I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 152 Senior Murata?

After the embarrassing incident just now, the atmosphere between Xia Ruo and Murata improved.

Afterwards, Xia Ruo and Murata introduced themselves to each other and chatted.

Murata is indeed a good person. After knowing that Xia Ruo wanted to join the ghost killing team, he began to look for ghosts. He also persuaded Xia Ruo to talk about the danger of the ghost killing team, but finally felt that Xia Ruo's attitude was very determined. , Only agreed to help recommend Xia Ruo.

"I tell you, the ghost killing team is not so easy to join. You must go through strict selection and experience life and death to become an official member of the ghost killing team. Generally speaking, the pass rate is only 10%. One," Murata looked serious when he said this.

"I can only promise to introduce you to the educator to see if you are worth training. However, since the decision is made, I hope you will not withdraw. If you can become an official member of the Ghost Killing Team, I hope you will face danger in the future. At that time, we must stick to it."

"Okay," Xia Ruo nodded, indicating that she knew.

It's just that kind of plain look, which is always a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh," Murata felt that what he said was so serious, but why this kid reacted like this? Even if he is not afraid, he should be excited.

If Xia Meng were there, she would definitely say that this attitude could not be familiar to herself.

"Do you know Murata's information about ghosts in this small town?" Xia Ruo asked Murata. He hadn't forgotten that there was a ghost in this town.

"Uh, to be honest, since you plan to join the ghost killing team, you should be polite and call me senior," Murata seemed to care about the name senior.

"Huh? Okay, Senior Murata."

Xia Ruo doesn't care about names, even if Murata is weak, "Then Senior Murata, do you have any information about ghosts in this small town?"

Hearing Xia Ruo call himself senior, Murata looked very satisfied, and then nodded, "Information, of course there is. I have collected information for two days and it is probably confirmed. This ghost is more picky than ordinary ghosts. Only eat women and children."

"That's it?"

Xia Ruo couldn't help asking.

"Ahem, of course more than that," Murata took out a map from his arms, and there were many red dots on the top of the map. "This is the map of this small town. The red dots I marked are all the victims. Where I lived, I also marked the time when the missing person disappeared."

Xia Ruo took a look at this map, and it seemed that Murata had indeed made preparations in the past two weeks.

"I can see from the map that this ghost cannibalism is actually regular, and the regularity is still obvious," Murata took out a stroke and drew a very obvious line.

"That ghost doesn’t know if it’s OCD or what’s causing it. When eating people, it’s eaten according to the location, one by one in order. If there are women and children, they will start, and if there are no children, they will skip it. So, I guess today He will start with this family, and in this family, there happens to be a 16-year-old daughter."

Murata said this, and circled a family.

"Moreover, the time when the ghost appears is the same. It appears around 12 o'clock every day. It is estimated that in one hour, he will come."

"Awesome, Senior Murata," Xia Ruo couldn't help but praised. Xia Ruo felt that although Murata was not strong, he seemed to work hard in other places.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay," Murata has always been weak, so he hasn't been praised much, and I feel a little embarrassed to be praised by Xia Ruo.

"Now that the ghost's target is known, let's set off," Xia Ruo immediately stood up.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do when you suddenly become passionate? You are not a member of the ghost killing team."

Murata looked at Xia Ruo's enthusiasm at this time, and couldn't help but want to wipe his sweat. Xia Ruo just called a few seniors, and couldn't help showing him the information he collected. He didn't expect this kid to be true. Want to kill ghosts.

"It's too dangerous. You stay here and wait for me now. I'll take care of the ghost matter," Murata said seriously, looking like a senior.

Moreover, in terms of age, Murata is also several years older than Xia Ruo.

"I can help," Xia Ruo took out a wooden knife out of thin air and waved it gently.

"Huh?" Murata just didn't see where the wooden knife was put by Xia Ruo, but when Xia Ruo took out the wooden knife, Murata's mouth twitched.

Chopping ghosts with a wooden knife, is this one really here to play the house?

"Just don't make trouble."

"Huh? Did Senior Murata fight ghosts?" Xia Ruo raised his doubts in a timely manner.

"If that ghost doesn't know how to do blood ghosts, I should have no problem, if he knows how to do blood ghosts, then that is not necessarily," Murata didn't seem to have any confidence in himself.

"In the information I got, this ghost has already eaten more than 30 people, and this is only known. There may be more people who don’t know. The more people the ghost eats, the stronger the strength. It is very likely. He is already able to perform blood ghost skills," Murata's tone became lower and lower, because this task has exceeded the scope of his ability.

"But it's okay. Even if I die, the headquarters will send stronger swordsmen to deal with this ghost," Murata said with a generous gesture.

Xia Ruo didn't want to explain anything, but gently waved the wooden knife in his hand.


With the wooden knife in Xia Ruo's hand, a sword split the wall beside him. Under Xia Ruo's sword, the thick wall was also cut open like tofu.

At this time, Xia Ruo looked back at Murata.

Murata rubbed his eyes and confirmed that Xia Ruo was really holding a wooden knife before he couldn't help swallowing and splitting the wall with a wooden knife. He had never heard of such a thing.

I always feel that this kind of operation is not like humans can do.

There are monsters among humans, and Murata clearly knows this, because the pillars of the ghost killing team are all monsters.

But in front of his own eyes, there seemed to be someone standing.

"I think...you can come and help."


Xia Ruo and Murata acted together.

With Xia Ruo next to him, Murata suddenly felt relieved.

He felt that he was lucky, and this time he took on a mission that seemed dangerous, but he actually encountered a younger generation who seemed very reliable.

Xia Ruo followed Murata to hide outside the house of the family that might be attacked, and the two quietly waited for the ghost to come. If a ghost came, Murata said he could immediately perceive it.

However, Xia Ruo always felt that Murata was a little unreliable.

"Senior Murata, are we a little unstable outside? I suspect that ghosts can directly enter the room and eat people," Xia Ruo made his own suggestion.

"Senior Murata is guarding outside. I will go in and see. If Senior is in danger, just shout and I will come out immediately."


Before Murata could react, he saw Xia Ruo jump to the window of the house, and then got in.

"Wait a minute, that's the boudoir of a sixteen-year-old girl..."

Murata wanted to say it, but he still didn't say it. He looked around. When Xia Ruo was there just now, he was more at ease. After Xia Ruo left and there was only one person left, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. a lot of.

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