I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 153 Going to the Ghost Killing Team Headquarters

After Xia Ruo left, only Murata was left outside.

In the dark night, the surrounding environment was silent, and he was hiding in the corner alone. The feeling that ghosts would appear all the time around made Murata couldn't help but swallow.

The ghost seems to come back anytime.

Of course, Xia Ruo didn't know the situation outside. If he had sneaked in by himself, it happened that the room Xia Ruo entered through the window was the girl's room.

At this time, the girl was sleeping on the floor in the middle. It seemed that the girl had her own single room because of a good family situation.

are you asleep?

Xia Ruo relaxed a little when she saw that the girl seemed to be sleeping, ready to find a place to hide.


Unfortunately, during the movement, Xia Ruo's foot accidentally touched a small object next to her, and then made a small noise.


The girl didn't fall asleep. In the quiet room, she easily caught this little voice, and saw that she was getting up to turn on the light.

After Xia Ruo discovered this situation, she grabbed Tom on her shoulders and threw it over in an instant. Her movements were very decisive and smooth, as if she had rehearsed in her mind.


Tom hadn't reacted when he was in the air, his face was dumbfounded.

"Huh, it turned out to be a cat."

After hearing the meow, the girl was obviously relieved.

Because of the darkness in the room, the girl saw a dark figure jumping to her side, but when she heard the meow, she also knew that the dark figure was a cat.

In this very short period of time, Xia Ruo hid to the side of a closet, just enough to hide her figure.

Although the light is very dim, Xia Ruo’s eyes are very good and she can see the girl’s appearance clearly. The girl has long hair. She looks very young and looks a little cute. Although she is sixteen, she looks good. Just look like 13 or 4 years old.

"How did you get in, cat, eh, haven't the windows closed?"

The girl picked up Tom who was next to him, and then touched Tom's hair. At this time, the girl noticed that the window on the side was actually ajar.

"I didn't close the window. It's really careless. My father said that many girls have disappeared recently. Let me be careful." She did not turn on the light in the moonlight outside the window.

"Meow, meow, why did you come in? Are you abandoned?" The little girl hugged Tom and gently touched Tom's fur.


When Tom heard this, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. He felt that he had nothing to say, that he was indeed thrown away by his master to prevent the disaster.

Fortunately, there is not enough light, the girl did not see Tom's spiritual eyes.

"I was really scared just now. Many girls have disappeared recently. I just heard the sound. I thought it was a bad guy. I didn't expect it to be just you, a little guy." The girl seemed to like cats very much and kept talking to Tom.

"You must be hungry, now mom and dad are asleep, and I have nothing to eat here. I will prepare some food for you tomorrow. If you don’t have a place to go, just stay here. I’ll tell mom and dad. ."

At this point, the girl's face showed a trace of worry again.

"However, the missing girls and children have not been found. I am really worried about their safety. I hope that the children can go home safely."

After the girl finished speaking, she seemed to be a little sleepy, so she lay down again to sleep, but this time the girl put Tom beside her.

I guess I really fell asleep this time.

Xia Ruo quietly leaned against the closet and waited. Tom is next to the girl, and it is estimated that she won't have an accident right away.

After that, it depends on whether the ghost appears in the room or outside.

In this way, after waiting for about ten minutes, Xia Ruo suddenly heard a strange sound, very small, but still there.



Xia Ruo raised his concentration, not sure where the ghost was at this time, but if he hadn't inferred wrong, the ghost probably had blood ghosts that could bypass Murata's perception outside.

"But where? Underground?"

From that little sound, Xia Ruo couldn't tell where the ghost was, so she could only wait for the moment when he shot.

At this moment, Xia Ruo noticed that the wall opposite to him had suddenly been separated, just as if the wall had suddenly softened, and they had separated.

At this time, a demon with a horn on its head poked its head out of the separate wall. After half of the demon's body entered the room, he sniffed gently, and then saw lying in the room. The central girl.


A bright red tongue shot out from his mouth and instantly grew to four or five meters, ready to curl the girl away.

"Don't think about it!"

Xia Ruo’s body appeared in front of the girl the next moment, and then a sword cut off the tongue that had just grown longer. Not only that, Xia Ruo also grabbed the cut off with another free hand. The tongue that wants to retract.

"You can't run away."

"Ah! Ghost hunter!"

Seeing Xia Ruo appear and grabbing his tongue, the one-horned ghost knocked on the wall with a bit of anger. Because he could cut off his tongue with one sword, the ghost subconsciously regarded Xia Ruo as a ghost hunter.

Bang bang--

The huge noise affected the girl's sleep, and the girl was awakened by the sound just now.

"what happened?"

The girl looked up, and with the help of the moonlight, she saw a figure holding a sword from the back, and not far away, a monster with a long tongue inside the wall.

In this situation, as if she was still dreaming, the girl was stunned.

"Come out for me."

Xia Ruo saw that the ghost wanted to shrink into the wall, and couldn't help but grabbed his tongue and pulled hard. Suddenly, the powerful force pulled the ghost out of the wall.

"Damn ghost hunter, actually interrupted my eating. This is midnight, the best time to eat!"

The one-horned ghost who was caught falling from the wall bit hard, and directly bit off his tongue. At the same time, his nails on his hands grew instantly, and they were instantly close to Xia Ruo's body, and grabbed Xia Ruo's neck with his paws.

It was just that Xia Ruo turned the wooden knife in his hand and cut off his arm directly.

"How is it possible, how could a wooden knife cut my body," the unicorn looked at the human being in front of him, and suddenly realized something was wrong, he wanted to escape, but his blood ghost art was released very slowly. When the floor below his feet softened, Xia Ruo had already appeared in front of him.

"When eating people, have you ever thought about this day?"

Looking at the ghost in front of him, after Xia Ruo finished saying these words, he directly issued two swords, one sword cut the ghost's body, the other sword cut the ghost's head.

This is a ghost who has just realized the blood ghost art, it seems that he is not Xia Ruo's opponent at all.

"Stupid human beings, you don't have a sun wheel in your hand, even if you cut off my head, you can't kill me, hahaha..."

When the head of the unicorn flew in the air, he was still smiling, but soon he noticed that his body did not recover, but it seemed to slowly begin to dissipate and turn into ashes.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, my body, why, there is a problem with your wooden knife!"

The unicorn yelled in disbelief and slowly disappeared into the air.

For this situation, Xia Ruo didn’t have any surprises. The Sunwheel Knife’s ability to restrain ghosts is mainly due to its attribute of sunlight, and its own power of reality is also a thing that is extremely destructive to ghosts, with no restraint effect. Weaker than the sun, using this power to chop a deadly neck, it is normal that he cannot recover.

The ghost was cleaned up.

There were voices outside the door. There were girls’ parents and Mr. Murata. It seemed that Murata had helped Xia Ruo stop the girl’s parents and did not let outsiders interfere with him.

"It's okay," Xia Ruo turned her head, looked at the little girl behind her, and said softly to her.

The girl looked very courageous, and she was in a sluggish state just now. At this time, she seemed to have recovered. At this time, the girl looked at Xia Ruo, "Big brother, is that ghost just now?"

"Have you heard the rumors of ghosts?" Xia Ruo couldn't help asking. About ghosts, most of them were only in rumors. The official seemed to be deliberately covering up the news.

"I heard from my grandfather before. When we were young, grandpa often told us stories. There are many stories about ghosts. He warned us not to go out at night, or we would be eaten by ghosts."

When the girl said here, she paused, her eyes darkened, "Are the missing girls and children eaten by ghosts?"

Looking at the girl's expression, Xia Ruo guessed that she might have a friend who was also missing, but at this time there was nothing to do, so she nodded.

Seeing Xia Ruo's response, although the girl didn't say anything, tears couldn't help but drip.

"Is any important friend missing?" Xia Ruo couldn't help but squatted beside the girl and asked gently.

"Yes, it is a very important friend. We grew up together and disappeared a few days ago. I was thinking about... and thinking about her coming back..."

The girl said, sobbing.

Xia Ruo couldn't help touching the girl's head, trying to comfort her.

"It's okay, the evil spirit has been beheaded, I have avenged her, and you have survived? It is estimated that your friends must be very pleased now."

This world is like this in the first place. In many cases, ordinary people can only watch their relatives being eaten by ghosts and are powerless, and those who survive will become ghost hunters and embark on the road of fighting ghosts.

She was comforted by Xia Ruo. Although the girl was still very depressed, she seemed to have a better expression. She raised her head at this time and took a serious look at Xia Ruo.

"Big brother, are you a ghost hunter?"

"Ghost hunter, right?" After all, Xia Ruo had only killed a ghost now, and there was no official organization of a ghost killing team.

"Then, can I become a ghost hunter in the future and go to kill ghosts with my big brother?" The girl looked at Xia Ruo with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, this little girl was quite passionate, Xia Ruo shook her head when she looked at the girl's expectant eyes.

"No, your parents will be worried. All you can do is stay at home and don't worry about your parents."

"That's it," the girl looked disappointed.

"It's okay. Someone will fight with ghosts. It is estimated that it will not be long before the ghosts in the future can only exist in the story." Xia Ruo seemed very confident, and Guiwu Tsuji Mumai died in the original work. And the appearance of oneself will only speed up this process.

After the ghost king dies, all ghosts will disappear.


In an unknown mansion, Wu Miu, the ghost king who was reading, couldn't help closing his eyes.

Wumai is the origin of all ghosts, so I can see the memories of all ghosts. This time, through the ghost who just died, Wumai also saw things about Xia Ruo.

A face that had never been seen killed a ghost with a wooden knife.

"I hacked the ghost to death with a wooden knife. I have never heard of such a thing. This is no longer something that pure power can do. Is there anything special about that wooden knife?"

Of course, this incident is just a little curious thing for Wu Mier, and it will be forgotten after a while, so that he will not put too much energy on a small character holding a wooden knife.

What he has been doing now is to make ghosts everywhere, and then let those ghosts look for the blue flowers and the location of the ghost killing team headquarters.


The ghost's task was finished. During the period, after stopping the girl's parents, Murata wanted to rush in to help Xia Ruo, but he didn't expect Xia Ruo to have solved the ghost.

Regarding Xia Ruo killing ghosts without using the Sunwheel, Murata almost didn't get frightened after learning about it. After all, the only thing that ghosts feared was the Sunshine.

However, Xia Ruo only explained that his wooden knife was a bit special, it was a treasure obtained by accident, and was specially designed to restrain ghosts. The simple-minded Murata still believed the statement Xia Ruo gave.

But even so, Murata would not underestimate Xia Ruo, because he defeated ghosts without breathing, and those who could do this would become pillars.

The ghost is gone, there is no need for the two to stay in this small town, Xia Ruo and Murata left there together.

"Senior Murata, we have defeated the ghost, do we need to hand in the task?" Xia Ruo was polite and did not forget to call Senior.

"There is no need to hand in tasks. Everything is recorded by the crow. It is our assistant. It can help us submit tasks or post tasks."

Murata pointed his finger at the crow next to him. This crow is called the crow. It is the standard equipment for the members of the ghost killing team and is always by the side of the team members. This crow is generally used to transmit information and release tasks.

"Then what do we do next?"

"Next, of course, I will go back to the headquarters."

Murata looked in a good mood, and explained to Xia Ruo, "Generally speaking, when our team members are not seriously injured or have nothing important, they are not eligible to return to the headquarters, even if they have special information to report. , It can also be transmitted through the crow, mainly because of fear of revealing the location of the headquarters."

"However, there are special circumstances," Murata paused when he said this.

"Special circumstances?" Xia Ruo asked timely.

"When encountering talented talents, this is a special situation. The ghost killing team is very short of talents and attaches great importance to talents. Even the lord and the lord’s wife have time to personally search for talents. Today, Lord Xiazhu is the lord. Madam found it, but Master Yanzhu was rescued by the lord himself in prison.

Our ordinary team members also have the task of searching for talents. If they find potential talents and recommend them to the lord, the contribution they get is higher than that of killing ghosts."

When Murata said this, he glanced at Xia Ruo.

"You don’t even know how to breathe. You can kill ghosts solo. This is a talent with the potential to become Zhu. Those who can do this are now Zhus. Zhu is the strongest level of the ghost killing team. There are a total of nine pillars, all of whom are extremely powerful, and I plan to recommend you directly to the lord. You may get very good resources, and you may become a pillar in the future.

Cultivating a pillar is much more useful than killing fifty ghosts."

Xia Ruo didn't expect this to be the case, so she thanked him, "Then thank Senior Murata in advance."

"Don't, don't call senior, you are different from me, you are a genius, and the future is limitless. I will call me Mr. Murata in the future," Murata quickly stopped, and even now I heard Xia Ruo call him senior. .

"I just hope you become a pillar, and don't forget that I recommended you."

Xia Ruo didn't care about the title issue, but Murata said so, and he didn't say anything, "Okay, Mr. Murata, I will definitely not forget it. I can invite you to dinner then, and I will cook deliciously."



After that, Xia Ruo and Murata set foot on the road to the headquarters of the ghost killing team.

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