I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 158: Your Learning Ability Is Too Strong

Full concentration breathing method.

A general term for the skill developed by the ghost killing team to fight ghosts with humans.It is mainly used to strengthen the heart and lung functions, and in this way, the blood draws a lot of oxygen, which can increase the body's ability in an instant, and has the full concentrated breathing with the physical energy equivalent to the ghost.

In addition, there is a whole-day concentrated breathing method "Complete Concentration-Constant Middle", which allows you to continue to concentrate and master your breathing even when you sleep, which is the minimum condition for approaching column strength.

Although it was still at night, Mr. Lintaki had no intention of letting Xia Ruo sleep, and he started to explain the use of breathing methods.

"Take a deep breath and let oxygen enter each of your cells. In this way, your body's self-healing ability will naturally increase, making your mind calmer and thinking more flexible. Next..."

Regarding the breath of water, Mr. Lintaki talked in great detail, and Xia Ruo also kept all the details in mind.

Soon, the system prompt sound appeared.

Ding!You can directly learn the breathing method "Water Breath", cost prestige: 500 points.

The system can learn skills directly in the animation world. It only requires some prerequisites, such as magic scrolls, cheats, or the teacher's teaching to learn. It seems that Mr. Lintaki's knowledge meets the system's learning conditions.

It's just that Xia Ruo didn't expect Xia Ruo to only consume 500 prestige points to learn the breathing method.

The last time I learned magic in the soup house, the prestige consumed started from several thousand prestige, even daily magic.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, but he could actually understand that he had studied the learning mode and consumption of the system.

When the system learns skills, the prestige consumed is not divided according to the power and level of the skills.

The degree of prestige consumption is mainly divided according to the reasonableness of skills.

For example, guitar skills and fighting skills in the real world can be learned with only a few points of prestige, which shows that those skills are reasonable and humans can learn.

And magic and curse of witchcraft, which are extremely unreasonable skills in the real world, consume a lot of prestige. It takes thousands of prestige to learn, and the more unreasonable skills consume more prestige.

In the system's prompts, only 500 reputation points are required to learn Water Breath. This shows that the water breathing, which uses breathing methods to improve cardiopulmonary ability, is considered by the system to be more reasonable than magic and witchcraft.

"What are you doing, why don't you breathe as I said!" Seeing Xia Ruo in a daze, Lin Long immediately shouted at Xia Ruo severely.


Xia Ruo didn't directly use the system to learn the breath of water at first, but wanted to try it first to see how much he could do and how it compares with Tanjirou.

Soon, Xia Ruo's breathing began to change.

During this period, Lin Long began to instruct Xia Ruo's breathing, corrected some of Xia Ruo's mistakes, and asked Xia Ruo to use some special standing positions to find the feeling of breathing.

Under such circumstances, after a few hours, Xia Ruo finally found some feeling.

Of course, it's just a little bit of feeling. If you want to really learn to master it, and then apply it to actual combat, it's actually a long way away.

Linlong kept paying attention to Xia Ruo's breathing rate.

When Xia Ruo felt vaguely, Lin Long discovered it for the first time. After noticing this, Lin Long nodded slowly. He was very satisfied with Xia Ruo's progress.

It is indeed a genius introduced by the lord. Not only is his physical fitness far superior to ordinary people, he is also very capable of learning, and he found the feeling of breathing in just one day.

If this goes on, if you hurry up, you will be able to use the breath of water proficiently within three months.

Using the breathing method proficiently within three months is already a relatively powerful genius. At least Lintaki has instructed so many disciples, and no one can do this so quickly.

"Your progress is very fast. If you keep it like this, you can learn the breath of water within three months. If you work harder, it is possible to shorten it to two months," Lin Long told Xia Ruo of the incident.

"Does it take three months?"

Xia Ruo lowered his head and muttered to himself, three months is still a bit too long for him.

It was indeed the freak Shitou Wuichiro, who set the standard too high, and it was almost impossible to break the record after touching the sword for two months.

If Tanjirou is used as the standard, Xia Ruo's progress is already very fast.

As the protagonist, Tanjirou has hard work and talent, but it took a year to learn Lintaki's breathing method and all sword styles, and then it took another year for him to master the breathing method and split the boulder.

"Don't be eager to be fast, down-to-earth is the most stable way to improve your strength. The real combat skills need time to polish," Mr. Linlong seemed to see through Xia Ruo's thoughts and couldn't help but remind.

"I know, haste is not enough," Xia Ruo replied after her breathing returned to normal.

At this time, it was almost three or four in the morning, and the sky was about to dawn.

"Come here first today. The tests are finished. Let's go back. I will arrange a place for you. You can take a break and go back to study the use of breathing methods," Mr. Lintaki said to Xia Ruo.


Xia Ruo followed Mr. Linlong back to his cabin.

At this time, Xia Ruo saw that Tanjiro had just returned. It seemed that he had just finished training, and she looked very embarrassed. For Tanjiro, a training mad, it was normal to train at this time.

Looking at Tanjirou, Xia Ruo greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Xia Ruo."

"My name is Tanjirou. Hello, we will live together in the future." Although Tanjirou was very tired, he responded to Xia Ruo with a smile. He also knows that this one is called Xia Ruo, and he should be with him in the future. Practice together by yourself.

"Well, please take care of me," Xia Ruo responded with a smile.


Tanjiro's nose was very sharp, he hadn't noticed before, but now that he got very close, he smelled a strange smell from the person named Xia Ruo.

It was a smell that I had never smelled before, very special and a little disturbing.

It wasn't the anxiety about that person, but he seemed to have a disturbing power in his body. Tanjirou remembered the smell silently, and didn't say anything more. He was too tired and needed a rest.

Xia Ruo followed Mr. Linlong into his cabin.

Later, after Mr. Linlong arranged a room for Xia Ruo, Xia Ruo lay in his room and was ready to go to sleep. It is true that he was a little tired after the long journey. He never rested in the middle, that is, his body. Good quality can persist.

In the night, Xia Ruo exchanged her reputation for Breath of Water.

There is no need to delay three months for things that can be solved in one night.


Early the next morning.

After Xia Ruo woke up, he found Mr. Lin Taki directly. Tanjirou is now in the stage of rock-cutting, so he is practicing alone. Mr. Lin Taki now only guides Xia Ruo.

Reappearing, Xia Ruo felt different from yesterday.

Mr. Linlong also noticed this. He also smelled a different smell from Xia Ruo's body, and it seemed that something had really changed in one night.

"Continue with yesterday's practice and find the rhythm of breathing," Mr. Lintaki's stomach and Xia Ruo gave instructions.

"it is good."

Breathing becomes a little different.

"Full focus, breath of water!"

Soon, a large amount of oxygen entered Xia Ruo's cells. At that moment, Xia Ruo sensed that her physical fitness had improved a lot in an instant, almost a substantial increase in the whole.

Mr. Linlong also noticed Xia Ruo's breath, which was a complete breath of water.

"Success? How could it be possible, it was only yesterday...how could it be!"

Mr. Linlong's voice became a little shocked. Even after saying how two are possible, fortunately he wears a tengu mask, which covers his shocked expression. He has never heard of someone who can learn breathing in a day.

He had never heard of such a thing.

"How did you do it?" Mr. Linlong asked Xia Ruo after five or six seconds to suppress the shock in his heart.

"I tried a few more times last night, and then I learned. Maybe it's because I have a high affinity with the breath of the water," Xia Ruo's face looked calm, without showing any pride.

"Tried a few times..."

Linlong was silent. If someone told him that someone had mastered the breathing method overnight, he would not believe it, but the thing just appeared in front of him and he had to believe it.

Is this the realm of genius beyond mortals?

Linlong also turned over the records of the ghost killing team, remembering that there was a record about the original breathing swordsman. In the past, the original breathing swordsman had excellent talents.

Rinlong didn't know how strong the swordsman was at the initial breath, but what he could know was that some of the rumors that passed down were unacceptable to normal people.

For example, there is a rumor that when a swordsman was a young man, he could kill a master swordsman who had been famous for many years by holding a sword for the first time. That kind of talent once felt a bit too exaggerated, but now he sees Xia Ruo. understood.

In some areas, mortals cannot touch or imagine.

Lin Long took a deep breath and looked at Xia Ruo. At this moment, he had higher expectations for Xia Ruo.

Today’s ghost killing team, Yanzhu, Xiazhu, and now there is another Xia Ruo. It is estimated that this era will become the peak of the ghost killing team. Perhaps, the millennium hatred between humans and ghosts can come to an end in this era. .

"Next, I will give you all the ten forms of water breath, you are optimistic."


Xia Ruo nodded.

After that, Mr. Linlong demonstrated to Xia Ruo the ten forms of water breathing. At the same time, accompanied by the explanation, Xia Ruo remembered all of them.

"How many have you remembered?" Lin Long asked Xia Ruo. In fact, he could have demonstrated different styles, but he changed his mind during the demonstration and turned all the sword styles to Xia Ruo. Demonstrated.

"Remember all, Mr. Linlong," Xia Ruo replied calmly.

At this time, the system prompt sound appeared again.

Ding, you can directly learn the breath of water, one type to ten type, cost reputation: 300 points.

Xia Ruo: "..."

For the sword style, which seems to be a very solid and reasonable skill, the prestige consumed by systematic learning is even less. To be honest, 300 prestige points, Xia Ruo really did not pay attention to it.


Soon, all the moves of Breath of Water were loaded into Xia Ruo's mind, and even Xia Ruo felt that he could easily display it. After all, after learning the system, he immediately mastered it.

"Show me what you just learned."


Xia Ruo took out her wooden knife from her waist, and then in front of Mr. Lin Taki, he used ten forms of water breathing.

"The breath of water, the shape of one, the water surface is cut!"



"The breath of water, the shape of the ten, is circulating!"

All the moves were used smoothly by Xia Ruo, and she appeared very proficient. Xia Ruo also noticed that when she used the sword style, there would be splash effects on her sword.

Although this kind of splash is a special effect in the animation, it does not have much actual attack ability. The attack mainly depends on the sword blade, but in the world of animation, when the sword style is used, this kind of special effect will really appear.

Cut it down with a knife, the water flow in the air accompanied by his own sword style, and the water splashed around.

Besides, being handsome is really handsome.

Even Xia Ruo felt that the 300 prestige points charged by the system were still based on the sword-like special effects.

"Learned again, and the mastery is very complete."

Looking at this scene, Mr. Linlong on the side really has nothing to say. He now wants to reply to the lord.

"Master, what kind of monster did you send me."

However, fighting with Oni Mai Tsuji Wu miserable may really require monsters to defeat them.

"Next, I will concentrate on breathing and train throughout the day. I will prepare the gourd for you," Lin Long is not clear now, how long he can guide this monster.

It is estimated that within ten days, this guy will be able to be a teacher.



When Tanjiro came back from training, he noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room. He smelled a strange smell from Mr. Lintaki, like a blown smell.

"Did something happen today?" Tanjirou asked Mr. Rintaki.

"It's nothing, Tanjirou, take a break when you come back," Lintaki glanced at Tanjirou, then sighed.



Tanjirou didn't understand why Mr. Lintaki sighed to him. He was just practicing today and didn't do anything else.

However, he could still guess that this atmosphere should be related to Xia Ruo. When he glanced at Xia Ruo, he found that Xia Ruo's expression was relaxed, as if nothing happened.


Forget it, Tanjirou doesn't want to think about other things.

He entered a bottleneck period a year ago, and now he has worked so hard and practiced for another year day and night. With the help of the rabbit, slowly, he has already felt that he has really become stronger.

Perhaps the time to split the stone is not far away.

You beans, wait for me, and save you when my brother becomes stronger!

Thinking that his sister was still in a coma, Tanjirou's heart became firmer.

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