I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 124 Plot Mission Release

Lin Chuyu is Xia Meng's classmate. Unlike Xia Meng, she is a second-generation house girl who often likes to visit Meng Station.

The main reason is that the atmosphere of this website is very good, the user experience is also very good, there are no ads, and you can also watch barrage and send barrage. She likes this feature very much.

And you can watch a lot of good-looking anime, as well as interesting ghosts and some high-quality UP hosts. Now Lin Chuyu has to come up to visit the cute station every day.

Although the current users of Mengzhan are not comparable to the big video sites, Lin Chuyu feels that in the future this site will definitely take off.

Because several classic animations of Rise Animation were first broadcast on Moe.com, there are more and more users of Moe.com, and many of them like animation.

"I don't know if Rising Animation has updated new animations today."

As usual, Lin Chuyu opened the cute station, ready to see if there are any interesting videos and new updates on the rankings. As a result, after opening the homepage, he immediately saw a very huge picture of a girl in the second element.

At the same time, there was a line of big words on the girl's head.

"Spirited Away".

The title of "Spirited Away" is actually the name of the heroine. The heroine's original name was "Chihiro". When she was working in a soup house, she was deprived of her name by Tang Po and changed her name to "Qian" , The title is the two names of the heroine.

On the recommendation on the homepage of Mengzhan, a slightly immature girl is wearing a pink costume, with a background like a feasting flower street, but the girl looks back and looks very lonely in such a lively place.

This cover image has a very special charm in it.

Seeing the cover picture on the homepage, Lin Chuyu let out a cry.

"Huh? What kind of animation is this? Why doesn't it seem to have any impression, is it a new animation?"

Lin Chuyu was very curious, so she clicked on the recommendation of the cover. After clicking on it, she realized that this link was not an animation, but a trailer for an animated movie.

"Spirited Away"? What a strange name, is it the name of two people? It is actually a trailer of an animated movie," Lin Chuyu was a little strange, but since Moe Station can be promoted so vigorously, the quality should not be much worse. go with.

So she kept watching.

The trailer of the animated movie is only a few minutes. It looks like some clips in the movie, but the details can be seen a lot. That is, the animation seems to burn a lot of money. The character movements and pictures in it are very delicate. It's a big cost movie.

Although there are not many clips, the general plot can still be guessed. It is a girl who accompanied her parents into a mysterious world full of monsters. If the girl wants to survive in that world, she can only work in that world. Save the story of your parents.

This is Lin Chuyu inferred from the short trailer.

"The little girl in the animation looks very pitiful. She strayed into such a world by herself. She was a little looking forward to the following plot. And that cold boy is a little handsome. He should be the hero. Will it be a love animation?"

"It would be great if it's a romantic movie. I haven't watched an animated movie about love before."

Judging from the trailer, Lin Chuyu is still a little interested, but I don't see much of the plot for the time being. If this animation is released, she would be interested to watch it.

"Oh, it's a pity that no one will watch it with me, and I don't have a boyfriend. It's embarrassing to go to the movie alone. It would be nice if Xia Meng was with me."

The atmosphere suddenly became sad.


"By the way, this animated movie seems to be purely original?"

There was no reaction just now, but now Lin Chuyu realized that this animated film is actually a purely original plot.

Purely original!

Which animation company produced a purely original animation film? It is so swollen, how much trust you have to believe in your own animation quality to make such a purely original animation film.

It's not that Lin Chuyu looks down on purely original animation movies, but in today's environment, a little bit of skin, for example, with the help of some big IP, is indeed more advantageous than pure originality.

For example, in the movie, with the help of the IP in the four famous books, the IP with the background of Chinese mythology, and tell a story with a well-known domestic mythical character, the market will be much larger.

Although they are all storytelling, there is a difference between having an IP and no IP.

If purely original, Lin Chuyu is not very optimistic.

It's not that pure originality is a dead end, but pure originality must be of extremely high quality, good enough to have an explosive reputation, so that it can break the siege, half-dead pure original animation movies, the box office is definitely not good.

After all, animated movies have less audiences than other movies.

For example, most of the domestic animation movies with high box office are big movies of famous children's cartoons.

The main market for those movies is that parents take their children to watch. Older ones will go to the cinema to watch cartoons.

After the trailer was over, Lin Chuyu immediately went to see the comment area of ​​the trailer. What she didn't expect was that there were thousands of comments in the comment area, and the discussion was very high.

"Spirited Away, the name is a bit weird, but the production looks good, the original animated film must be supported!"

"This is produced by Rising Animation. The quality is guaranteed. I will definitely watch it when it is released."

"Yes, I heard that Rising Animation recruited a lot of people because of insufficient manpower some time ago. The manpower has been expanded several times, and it has been secretly producing an animation. No news was revealed in the middle, and a few Japanese animations were recruited. Supervisor, I guessed it would be a big move, but I didn’t expect it to be a new animated movie."

"It's true. I have followed the Weibo of the Japanese supervision. It is called Yamada Naoko. Her painter is superb."

"Rising Animation always makes the animation so silently. It hasn't been promoted in advance, and even the movie is about to be released, so I will promote it on Moe."

"looking forward to."


"Hey, it was actually made by Rising Animation."

After seeing the comments, Lin Chuyu noticed that "Spirited Away" was produced by Rising Animation.

I'm definitely going to see it now, even if I'm alone.


Regarding "Spirited Away", at Xia Ruo's request, Moe Station can be a vigorous publicity, not only at the top of the page, but also a lot of popular UP hosts, even in "Inuyasha" and "China Little Master Advertisements appeared at the back.

Even on other platforms, a lot of resources are spent on publicity. There is no way, even for a good-quality movie, enough publicity is needed.

During the period, Xia Ruo has been resting at home, the previous rhythm was a bit too fast, and the animation update is also, now I have slowed down the rhythm, has nothing to do with cooking, spends time with his family at home, and then goes to the world of "Inuyasha" to give Tsubaki Cooking, and then playing cats at home, life is a little leisurely.

For Xia Ruo, there is really no urgent task now. He is going to rest first, accumulate reputation to lv3, and increase his strength.

After "Spirited Away" is released, go to the world of "Inuyasha" to see if you can bring the jade of the four souls. "Spirited Away" is a finished film, which is different from ordinary movies that require post-modification and editing. It will be released in a month.

However, just the day before "Spirited Away" was released, the system rang.

Ding!Perceived the fuseable fantasy world, the fusion begins...]


Ding!The story mission mode is on, whether to accept the story mission.

So fast?

Xia Ruo thought it would take a while for the system to release the task.

"Wait a minute, I only have so few fantasy worlds. I don't remember those worldviews that can be integrated."

Ding!The story mission mode is on, whether to accept the story mission.

"Well, I accept."

No way, it doesn’t make sense to reason with the system. I can only accept it first. I don’t know what the plot task given by the system looks like. At least I have been with the system for so long. Xia Ruo thinks the system is still very conscientious. Anyone can follow directly, and there is no punishment for failure anyway.

[Story mission: rescue the lost girl.

The main world of the mission: Spirited Away

[Task requirements: The girl is about to stray into the fantasy world with her parents. The lost girl will encounter a major crisis. At this time, she needs your help. Your task is to protect her safety in the fantasy world and send her back to her original place. In this world, girls cannot die.

Duration: None

[Mission limitation: During the mission, it is not allowed to return to the real world, unless the mission is completed or abandoned. There is no penalty for giving up, but the mission target may die.

[Preparation time: Ten days, the task will officially start after ten days.


ps: I changed it temporarily today. The cervical spine is a little bit painful. I will fix it tomorrow morning.

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