The fact that Qin Hongyu was the top student in the college entrance examination spread at the school gate under the cheers of the fat man and others.

Everyone gathered around:

"What's wrong with the top student in the college entrance examination? Am I envious? Am I jealous? Who has a tissue, borrow me to wipe my tears, the wind is too strong."

"Sure enough, it's destined for seven minutes, I heard that he was a scumbag some time ago. "

He is handsome, he studies well, and I heard that he is also a thief and has money, this is the legend that someone else's child is true, right?"


Everyone looked at Qin Hongyu's gaze, full of envy and jealousy, but there was no hatred.

Because most of them are ordinary people, the distance from him is too far away, and they can only look up.

Being watched by so many people, Qin Hongyu felt very uncomfortable, but for some reason, hearing what everyone said, he was inexplicably comfortable.

In particular, some people even asked him for autographs, and even asked to take photos with him.


course, Qin Hongyu didn't take a photo with anyone.

Because the people who want to take a photo are all girls, and Xia Tiantian is watching from the side.

Originally, Gao Qiu, who was one of the twenty in the province and could gain the attention of many people, was directly forgotten under the backdrop of Qin Hongyu.

This made his face extremely ugly.

He gritted his teeth, took a few deep breaths, and then walked to Qin Hongyu's side, barely squeezing out a smile: "Congratulations, I really didn't expect you to get such a good score in the exam." Hearing

this, the originally lively atmosphere cooled down suddenly.

No one expected that Gao Qiu would congratulate Qin Hongyu, even Qin Hongyu himself never thought of it.

He was about to speak, Gao Qiu continued: "In order to celebrate your good results in the exam, and to celebrate Xia Tiantian's birthday, I opened a box in the Nansha Club, please be sure to appreciate your face."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Nansha Club? This is the most famous top club in Nansha! I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to go to this kind of place",

"Where to spend at least tens of thousands of dollars in one night, right?"

"Brother Qiu is atmospheric!"


Seeing that everyone had shifted their attention to themselves, Gao Qiu's face softened slightly.

"But I heard that the Nansha Club has a membership system, even if you have money, you can't do it without a membership card. "The acne man who has been loyally licking the dog of Gao Qiu just now, made a sound at the right time.

Hearing this, the people who were originally enthusiastic were slightly disappointed.

Gao Qiu coughed lightly and said: "As a top-level club, Nansha Club really requires members to consume.

"However, don't worry, I just happen to have the membership card of the Nansha Club.

As he spoke, Gao Qiu pulled out a card from his pocket that glowed golden in the sun.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Gao Qiu with incredible eyes.

At this moment, in their eyes, Gao Qiu's image is much taller than Qin Hongyu's.

After all, most people don't know the price of Qin Hongyu's suit, so they think that Qin Hongyu is just studying well, and Gao Qiu is not bad at studying, and he still has money and status, which is strong and which is weak, it is clear at a glance.

"Gold membership card, this is a premium member, right?" asked the acne man, pretending to be surprised.

Gao Qiu nodded indifferently.

There was another uproar.

They thought that Gao Qiu was already great if he had a membership card, but they didn't expect that there would be a premium membership card!

Gao Qiu was very satisfied with everyone's response.

He looked at Qin Hongyu, who was forgotten by everyone because of himself, raised his eyebrows, and then looked at everyone and said: "I know that there can be some students whose grades are not very ideal, but don't panic, learning is the way to success, but not the only way;

This remark attracted the approval of most people, and everyone nodded one after another.

"Brother Qiu is right, no matter how good the grades are, what's the use, having money and status is the ultimate goal. "

Agreed. "

Everyone's concept has completely changed at this time, and there is no passion for Qin Hongyu, the top student in the college entrance examination.

Under the leadership of Gao Qiu, everyone rushed to the shuttle bus he had prepared early in the morning.

Nansha Club, not only Nansha City, in the province, is also a famous entertainment venue, the most ordinary waiters, the lowest are graduated from key universities, just because to bring higher service to guests.

There is such a saying in Nansha, if a rich person has never been to the Nansha Club, it is a local tyrant, and only if he has been to the Nansha Club, then he is a hero!

Everyone listened to Gao Qiu's introduction and was excited and excited.

Under everyone's expectations, the car soon arrived at the Nansha Club.

After getting off the bus, everyone was immediately shocked by the low-key but luxurious decoration of the Nansha Club.

Gao Qiu waved his hand, waited for everyone's eyes to look at him, and said: "Everyone must follow me after they go in, and they must be low-key, almost all the people in the high-end circle in Nansha City are inside, and one is better than the other."

Everyone nodded.

"Li Hongda, the owner of the Nansha Club, is good enough, right?" asked Gao Qiu.

And all the people looked at him.

"But you wouldn't have thought that there was a more critical figure in our Nansha City recently, Boss Li was directly beaten in public by a certain young man because he provoked this big man surnamed Qin, and finally Boss Li knelt down on the spot, I heard that the mysterious big man surnamed Qin was not yet twenty years old!"

In their opinion, the boss of the Nansha Club is already an unreachable figure, but they didn't expect that they would even kneel down and apologize to others.

Gao Qiu continued: "So, don't look down on anyone in it, they don't care if you are a student or not, they don't care about your grades, no matter your potential, even if you are the top student in the college entrance examination, it's useless." His

words were clearly for Qin Hongyu.

"That's right, Qin Hongyu, you had a pretty big temper before, don't make trouble here. "

Follow Brother Qiu and it's over." "

Everyone comes out to have fun, Brother Qiu's words are not rough, Qin Hongyu, you have to focus on the overall situation!"


When a few students who were close to Gao Qiu heard this, they immediately followed.

Without waiting for Qin Hongyu to speak, suddenly there was a commotion at the door.

I saw two men hurriedly walking out, followed by bodyguards in black suits.

"Boss Li, why are you here?"

Looking at one of the men, Gao Qiu greeted him in surprise.

At this moment, he felt that he had more face.

There were only a group of people at the door, and Li Hongda came out, definitely because his father told him.


Li, Boss of Nansha Club, Li Hongda

, Everyone looked at Gao Qiu's gaze completely changed, and became extremely adoratory and shocked.

They looked at Qin Hongyu who was standing aside disapprovingly, and shook their heads slightly, Qin Hongyu has a strong talent for learning, but in their opinion, it is up to Li Hongda to come out to greet Gao Qiu in person, and Gao Qiu is more than ten times more than ten times more than Qin Hongyu.

Unexpectedly, Li Hongda ignored Gao Qiu, who stretched out his hand, and passed past him.

Gao Qiu's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

When he saw Li Hongda stop in front of Qin Hongyu, his eyes widened, and he felt like a dream.

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