Qin Hongyu smiled.

After the third aunt fell asleep, he anesthetized it again and began the second course of acupuncture.

This time, I don't know if he is relatively proficient, although it still makes him feel very exhausted, but when the acupuncture is over, there is still a little bit of energy left.

Qin Hongyu used his last bit of strength to put a thin blanket on the wooden bench in the ward, and then fell asleep.

The next day, when the morning sun poured in through the window of the hospital room, he barely woke up.

When I woke up, the third aunt was folding the quilt.

Her complexion seems to have recovered a lot, and even her spirit is much fuller, and when she folds the quilt, her movements look very natural and powerful.

"Third aunt, how are you feeling today?" Qin Hongyu asked.

The third aunt turned her head and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu is awake? The third aunt is much better, don't worry."

Qin Hongyu didn't know if she was afraid that she was worried about telling a lie or if she was really much better, so she just smiled and nodded.

After washing, he was about to accompany the third aunt to have breakfast, when the little nurse came over and reminded: "The physical examination arranged by Mr. Stark will start at half past nine this morning. so as not to affect the results of the physical examination. The

third aunt nodded hurriedly, but her expression was obviously a little nervous.

Qin Hongyu knew that it must have been Stark King's words last night, which made the third aunt still feel guilty, and immediately reminded in a low voice: "Man will win the day."

Only then did the third aunt regain some of her vigor and nodded.

Shortly after the two had breakfast, the little nurse came again.

This time, she was followed by Stark King, Director Wang and others.

Stark King personally presided over the third aunt's physical examination.

When the physical examination was all over and he began to wait for the final results to come out, he once again opened the case of the third aunt, and said without hurry: "This time the physical examination should be able to see that the improvement last time was actually just an illusion."

Although Director Wang didn't like his tone and disrespectful attitude towards patients, he also fell silent.

Because, from a scientific point of view, as well as their experience in studying medicine for many years, it is indeed impossible to cure advanced patients with uremia at today's medical level.

At least, so far, there has never been a precedent for someone to cure a patient with advanced uremia! Unless a suitable kidney is found and the patient is replaced!

Although the third aunt of Qin Hongyu has improved this time, although it is somewhat unexpected, but from the perspective of experience and common sense, it is very likely that it is really just an illusion as Stark King said.

After the third aunt saw the expressions of the doctors, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Qin Hongyu smiled and comforted, "Isn't the result of the physical examination still out yet?"

Stark King sneered and didn't answer.

Director Wang and other doctors did not say anything.

Seeing this, the third aunt became more and more uneasy.

Stark King looked down and turned over the case again.

When he saw a certain page, he said casually: "After the last operation, how did you recover? The case said that the operation was very successful, and it is expected that the patient will live for about three years if he is properly cared for, is it really fake?" "

With the medical conditions on your side, if you can let the patient live for three more years, it will be a great surgical result."

Stark King said, looking at Director Wang.

Director Wang was about to answer when an assistant came over with a physical examination report.

Stark King got the report and didn't rush to open it, but just glanced at Qin Hongyu and the third aunt.

After Director Wang and the other doctors came over, he opened it without hurry.

But when he saw the first page of the physical examination report, the sneer on his face stiffened.

Director Wang and others were full of disbelief --

the physical examination report showed that Qin Hongyu's third aunt's recovery was extremely good, not only had her immunity recovered to a level close to that of a normal person, but her kidney function had also partially recovered, and her body's metabolic level had also recovered nearly 30%!

The so-called uremia is not an independent disease, but a group of clinical syndromes. In the terminal stage of chronic renal failure, the three major functions of the kidneys are lost, and a series of symptoms and metabolic disorders appear, so that uremia is formed.

According to the physical examination report, Qin Hongyu's third aunt's physical condition is now infinitely close to the state of just suffering from uremia, compared to the previous late stage of uremia, the recovery is not half a star!

"How is it possible?" Stark King was a little dazed.

This is not at all in line with the common sense of medicine that he has studied

! Moreover, it is completely beyond his knowledge of nephrology

! Chronic kidney failure, in the countless cases that have been preceded, is simply impossible to reverse or even say to be better!

But now, Qin Hongyu's third aunt, in a place where he thinks that the development of medicine is far behind the Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine, has improved?

He is now a little skeptical about life.

The third aunt was a little surprised when she saw this, and asked with a smile, "Doctor, how is the situation?" "

It has improved a lot, and I have recovered more than during yesterday's physical examination!" Dr. Wang was also a little dazed.

When the third aunt heard this, she couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Qin Hongyu was completely relieved.

Facts have proved that the system is still very reliable

! Moreover, the medical skills of the ancestors are very stable!

He smiled and said to the third aunt: "We Chinese people are outstanding people, and what we lack most is miracles. Third aunt, remember to insist on doing the massage I taught you, and strive for a speedy recovery. "

Okay! The third aunt must massage it every day, ten times or eight times a day!" the third aunt smiled from ear to ear.

Since she learned from Stark King yesterday that she was hopeless, and today she learned that she would not live for three years after surgery, she has been hanging a boulder in her heart, and now she hears the doctor say that she has recovered a lot, and the boulder that weighed on her heart has really fallen! Maybe Stark

King is indeed a medical wizard and a top expert in the field of nephrology...... However, just as Qin Hongyu said, the most important thing to lack is

miracles! There are always people who want to create miracles, so why can't that person be herself?

Thinking of this, she completely regained her confidence.

Seeing this, Qin Hongyu glanced at Stark King, who was still doubting his life, and sent the third aunt back to the ward.

On the way back, Xia Tiantian came to WeChat: "Same table, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the indoor basketball court of Nansha No. 3 Middle School, don't forget to come and practice with me."

"You must not forget. See you in the afternoon. After Qin Hongyu replied to the message, he sent an emoji by the way.

After settling the third aunt, he immediately left the hospital and went straight to the nearby shopping mall.

He still doesn't have a decent set of sports equipment.

And for the next period of time, I have to show my face often in front of Xia Tiantian's team members, and I can't wear too casually or without a face.

Anyway, money is not an issue, new equipment must be arranged!

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