After going home with Qin Hongyu, the third uncle thought about it, but he still didn't want Qin Hongyu to have too much pressure.

He pulled Qin Hongyu to the aisle, lit a cigarette, and said without hurry: "Xiaoyu, have you considered what kind of person you want to be in this life and what kind of thing you want to be?"

As the smoke rose and loomed, the third uncle narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a little reminiscence.

Qin Hongyu didn't know why the third uncle would mention this to him, so he didn't say anything.

The third uncle took another puff of cigarette and said without hurrying or slowing: "The third uncle used to be from the army, and before he was about to retire, because of the outstanding performance of the third uncle, the army gave the third uncle two choices: one is to go to the Southern Military Region and receive officer training, after the training, the third uncle can stay in the army and become an officer;

"At that time, many relatives and friends advised me to stay in the army.

"Because, according to the practice in the army at that time, it was a very rare opportunity to go to the Southern Military Region for training, and once you participated in the training, it was almost inevitable that you would be promoted to captain in five years, and it would not be difficult to be promoted to colonel officer within ten years, and it could be said that the future was bright."

"But surely you know the results. When the third uncle said this, he smiled with satisfaction, "The third uncle chose to retire."

Qin Hongyu looked at him.

The third uncle had never told him about these before, and it was the first time he knew about it.

The third uncle also glanced sideways at him, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to know why?"

Qin Hongyu nodded.

The third uncle actually showed a rare hint of ...... Sweet...... 's smile is a bit like a shy teenager in love, "Because of your third aunt."

Qin Hongyu was a little stunned, but he still listened patiently.

"The third uncle and your third aunt are childhood sweethearts. The third uncle continued unhurriedly, "However, when I was a child, the third uncle's family was poor, so poor, so poor that he couldn't afford to study, and even life was difficult."

"So your third aunt, when I didn't understand the fart at that time, resolutely ran out to start a small business after graduating from primary school, so that I could study and become a talent.

When he said this, the third uncle took a puff of cigarette and said with a slight emotion: "Do you know that your third aunt fought a lot at that time, such a young girl, before dawn in the morning, picked up two baskets of eggs or vegetables or melons and fruits in the field, and went all the way to the city to sell them...... Day after day, year after year!, I was stunned to support your third uncle to finish junior high school and high school!"

"Your third aunt is only more than 1.4 meters now, and it is the problem of malnutrition at that time, plus the long-term pressure of heavy burdens.

"When I was younger, I didn't understand. By the time I graduated from high school, it was too late.

"So, no matter how firm your third aunt was at that time, I didn't let her work so hard and make money for me to go to college. I gave up the opportunity to go to university and gritted my teeth and entered the army for further study. Before gritting my teeth and joining the army, I promised her that I would come back and marry her in five years.

"In those days in the army, I never forgot my promise, let alone your third aunt's dedication for me

!" "So, in that fateful decision, after learning that it would take two years to participate in the training, I chose to retire without the slightest hesitation!"

The third uncle said, showing a rather proud smile: "Many people think I'm not worthy, and many people say I'm stupid." However, none of them knew that, in my own opinion, it was the most correct and important decision of my life.

Qin Hongyu was a little shocked.

After the third uncle smoked the last puff of cigarette, he glanced at Qin Hongyu deeply, and said seriously: "Xiaoyu, I'll tell you this, it's nothing else." I just hope you can understand that although money, fame and fortune are important, there are some things that are more important than them. For example

, how to be a good man -- as a man, you must be true to your word and repay your kindness! As a man, you must have a sense of responsibility for your family and career! As a man, you must think twice about what you say and do! As a man, you must be resolute and strong, and be decisive in killing!

As a

man, you must

know how to compromise and at the same time be able to stick to the bottom line.

As a man, you must be lenient with others, but if you have revenge, you will get revenge!"

Speaking of this, the third uncle threw the cigarette butt aside, and then continued: "As long as you can do this, the third uncle will be proud of you." As for making the third aunt and third uncle live better, it's good that you can do it, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

Qin Hongyu was like thunder, only to feel that the young man's body, the blood was boiling all of a sudden!

The third uncle was not in a hurry, and after patting him on the shoulder with a smile, he returned to the house.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Hongyu understood the third uncle's intentions.


comprehending the third uncle's intentions and good intentions, Qin Hongyu turned his head, looked at the third uncle who was cooking in the house, smiled and whispered, "Third uncle, you are very right.

"However, children make choices, I want them all!"

"I not only want to be a man, but also let you and your third aunt live a life of human beings."

Speaking of this, Qin Hongyu silently clenched his fists.

If he wants the third uncle and three aunts to live a life of human beings, then he will achieve two goals next: first, be rich, and second, have social status.

Money is not everything, but it solves 99 percent of the world's problems.

And social status can solve some problems that the rest of the money can't solve

!"Since that's the case, then I'll set a small goal and earn him 100 million! Then, strive to become a celebrity in the entire Nansha City and even Nanyue Province!"

After clarifying the goal, Qin Hongyu returned to the room, opened the system interface again, opened the god-level library, and selected the 'Wu' category among the second-level books.

On the way home from the hospital, he thought that he must learn martial arts first.

Martial arts can strengthen the body, martial arts can strengthen the body, and martial arts can be angry and blood splashed five steps when encountering injustices!

And most importantly, learning martial arts can defend oneself and better protect the people around you.

He didn't want to be in the same situation as today at the entrance of the hospital, where he was accidentally hit and almost killed by a stupid fork

! Although he is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble, there are always stupid forks who want to harm me

! To learn martial arts, you must learn

martial arts! Moreover, while reading books and comprehending martial arts, you can still continue to make money and make steady progress towards small goals, how beautiful is it?

Qin Hongyu thought about it and began to flip through the books in the 'martial arts' category.

"The Book of Fists? This book doesn't seem to be famous enough? "

"The Book of Swords", using a sword is quite handsome and sassy, but modern society does not allow it at all, if you carry a sword with you, it is estimated that you will have to be taken to the police station as soon as you go to the street. Neither will this one. "

Inner Family Fist Method", this seems to be a little interesting, but it seems to be missing a little meaning?"

""Jade Girl Heart Sutra", this one can only be practiced by combining the body, it's too yellow, but I like it!"


When Qin Hongyu was picking his eyes, he suddenly saw a copy of "Bruce Lee's Techniques", and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Bruce Lee's technique sounds very cowhideous, and there is a head!

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