After all, near China and far away in the world, no one knows

Bruce Lee! His legendary life is already a myth that cannot be copied!

Bruce Lee, formerly known as Li Zhenfan, is a foreign Chinese whose ancestral home is Foshan.

He is also the founder of Jeet Kune Do, turning violent movements into beautiful melodies, letting Westerners know

Chinese kung fu, and promoting kung fu to the world! He is a pioneer of world martial arts reform, a martial arts striker, a martial arts philosopher, a UFC pioneer, the father of MMA, a martial arts master, the pioneer of kung fu films and the founder of Jeet Kune Do, and a Chinese martial arts film actor!

He is a martial artist who wrote the word KungFu into the English dictionary, and he is also the first Chinese actor to work hard in Hollywood. His martial arts concepts and theories surpassed those of that era, and the UFC, which matches his theories and is now very popular, has only just appeared in the past 20 years

! The kung fu movies he starred in have also made action movies the mainstream of Hong Kong films, so that these later action superstars have only succeeded by standing on his shoulders

! His contribution to the Chinese film industry has never been erased, and his four and a half films in Hong Kong have broken the historical record three times!

It is precisely because of this that Bruce Lee was selected by "Time" In

addition to the glory and aura of this body, what Qin Hongyu likes the most is Bruce Lee's kung fu concept of integrating hundreds of martial arts, as well as his unprecedented integration of martial arts into one word and deed, and decades of being the same - finally surpassing the limits of the human body, and even surpassing his master Wing Chun Ip Man, becoming the most shining martial arts master in modern times!

! According to the data, Bruce Lee's martial arts were unprecedented in the era when there were no computer special effects, and no one has ever seen it since. Even, in order for the audience to understand, the movements of the martial arts during the filming had to be slowed down many times during the film screening so that people could see clearly

! So that even though he had passed away for a long time, he was still synonymous with kung fu

! Bruce Lee had three major stunts: Hook Leak Hand, Inch Fist, and Li Sanjiao, each of which was fruitful! There were also some stunts, such as extreme hands, heavy fists, fine martial arts fingers, two-section sticks, short sticks, and empty-handed swords and guns...... It

can be said that a large part of the reason why Chinese martial arts can go to the world is because of his ......

Qin Hongyu looked at "Bruce Lee's Technique" and quickly immersed himself in it.

The lines of words in the book seem to derive pages of pictures in his eyes, and between the transitions of the pictures, Bruce Lee's life is interpreted on it. Every movement and every essence of his technique seems to come to life.

So much so that when Qin Hongyu was immersed in reading, he didn't notice that his body would imitate it from time to time, intentionally or unintentionally.

The first time, I read it in just a few hours.

In the prompt sound of the system, in addition to reminding him that he has reaped hundreds of thousands of reading benefits, there is no hint of comprehension skills.

Qin Hongyu has learned from the previous experience of learning the "Green Capsule Sutra", and he is already as stable as an old dog. After listening to the system prompts at this moment, there was no mood swing at all.

After taking a few breaths, he began to read it a second time.

Soon, the second reading ends.

Still nothing.

Qin Hongyu was not in a hurry at all, and continued for the third time.

Fourth time.

Fifth time.

...... sixth time

Later, Qin Hongyu also forgot how many times he had repeatedly read "Bruce Lee's Technique".

On the afternoon of the sixth day of repeated reading, after Qin Hongyu found nothing again, he clicked on the mobile banking app with some fatigue.

Reading the same book repeatedly, especially a book with no story, no plot, and full of dry goods, is a very tiring and even very irritating thing. Especially when even I am not sure about myself, I don't know how many times

I have to read a book repeatedly, that kind of irritability and tiredness will continue to accumulate and expand! However, when I found that I was reading and reading repeatedly, the balance actually rose to 2.8 million, and Qin Hongyu's irritability and tiredness were suddenly alleviated:

"It seems that I have earned more than 300,000 yuan, which can be regarded as a small step towards a small goal."

"In this way, these six days are not considered nothing. After

comforting himself, Qin Hongyu took a deep breath.

When your mind calms down, you can start immersing yourself in reading again.


After brushing it twice in a row but getting nothing, Qin Hongyu was about to go out to relax after brushing it for the last time, but God Dad finally pampered him again.

When he finished brushing "Bruce Lee's Technique" for the third time, a wonderful system prompt appeared: "Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the inheritance of Bruce Lee's technique." Learn Bruce Lee's striking techniques.

At the same time, Qin Hongyu clearly felt that a subtle feeling swept through his body.

Immediately, he felt that his ability to perceive and mobilize the muscles, joints, and even all parts of his body seemed to have improved a lot. Moreover, Bruce Lee's stunts, such as inch fists, Li Sanjiao, hook and leak hands, etc., seem to have long been integrated into his bones, as long as he has a mind, he can skillfully display them.

"Inch fist!" Almost as soon as his mind moved, Qin Hongyu blasted out with a solid inch fist.

As soon as the inch fist came out, there was a burst of angry explosions!

"Cowhide, it's too cowhide

!" "Thank God Dad, thank you System Dad!" Qin Hongyu was moved to cry, and after reciting it silently twice in his heart, he decisively opened the system interface

: "Host: Qin Hongyu

Age: 17

Strength: 18 (10 above average) Agility: 18 (10 above average

)." Spirit: 140 (Level 2, above average 10

) [Reading Skills]: Reading Speed Lv1 Comprehension Ability Lv1 Memory Ability Lv1


Green Capsule Sutra, Lv4 (Divine Doctor) Green Capsule Acupuncture, Lv4 (Divine Doctor

) Bruce Lee Technique, Lv2 (Mastery Level)".

At the end of (Divine Doctor) and (Mastery), there is a small question mark each.

Qin Hongyu was already familiar with these things, so he immediately clicked on them and checked them.

The question mark prompt after the mastery level reads: "Martial arts are divided into entry-level, mastery-level, small-level level, Dacheng level, and grandmaster level."

"Among them, the entry-level is those who have a solid foundation in martial arts and a first glimpse of the way, which can compete with about 10 ordinary adults; the proficient level is those who have a solid foundation and have entered the path of martial arts, which can rival about 30 ordinary adults; those who are small into the classroom are those who have a solid foundation and martial arts, which can compete with about 60 ordinary adults, such as Wing Chun Ip Man; Those who are perfect in martial arts can rival more than 150 ordinary adults, such as Bruce Lee, and the grandmaster, who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, is invincible if there are not 500 people!

" After Qin Hongyu read the prompt, he was stunned for a while: "So bite? I can pick dozens of people at once now?"

Just as he sighed, he suddenly heard a sigh from outside the door.

Qin Hongyu walked out of the door and took a look, only to find that it was the third uncle who was watching the live broadcast with his mobile phone.

He was a little surprised, and when he leaned over to take a look, the title of the live broadcast room read: "I'm not targeting anyone, but saying that Chinese martial arts are all rubbish—— fighting boxers, and fake madman Xu Dong".

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