Seeing Qin Hongyu, Xia Tiantian's eyes suddenly brightened because she had been waiting for a long time, and when Qin Hongyu walked to her, she deliberately pouted and turned her head angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, happy birthday!" Looking

at Xia Tiantian, who deliberately turned his head, Qin Hongyu raised the big bag in his hand, scratched his head, and said apologetically.

Xia Tiantian snorted lightly, obviously not planning to turn her head so easily.

"YSL small gold bar full set?"



Hearing this, Xia Tiantian, who was still going to be angry for a while, turned her head involuntarily.

At first, she thought that Su Mengmeng deliberately said this to deceive herself, but when she saw clearly that Qin Hongyu was really holding a full set of YSL small gold bars and lipsticks in her hand, as well as Dior's latest limited edition bag, she was stunned.

On the one hand, she was shocked why Qin Hongyu was so coincidental enough to know that she wanted these things, and on the other hand, she was shocked that Qin Hongyu was actually willing to spend so much money for her.

These gifts add up to nearly 200,000, not to mention that they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, even if they are boyfriend and girlfriend, they may not be willing to pay like this.

"You robbed the bank?" Xia Tiantian was just pretending to be angry, but now when she saw these gifts, she was all angry, and she was a little moved. It's just that she feels a little sorry for Qin Hongyu's wallet.

Qin Hongyu was about to speak, but Xia Tiantian said again, "These gifts are too expensive, I can't ask for them."

"You don't want to throw me away. Qin Hongyu said with a smile.

Su Mengmeng immediately said: "Where are you going to throw it?" Tell me, it doesn't matter what gift is not a gift, I just think this thing is a bit heavy, and I want to reduce the burden of sanitation workers."

Xia Tiantian glanced at her, and then silently accepted the gift, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise: "Thank you."

Seeing this, Su Mengmeng stepped aside sourly and gave them a little space.

The same goes for the Fat Boys, who turn on their phones and start their group chat again.

"Do you think this time Brother Qin will seize the opportunity to kiss him?/ Evil smile

" "Kiss one, kiss one, kiss one."

"I pinched my fingers, and the chances of kissing were not very high. "

Shut up!"


Just when the conversation in the group was in dire straits, Su Mengmeng couldn't eat lemon acid, and the atmosphere between Xia Tiantian and Qin Hongyu became more and more ambiguous, a discordant voice sounded: "Qin Hongyu, you are quite busy, you made an appointment with Xia Tiantian to meet at half past ten, and now it's almost half past eleven." I don't know if you have a big shelf, or don't you take Xia Tiantian to heart?"

Hearing this, all of them frowned slightly, and looked at the uninvited Gao Qiu with some displeasure.

Among them, Xia Tiantian was the most resentful: "What does it matter to you whether he is busy or not?" Also, how do you know that the agreement I made with him was half past ten instead of half past eleven?"

Gao Qiu didn't expect Xia Tiantian to defend Qin Hongyu so much, his face was a little ugly, and at the same time a little embarrassed.

Because he didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say that he had deliberately investigated.

After a moment of embarrassment, he forcibly changed the topic: "You must have checked your results at home before you came out, no wonder you came here so late, how did you do in the exam?" I feel that my average score in the exam this time is less than 700 points, and the provincial ranking is not more than 20." Hey, I thought I could be in the top five in the province, but I didn't expect to miss. As

he spoke, Gao Qiu made a distressed look.

But anyone can see that he is just showing off in disguise.

When Xia Tiantian heard this, she was a little disgusted at first, and then looked at Qin Hongyu with some worry.

Since nine o'clock, she has sent a WeChat message to Qin Hongyu to ask about the results, but Qin Hongyu has never replied. She was very suspicious that Qin Hongyu didn't do well in the exam, so she didn't dare to go back.

Also worried are fat people and others.

Although Qin Hongyu has always shown strong self-confidence, the college entrance examination is different from usual, there is only one chance, if he misses, he can only wait another year or regret it for life.

For a moment, everyone's eyes stayed on Qin Hongyu.

"I haven't checked yet. Qin Hongyu replied truthfully.

"You haven't checked it yet, you don't dare to check it, right?" Gao Qiu said with a slight sneer.

He was hit by Qin Hongyu just now, it took him a long time to recover, and he has been thinking about it, now that he has such an opportunity, he can't miss it.

Qin Hongyu didn't speak, he turned on his mobile phone directly, dialed 96040 for inquiries, and turned on the speakerphone.

When entering the admission ticket, everyone present was a little nervous.

Their tension varies.

Xia Tiantian was worried that Qin Hongyu did not do well in the exam, so he might not be in the same school or even the same city in the future.

Gao Qiu was afraid that Qin Hongyu would become a dark horse, after all, this was the case before.

Although the ranking of the twentieth place in the province is very high, it is almost impossible for Qin Hongyu to surpass him, but he is still faintly worried.

At this moment, a mechanical female voice came from the phone:

"Qin Hongyu, language 140." Hearing

this achievement, Xia Tiantian and the others felt a little more at ease.

Although Gao Qiu was a little surprised, this achievement was still within his bearing.

"Math 150. "

Full marks?"

everyone in the room had wide eyes and couldn't believe it was true.

Although Qin Hongyu also had a full score last time, this was the college entrance examination, and the full score in the college entrance examination was much more difficult than the usual full score!

Gao Qiu clenched his hands and held them harder.

At some point, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He wiped it briefly and muttered: "No matter how good Chinese and mathematics are, if English is not good, it is useless."

With that, he was a little less nervous.

English, 140.

As soon as the words fell, the fat man and the others cheered.

They knew that Qin Hongyu was the most proficient in English, and now his English was one hundred and forty, as stable as an old dog!

Xia Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, and once again remembered what Qin Hongyu had said before: "Where you go, I will go." The

corners of her mouth lifted involuntarily.

English 140, this sentence kept repeating in Gao Qiu's mind, and his face turned white all of a sudden.

At this moment, his mentality has changed, from wanting to abuse Qin Hongyu from the beginning, to only needing to surpass Qin Hongyu in the total score.

"Li Zong 296, the total score of 726, the highest score in the province. "

The highest score in the province

? Isn't that the top student in the college entrance examination?

When they heard this, everyone was stunned.

In the next second, the fat man and the others yelled.

They were sincerely happy that Qin Hongyu had achieved such results.

Surrounded by their cheers, Gao Qiu's face was bloodless, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

Xia Tiantian's eyes were full of joy, and there was a relieved smile on her face.

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