I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 125: Preparing and Looking for Helpers

Xia Ruo looked at the plot task given by the system, a little confused.

"Strange, according to the original work, with the help of Bailong, Chihiro can't die, right? That is to say, if I don't do anything, the task can be completed directly?"

"It shouldn't be that simple. The plot task given by the system is definitely different from the original."

As for where it would be different from the original, Xia Ruo couldn't guess this. Without entering that world, who knew how it would develop.

Maybe in this plot task, the system will arrange a new plot.

and also.

The biggest difference between this mission and the past is that Xia Ruo can't return to the real world as before, that is to say, if she is trapped in the fantasy world and does not complete the mission, Xia Ruo can't return to reality.

Of course, after the system is also added, you can also give up the task, but giving up the task is equivalent to giving up the reward, and if you give up the task, Chihiro will also be life-threatening, so this task is more serious and more serious than usual. Be more formal.

"After ten days, I will start the plot task, which means that I have been given ten days of preparation time, ten days of preparation time, and I have to prepare some supplies."

Xia Ruo is familiar with the preparation of supplies.

Remember that in the world of "Spirited Away", customers spend all their money on gold, and the entire soup house is very greedy for money from top to bottom. With gold, you can spend casually in the soup house, and others treat you as an uncle.

At that time, the faceless men used the gold they turned into crazy consumption in the soup house. The rich faceless men were like the emperor and let the monsters in the soup house serve it.

Gold is very important.

Things like gold can be bought directly in the real world without any problems.

In fact, there is a lot of gold in Xia Ruo's space, and a lot of it. When Kazutsubaki was wandering in the world of Inuyasha, luck was very good. He met a few wealthy monsters. After getting rid of that monster, his A lot of gold has been found in the lair.

These golds were all taken over by monsters after eating the human caravans. I don't know what the monsters did with the gold. Even in that monster city, Xia Ruo found a lot of the city lord's property under the city lord mansion.

Those properties and Jin Chun could not be taken by one person, so Xia Ruo kept it with space. Even Xia Ruo's space was full, and the extra was placed in the corner of Xia Ruo's bedroom.

At that time, Chun said that it was five to five points with Xia Ruo. Let Xia Ruo hold her share first, and then give it to her. But then the two got together and Chun did not mention this matter. Xia Ruo went several times. She didn't even think of it.

The problem of money is thus solved.

"You have gold and money. The next thing you need to consider is force. If you don't have enough force, the success rate is not high. It is a bit difficult to get some firearms in the real world, and it may not be effective. I will not consider it for the time being."

Xia Ruo set his sights on his reputation bar again.

[Level lv2 (923210000)]

Looking at the growth rate of this prestige bar, Xia Ruo was very satisfied. There was so much prestige in one month's cultivation, which was already a lot.

"This speed can be upgraded in two or three days. When I reach lv3, my strength will be stronger, but lv3 is not enough. If I really fight with Tang Po, I still need a helper, a powerful helper."

Xia Ruo glanced over Tom at the same time.


Tom felt a chill and wanted to slip away for an instant, but Xia Ruo predicted Tom's position and reached out and grabbed Tom.

Xia Ruo put Tom in front of her.

"Don't run, go meet someone with me later."

Tom cleverly nodded his head.

Although he didn't know who the owner was going to see, Tom's instinct told him that his hard time was about to end again.

Xia Ruo took Tom to the world of "Inuyasha", and then looked around, let Tom ride a broom to take him off. Wanting to find a powerful helper, Xia Ruo thought of Kikyo for the first time. Look for the top combat power in the world of Inuyasha, and Kikyo's combat power is even the top group in this world.

After all, she was the strongest witch of the era.

As for Tsubaki, uh... uh, forget it.

"According to the information that Feng told me at the time, it should be in this position," Xia Ruo quickly passed by looking at the scenery on the ground on Tom's broom.

He actually didn't know where the village of Kikyo was, but at the time he asked Feng's approximate location, Feng also told Xia Ruo, as long as you follow this direction and keep asking people, no one in the local does not know Kikyo Miko.

Tom’s flying broom was very fast, and when Xia Ruo felt that he should land, and then asked a village about the location, Xia Ruo suddenly looked at a noodle monster flying in front of Tom.

It was the kind of ordinary flying monster, and the long one, like an earthworm, with a head of more than one meter in diameter and a body of more than ten meters in length. A large piece of cannon fodder in the world of Inuyasha.

"Tom, get close to it," Xia Ruo immediately gave an order to Tom.


Tom responded, controlled the broom, and quickly approached the noodle monster. Tom's magic broom was much faster than the flying monster. In the blink of an eye, Xia Ruo was side by side with the monster.

"Brother, excuse me, how can I get to the village where Miko Kikyo is?" Xia Ruo smiled and politely asked the way to the monster next to her.


The noodle monster blinked and confirmed that he was not dazzled.

It is indeed a person, there is also a cat, and two creatures are riding a stick and asking themselves for directions. Wait a minute, can humans fly?

The noodle monster shook his head. It must have been thinking too much. How could humans fly? And so strange, it must be a monster. It should be a monster's disguise, let alone a real human being.

"Brother, you have also heard the rumors that you are going to find the maiden Kikyo to grab the jade of the four souls. We are on the same road," the noodle monster grinned and replied to Xia Ruo with its blood bowl.

"Really? That's really lucky," Xia Ruo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that luck was so good that he happened to encounter this kind of cannon fodder to die.

"Yes, you can just follow me. I will take you to see the big army, the dog-like witch, who has killed a lot of monsters these days. I think the spiritual power has been exhausted. Today is her end, ha Haha..."

As he said, the noodle monster laughed wildly.


Hearing what it said, Xia Ruo was really worried about Kikyo. She had been guarding the jade of the four souls alone for a month. Xia Ruo really didn't know what the situation was with Kikyo.

According to the plot of the original story, even if the endless monsters attack like waves, Kikyo should not change their face.

Xia Ruo followed the monsters for a while, and the number of monsters flying around became more and more. The more you flew forward, the more monsters around. Many monsters joined in halfway, and many even flew up from the forest below. The monsters began to gather slowly.

This is the era of monsters. In this era, because of the wars and killings between humans, the monsters that grow on the land of resentment are endless and endless.

What's interesting is that among the monsters, there was a human flying with them. Although some monsters noticed this human, but he glanced at the side to see that other monsters did not care about this human, so no monster came forward.

If you guess wrong, the monsters that can be transformed into adults are not weak.

Xia Ruo followed all the way like this. The hundreds of monsters gathered around him were a large army, but he was still wrong.

Soon, Xia Ruo saw a purple mist appearing in the distant sky.

It was a bit strange at first, but after getting closer, Xia Ruo realized that the patch of monsters on that day was not a purple mist at all, but a group of dense monsters. The number of monsters was too much, and the rich purple monster aura became substantial. , Polluted the sky.

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