Qin Hongyu keenly caught Xu Dong's small movements, and immediately turned his gaze to his assistant, and asked in a cold voice: "Did you send it yourself, or did you want me to pick it up myself?"

Xu Dong's assistant saw that he was about to do it if he didn't agree with him, and only felt that it was like a mang on his back, and after a little hesitation, under the desire to survive, he took out a mobile phone and handed it over tremblingly.

Qin Hongyu took the phone and shouted at him, "Point the live camera at me."

Xu Dong's assistant didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly pointed the camera at Qin Hongyu.

Qin Hongyu unlocked his phone and found the video of Xu Dong challenging the owner of the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall yesterday.

Sure enough, this thing was hung and beaten by Xiao Shuai's second master yesterday, but after being defeated, he pretended to be modest and studious, and asked Xiao Shuai's second master for Wing Chun knowledge...... Then when Xiao Shuai's second master was distracted, he showed the steel thorn on the sole of his shoe and kicked it Xiao Shuai's second master's right knee!

Xu Dong heard the sound released from the mobile phone, and immediately knew what Qin Hongyu was putting on, his face was embarrassed for a while, and he simply buried his face on the ground.

"Scum!" Qin Hongyu glanced at him coldly, then replayed the video and pointed it at the live camera, "I won't say anything superfluous." The uncut version of the video about Xu Dong's challenge to the owner of the Wing Chun gym yesterday is here, everyone can watch it for themselves. In

the live broadcast room, there was an instant silence.

Xu Dong's assistant twisted his head to the side with a red face, as if there were hundreds of ants biting in his heart, and he lived like a year!

He knew very well what yesterday's challenge was, and he also knew very well that Xu Dong was just a piece of garbage for hype and unscrupulous means.


, in view of the generous salary given to him by Xu Dong, he has always assisted Xu Dong with a clear conscience, and even took the initiative to help Xu Dong ......

adviceAt this moment, when the fig leaf was publicly torn open, facing the quiet live broadcast room and the surrounding onlookers, he felt like he was being publicly executed!

Qin Hongyu didn't say a word, and when the video was over, he still didn't say anything, but chose to replay it again.

Xu Dong's assistant had a feeling that he had been publicly executed again, and his brain was in a daze.

Subconsciously, he wanted to run away. But before he could step out of his legs, he was dragged by Qin Hongyu on the back of his neck.

"Did I say let you go?" Qin Hongyu's voice didn't carry any emotion.

Xu Dong's assistant couldn't help but shudder, and he didn't dare to move anymore.

Soon, the video replay was over.

Qin Hongyu moved his phone away and asked at the camera, "Did everyone see it clearly?"

There was still a long silence in the live broadcast room.

Qin Hongyu didn't care, he just lowered his head and opened his mobile phone, all of Xu Dong's Weibo, WeChat, Toutiao and other social media, uploaded the video just now, and accompanied it with the text: "I am the real garbage, in order to hype up the unscrupulous garbage, I apologize to Wing Chun and Chinese martial arts!"

When he finished posting all the videos, the live broadcast room was already completely fried:

"Is this something that people can do?"

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Nansha Bruce Lee today who exposed the truth, I really can't believe that people would be so bad

!" "The Wing Chun master in the distressed video is obviously full of kung fu, but he treats others modestly, but he is used by a shameless slut like Xu Dong and makes such a ruthless hand!" "

Have you all noticed, when Xu Dong sneaked up on the master and stabbed the master with a steel thorn on the soles of his shoes, how hideous and proud was his expression? This beast is not as good as it, and it is still proud of the success of its sneak attack?"

"I don't know why, I want to cry a little. That old master, must be very painful and uncomfortable, I saw that when he was kicked by a kick, goosebumps all over his body rose, and his face turned pale directly...... Moreover, the leg in the back didn't seem to be able to be used at all, and when he parried Xu Dong's combination punch, his whole body was shaking with pain

!""Lao Tzu said that Xu Dong is an immortal banban!The thing raised by the son of a bitch, Lao Tzu is really stupid and his scalp is numb, so he will powder a scum like you!

""Only when you are blind will you powder this kind of thing +1" "

I don't want to say anything, I wish Xu Dong a bastard thing to explode on the spot and return to the West as soon as possible!"

However, I still thank Nansha Bruce Lee, let us know the truth and no longer be deceived!

" "Thank you Nansha Bruce Lee +1

" "Those videos and apologies on Weibo and headlines just now were sent by Brother Xiaolong, let's go around and let more people see the truth." lest a rotten person like Xu Dong be deleted by PR again!

" "Transferred

!" "Go and transfer immediately!" Thank you Brother Xiaolong!"


Seeing the barrage frantically brushed up in the live broadcast room, Qin Hongyu remembered that even if he uploaded the video to the Internet, it was still possible that it would be publicized or deleted.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Xiao Shuai and the others, and asked, "Which of you knows the Internet better, is there a way to quickly make these videos spread more widely, and it is best to make Xu Dong and others unable to delete them in a short period of time?"

The little wolf seemed to be a little afraid of Bruce Lee in Nansha, and said weakly: "I know some hacking techniques, if this phone is in my hands, I should be able to keep these videos on the Internet for at least 24 hours."

"I'll leave it to you. Qin Hongyu said and handed him the phone casually.

On the ground, Xu Dong, who originally fantasized about quickly contacting crisis public relations when he escaped this catastrophe, suddenly felt cold when he heard this.

On the other side, his assistant couldn't help but swallow hard.

With his understanding of Internet netizens, once these videos cannot be taken down within a few hours, they will definitely be spread to the whole network

! At that time, Xu Dong and him, it will really be cold

! Moreover, what is more serious is that the wall is down and everyone pushes ——

once the truth of this incident ferments, a lot of black material before the two will definitely be exposed by netizens!

Based on Xu Dong's previous record of eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, and drugs, I am afraid that at that time, they will not only become the target of everyone's shouting and beating

, but they may also have to go to prison to eat in prison! And if you want to prevent these disasters from breaking out, the best way is to find a way to calm the anger of Bruce Lee in Nansha, let him delete those videos, and turn the big thing into a small one!

Thinking of this, he quickly rushed to Xu Dong's side and said nervously: "Brother Dong, if we continue like this, we will both have to finish the game...... Otherwise, let's admit it, right?"

Xu Dong obviously also thought of the crux of the problem, his face was extremely ugly, but after hesitating for a moment, he decided to listen to the assistant's suggestion, first find a way to stabilize Qin Hongyu, and turn the big thing into a small one.

As for today's revenge, of course, he can't afford not to take revenge!

Anyway, as long as he waits for today's hurdle, he has a way to get back

on the ground! As soon as he thought of this, he got up from the ground with difficulty, and after adjusting his emotions for a while, he was ready to sincerely apologize.

But at this moment, a violent engine roar sounded outside the martial arts hall.

Then, Xu Fei led Da Hei, and there were dozens of people, and the momentum rushed in!

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