I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 159 Strict Training

Although Tanjirou is now practicing as a demon, his personality hasn't changed at all. He is still so gentle. After all, he is the protagonist. Xia Ruo also exchanged a few words with him, even if he was chatting, Tanjirou did not refuse.

"You mean, your family was killed by ghosts, and your sister was turned into ghosts. Now she is in a coma. Do you want to join the ghost killing team to find a way to save her?" Xia Ruo looked at Tanjirou and said .

"Yes, although Nidouzi has become a ghost, I think she still knows me, I can definitely make her change back," Tanjirou's eyes were very firm.

His sister turned into a ghost, and Tanjirou's goal was to turn Nidouzi back into a human.

"Come on, I will support you," Xia Ruo leaned over and patted Tanjirou on the shoulder, "Tanjirou, I will join the ghost killing team in the future, and I will also help you find a way to save your sister."

"Thank you, Xia Ruo, you are such a good person."

Tanjiro looked at Xia Ruo with a hint of gratitude in his eyes. He thought that the other party would be a little prejudiced about your identity as a beanie. He didn't expect that the other party not only didn't mind, but promised to help him in the future.

"It's okay, after all, we are all learning swordsmanship with Mr. Linlong," Xia Ruo waved his hand indifferently.

"By the way, Mr. Linlong is very strict. At the beginning, he was indeed a bit strict, but he is a good person," Tanjirou said to Xia Ruo, as if he wanted to find approval in Xia Ruo.

"It's okay, I don't think it is too strict," Xia Ruo replied.

Ok?Not strict?

Tanjirou didn't believe it. At first, he was thrown into a mountain full of traps and almost died. Could it be that there is a different treatment?

"Xia Ruo, what did you study with Mr. Lintaki today?" Tanjirou asked curiously.

"Ten types of breathing and water breathing."

Hearing this, Tanjirou's face showed a shocked look, but after months of physical training and trap avoidance training, he began to practice water breathing.

However, he also understood that it was because his physical fitness was too poor before, so he laid the foundation in the previous time. It seems that Xia Ruo skipped the foundation period.

After dinner, Xia Ruo and Tanjiro rested.

However, Xia Ruo fell asleep directly, and Tanjirou seems to still have the habit of writing a diary. He still writes a diary at night, recording the details of life and his thoughts.

Early the next morning, Tanjiro was still alone to chop stones.

And Xia Ruo was taken to an open space by Mr. Linlong.

"Everything I taught you before, you have learned very well, but if you want to become stronger, it is not enough to know the breathing method and the sword pose. You also need battle accumulation and experience. In fact, you have learned almost the same. Now, next, I want to teach you actual combat.

All you have to do is to concentrate on breathing throughout the day, and then fight with me!"Mr. Linlong wants to completely transform Xia Ruo into a terrifying weapon.

"Yes, I will work hard," Xia Ruo clenched the knife in his hand.

With Xia Ruo's physical fitness, it is not too difficult to maintain full concentration of breathing for 24 hours. All that is lacking is the process of familiarization, and this process will not take long.

When he can really use water breathing instead of normal breathing all day long, it is estimated that his physical fitness will usher in a big leap again.

After that, it was the combat training between Xia Ruo and Mr. Lin Taki. Xia Ruo didn't use the power of wind and reality, but to fight with Mr. Lin Taki with a wooden sword.


The sound of wooden knives intertwined in the empty lot, and the entire empty lot is filled with the figures of Xia Ruo and Mr. Linlong. They move very fast. If ordinary people are watching, it is estimated that their eyes will not be able to keep up with them. speed.

The air is full of water splashes and splashes of water.

Two users of Breath of Water fight together, as beautiful as a dancer on the water.

Mr. Linlong has fought with ghosts for decades, and his fighting experience is extremely rich. Even if Xia Ruo has learned the complete breathing method and sword style, he still doesn't take much advantage in his hands.

However, Linlong's desire to defeat Xia Ruo, who learned the breath of water, was not as easy as it was at the beginning. Xia Ruo is now much stronger than before, and Linlong can only say that he has the upper hand.

Xia Ruo made rapid progress, learning experience bit by bit in the battle with Mr. Lintaki.

Practical teaching is a teaching method in which two people fight each other for a period of time, then take a break to summarize, and Lintaki puts forward some opinions, and then continues the practical teaching method.

However, after two hours, Linlong felt that his body was a little unsupported.

He is no longer young, and he continues to fight with high intensity. Even if he maintains'Complete Focus-Changzhong', there is no way to recover. Fortunately, there is a rest period in between. If he keeps fighting, he estimates that he will support it in less than an hour. Can't help it.

However, he found that Xia Ruo didn't seem to be tired, and she seemed to be getting more and more energetic.

"Okay, let's end the actual combat," Lin Long adjusted his breathing, then said to Xia Ruo.

"Yes, Mr. Linlong," Xia Ruo also saw the problem, because he also felt that Mr. Linlong's speed and the speed of the knife have slowed down a bit.

"How is your health? Do you need a rest?" Although Linlong could see that Xia Ruo is in good health, he still asked.

Xia Ruo grinned, "I don't need to rest, the battle just now is just a warm-up for me."

"Very well, it seems that you have a lot of physical potential. Next, I will squeeze out all of your potential," Mr. Lintaki's tone seemed to rise a little.

"Squeeze?" Xia Ruo didn't understand.

"Yes, squeeze. There are many people with different talents like you in the ghost killing team. They have great potential themselves, but they have to make all the potential into strength, and they have to do hard work that ordinary people can't imagine."

When talking about people with different talents, Lin Taki unconsciously thought of the rock pillars and Koishoku pillars in the ghost killing team today. The power of monsters is hidden in the human body.

"Your body hasn't reached the limit now, so you have to reach the limit, touch the limit, so you must first know where your limit is."

Lin Long looked at Xia Ruo's body.

"You can master the ten types of breath of water very well, but you have not reached the ultimate level of water breath swordsmanship. At this point, you are much worse than the current water column. The same moves, in the hands of different people, have different powers. of.

For today's task, all you have to do is to practice each of the water breathing patterns from one to ten forms a thousand times."

"A thousand times?"

Xia Ruo confirmed that he heard it correctly, it was indeed a thousand times.

"Yes, I will wait for you at the foot of the mountain. When do you finish your practice, come back for dinner," Lin Long walked towards the house without looking at Xia Ruo.

Only Xia Ruo stayed there.

Each type must be practiced a thousand times, that is to say, a total of 10,000 times in total.

Xia Ruo was only a little shocked at first, and was not too afraid of the goal set by Mr. Lintaki.

Then slowly, Xia Ruo squeezed the wooden knife in his hand.

"The breath of water is one type, the surface is cut!"

"The breath of water is one type, the surface is cut!"


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