared to give him such a faceless and rude to him

like this! He was very angry

! Director Wang was also happy in his heart, but he could sense the look of the foreign man, and he still pretended to be serious on the surface and said: "This is the top expert in nephrology of the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine-Dr. Stark King! Dr. Kim is the most outstanding and talented doctor

in the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine in the past 20 years!""He was admitted to the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine at the age of 16, completed his medical bachelor's degree at the age of 19 with the first grade in the school, and graduated with a world-famous thesis at the age of 23! He is the youngest undergraduate and doctoral graduate in the history of the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine!""

Today, although he has only been practicing medicine for five years, he is already one of the top experts in nephrology in the world! He is known as the 'son of tomorrow

' of the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine!" "This time, on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine, he participated in an expert seminar in Nanyue Province some time ago. The director of our hospital, who has admired his name for a long time, specially invited him to come to our hospital and give him guidance to work for a week.

When they heard these titles and gimmicks, the expressions of the doctors and nurses, who were still angry on their faces, turned to amazement and admiration.

Although Stark King's mouth is very stinky, his attainments and achievements in the field of medicine are indeed beyond their reach

! Even, even if they struggle all their lives, it is almost impossible

for them to match them! This is the pride of heaven in the true sense of the word, a medical prodigy!

Stark King noticed the envy, admiration, or convincing eyes of the many doctors around him, and he was quite complacent.

Qin Hongyu didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and said directly to Director Wang: "Then can you please tell him that my third aunt is going to rest."

Director Wang was stunned for a while.

Stark King's face instantly darkened.

Although he only temporarily held Buddha and learned Chinese for less than a year, he could understand that Qin Hongyu was driving himself away!

"I don't know how to do it!" He snorted coldly, "The patient's improvement this time is just an intermediate stage among the countless possible lesions, and by tomorrow at the latest, the lesions are estimated to be all completed." When the time comes, the results of the medical examination will speak for themselves.

Qin Hongyu smiled, clenched his fists, and still looked at Director Wang: "Do you need me to be more straightforward?" Director Wang

saw his already clenched fist, and immediately took Stark King away half-persuaded and half-pulled.

As soon as Stark King left, the group of people who had been around the door of the ward followed.

The room was clean again.

Qin Hongyu immediately went over and closed the door of the ward, locked it with his hand, and then looked at the third aunt on the hospital bed.

The third aunt's expression was originally a little depressed, but when she saw Qin Hongyu looking at her, she immediately cheered up and said seriously: "Xiaoyu, don't worry, the third aunt will not give up." "

Man will conquer heaven!".

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