Xu Fei didn't look at the situation at the scene, and quickly said to Da Hei: "Brother Da Hei, according to the feedback from my informant, Qin Hongyu's little cub will definitely come here today!"

Da Hei nodded and said aloud to the dozens of people behind him: "Fence this place for me!"

Dozens of people in black heard the wind and quickly surrounded the scene.

There was a commotion in the martial arts hall.

Da Hei was afraid that the target would take advantage of the chaos to escape, and said angrily: "Stay where I am, no one is allowed to move without my permission!" Qin

Hongyu recognized him, and also heard the conversation between him and Xu Fei, and immediately understood that this thing was coming for himself, and Xu Fei This guy actually started his dog's legs, and it seems that he sent someone to keep an eye on himself?

"You are so dragging, do your parents know?" He glanced at the two of them, and then kicked Xu Dong on the ground without a trace.

Xu Dong suddenly let out a wail.

Xu Fei immediately recognized that this was his father's voice, and immediately turned his head to look at it.

When he saw the figure sitting paralyzed on the ground, and the assistant who was trembling on the side, he was stunned: "Dad

?" Da Hei heard the voice and followed along: "Master?" As he spoke, he was also stunned.

Qin Hongyu was also stunned for a second when he heard this title.

He knew the relationship between Xu Fei and Xu Dong, but he really didn't know that there was still a master-apprentice relationship between Xu Dong and Da Hei.

However, since the two have this relationship, he can save some effort next.

Qin Hongyu glanced at the live broadcast equipment behind him without a trace, and after finding that it was still on, he pretended to be surprised and looked at Xu Dong on the ground, and his voice was a little cold: "These two are your apprentice and son?"

As soon as Xu Dong heard this, he knew that he didn't like Da Hei and Xu Fei's style, and he was afraid that he would do it, and he was even more afraid that he would be affected again; What are you two doing to make such a big battle

?" Xu Fei ran over quickly, helped Xu Dong up, and said with some horror: "Dad, why

are you ......" "Ask you, what are you and Da Hei doing?" Xu Dong pushed him away, and said coldly, "It's like an underworld!"

Xu Fei was a little confused.

Da Hei was also a little cowardly.

For this instructor, he is still a little afraid.

He subconsciously wanted to explain to Xu Dong, but Xu Dong said angrily: "How many times have I told you, learning martial arts is to strengthen the body and support justice, not to bully the weak and claim hegemony!

Hurry up and get out of here, if I find out that you are bullying people in the future, I will break the legs of the two of you in minutes!"

Xu Fei was even more stunned at this time, and said without thinking: "Dad, you shouldn't have been beaten to the point of confusion, right? I'm your son."

"Lao Tzu!" Xu Dong didn't expect that this stupid son hadn't figured out the situation yet, and he said such stupid things in front of so many live broadcast audiences, so he kicked it hard again in anger.

This kick, he was ruthless. stepped down, and was stunned and directly kicked Xu Fei to the ground.

After kicking, he gave Da Hei a quick look.

Da Hei was originally a little confused, but after receiving his eyes, he subconsciously glanced at it.

When he saw the live broadcast camera facing him, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat

! Fortunately, he hasn't done it yet, otherwise even if he has his back to the Liang family this time, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble

! As Xu Dong's disciple, he knows the horror of live broadcast very well! It's not like being recorded in a video, as long as the source of the video is disposed of afterwards, everyone's mouths can be blocked; the live broadcast means that once he does evil, the hundreds of thousands of people who are watching the live broadcast are all witnesses

! Not to mention the Liang family behind him, even if it is the big and young people of Nanyue Province, once they do something under the live broadcast camera of this kind of fire, I am afraid that they will not be able to eat and walk around!

No wonder Xu Dong reacted so violently!

The big black scalp was numb for a while, and after looking at the glasses without a trace, he quickly lied: "Master, don't get me wrong, it's our boss's wallet that was stolen, and your son said that his people seemed to be running over here when they saw the thief, so I ...... it

" "Then you can't be so domineering, understand? What should I do if I scare the children?" Xu Dong cooperated with the angry reprimand, "Besides, Lao Tzu has been here, I didn't see anyone coming, hurry up and take your people out!"

"Yes!" the big black bag couldn't get out early, and immediately glanced at the gang of subordinates around him, and said quickly with a pretentious appearance: "The little thief who stole our few things is not here, go look for it elsewhere!"

Xu Fei also saw the live broadcast camera at this time, and he also covered his mouth and face with an embarrassed expression, and ran out of the door quickly.

Qin Hongyu looked at the backs of the two of them, and said unhurriedly: "Listen to your master's words more, don't be a king and a hegemon outside, be a legal citizen." Otherwise, even if he doesn't teach you a lesson, I'll get you in trouble.

When Da Hei and Xu Fei heard this, they suddenly paused, and looked at this cosplay Bruce Lee guy with some puzzled expressions.

Xu Dong immediately became nervous again, and scolded angrily: "Have you heard Brother Xiaolong's words, let me be honest!" Da

Hei and Xu Fei didn't dare to refute anymore, and nodded hurriedly

, and then slipped away! After all of them withdrew, Xu Dong looked at Qin Hongyu with some flattery, "Brother Xiaolong, I have realized my mistake, and I will not make it again in the future." Look, can you give me another chance to be a new person and reform my ways

?" "Even if I can forgive you and give you a chance, will everyone give me?" Qin Hongyu asked rhetorically.

Xu Dong was stunned for a moment.

"Goodbye everyone!" Qin Hongyu didn't say more, just waved his hand towards the live broadcast camera, and then left quickly.

Behind the corner of the wall, a shadow that had been hidden in the dark saw this, revealing a thoughtful look.

After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind, gave up her plan to continue staring at Xu Dong, and left the martial arts hall quietly, keeping up with Qin Hongyu's footsteps.

At the same time, Xia Tiantian also got up quickly after Qin Hongyu left, and rushed out of the gate of the martial arts hall.

But the weird thing is that obviously her speed is already very fast, but when she rushed out of the gate of the martial arts hall, the figure of Nansha Bruce Lee has completely disappeared?

"Where is this guy hiding?"

Xia Tiantian walked out of the gate of the martial arts hall and looked around.

After looking around and not finding it, she was a little angry, and subconsciously took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Qin Hongyu.

But as soon as the phone was picked up, she suddenly thought: The reason why Qin Hongyu is unwilling to show his true face must have his reasons and hardships.

In this case, the most important thing I should do is to support and cooperate with him.

If the time comes, I believe he will definitely explain the reason to himself!

As soon as he thought of this, Xia Tiantian silently put down his mobile phone, as if nothing had happened, and turned around and returned to the martial arts hall.

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