Xia Ruo soon arrived in the small town, but the small town he is visiting now looks very peaceful. The pedestrians who come and go have natural expressions on their faces. They look like they are indisputable. Had been infested by ghosts.

Now what Xia Ruo wanted to do was to join the ghost killing team first, but it was a problem to find the ghost killing team headquarters.

I want to find someone to ask for directions, but the location of the ghost killing team headquarters is very secret, and I don't even know where Wu Mi is.

At this time, it seemed that there was a deadlock.

However, he always came up with a way. Xia Ruo immediately came up with a way. He looked around, and then walked to a stall selling things. The seller was an old man, and his stall seemed to be Toys for children.

"What does this little brother want to buy."

The old man at the stall asked enthusiastically. In his opinion, the little brother in front of him does not look like a person lacking money at all. He is dressed in peculiar styles and has a cat on his shoulder.

Only when Xia Ruo heard his question, she took out a piece of gold and handed it directly to the old man selling things.

"I just want to ask about something. I hope the elderly can tell me the truth."

Gold is universal everywhere. After the old man glanced at the gold, a burst of light broke out in his eyes, and the gold was instantly carried into his arms.

"Little brother, just ask if you have any questions. As long as I know, I will tell you."

"I just want to know if there is any weird thing happening nearby," Xia Ruo asked, looking at the old man's eyes.

"Strange things?"

The old man didn't expect that the little brother in front of him gave himself gold, and he actually asked about this kind of thing, so he glanced at Xia Ruo thoughtfully.

"For example, are there any rumors about people missing strangely, or someone dying inexplicably nearby," Xia Ruo gave a rough outline, "tell me the surrounding towns, villages, and places where these rumors appear."

"These rumors, I remember they seem to be there."

The old man touched his chin and thought for a while, "I seem to have heard from the little brother in the previous stall that there seem to be many women and children missing in the town next door. People in their family are looking for them, but they can't find them anywhere. Alas, even if there is no war, the world is not peaceful."

When the old man spoke, he seemed to care about something.

"Where is that town?" Xia Ruo asked quickly.

"Go north, there is a big road, just walk along the big road," the old man pointed out the direction, but he reminded the little brother in front of him.

"Little brother, where there is a missing person, it is usually dangerous. I advise the little brother not to go."

Older people know more things than ordinary people, and naturally know that there must be something bad at the places where people disappear and die.

"Thank you, old man, I will pay attention to safety," Xia Ruo smiled at the old man, and then proceeded in the direction given by the old man.


The old man looked at the back of Xia Ruo's departure, shook his head, then stretched his hand into his arms and touched the gold he had just received.


Xia Ruo found the clue at this time, and her mood became much better. If there is a clue, there will be a direction.

Bizarre disappearances, deaths, where such rumors appear, in the world of Demon Slayer Blade, there is a high probability that evil spirits are eating people. Although most people do not know the existence of ghosts, just follow this direction. If you look for it, you will definitely find the ghost.

As long as you find the ghost and kill the ghost all the way, you will definitely meet the ghost hunter. When the ghost killing team is short of people, you can join directly.

The plan is simple and there are no major problems.

Following the direction the old man pointed, Xia Ruo found the road and walked along the road, but when Xia Ruo arrived at the small town where people often disappeared, the sky was already dark.

It is dark when the evil spirits are active.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Xia Ruo slowly walked into this small town, but at this time, a cold wind blew.


Tom doesn't seem to like the atmosphere of the night very much.

"What are you afraid of, ghosts are not as scary as monsters," Xia Ruo touched Tom's fur, comforting him.

There are no street lights in this small town at night, and the surrounding houses are completely dark. It looks like everyone is asleep. Xia Ruo has good eyesight and can see the surroundings clearly at night.

Will ghosts appear?

Xia Ruo doesn't have the sense of smell of the protagonist Tanjirou. In such a big town, it doesn't seem that easy to find ghosts.

Suddenly, a male voice appeared behind Xia Ruo.

"It's so late, what are you doing here without going home?"

Hearing this voice, Xia Ruo turned around, and then saw a black-haired, unremarkable-looking figure, wearing a black uniform of the ghost killing team, and a silhouette of a sun wheel around her waist.

It seems that Xia Ruo's luck is good. When he first arrived here, he met a member of the ghost killing team. It is estimated that the other party is also here for the ghosts of this small town.

Xia Ruo glanced at the face of the ghost killing team member, and he discovered that this person was actually a plot character.

Murata, a passerby-faced ghost killing team member, has a good personality and a good person, but not strong, but also has the advantage, that is, good luck. No matter what kind of crisis, he will be safe and unscathed.

"I heard that many women and children are missing here, so I suspect that there are ghosts here, so I came here to take a look," Xia Ruo replied naturally.

"You know there are ghosts, how dare you come and see?" Murata looked at the boy in front of him curiously. It is not uncommon to know the existence of ghosts, but it is a strange configuration with a cat on him.

It is estimated that he knew of the existence of ghosts, some young people with passion.

Murata seems to have his own way of distinguishing ghosts, so he did not regard Xia Ruo as a ghost.

"Go back quickly. Ghosts are very dangerous creatures. They can eat people. They cannot be dealt with by ordinary people."


When Murata persuaded Xia Ruo, a gust of wind and wind suddenly passed. Murata immediately rushed forward and grabbed Xia Ruo’s clothes, then took him to a corner and looked at Murata's movements. Xia Ruo did not resist. , Looked at him curiously.

I saw Murata's hiding posture and movements very skillfully.

"Be careful, the ghost is out."

Murata looked serious and looked around warily.

"is it?"

Xia Ruo also carefully sensed the surroundings, but found nothing.

It was like this for five minutes.

Murata stood up slowly and touched his head, "I might have felt wrong just now."

Looking at Murata's unremarkable passerby face, Xia Ruo finally understood why Murata was so weak but could survive in the ghost killing team with such a high mortality rate.

"It's okay, be more cautious," Xia Ruo said after thinking about it.

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