I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 44: You Really Came to Travel

"Just leaning on the tree to sleep?" Xia Ruo's voice was louder than usual, looking surprised.

At night in the wild, the coldness was so horrifying. It’s not midsummer now. It was dark enough to see the mountain road at 7 or 8 o’clock, but even at this time, Xia Ruo was already a bit cold in her not thin clothes. And early in the morning, maybe the temperature will drop to ten degrees or even lower.

If a normal person just sleeps against a big tree for a night, his body will never be able to stand it.

Xia Ruo looked at Tsubaki, she was wearing a large witch costume, which didn't look like very warm clothes, but from her tone of voice, it seemed that this kind of thing was normal.

Shouldn't it be said that it is a two-dimensional element? You can't use common sense to understand the witch here, after all, she can tear the existence of monsters.

"What's the matter, can't take it anymore?" Chun's mouth curled up and asked, looking at Xia Ruo who was standing still and not speaking.

"No, I just feel that Miss Chun has worked too hard, and I feel sorry for you. As a witch, Miss Chun has sacrificed too much," Xia Ruo said distressedly.

"You really are..."

Chun was a little annoyed. It was this kind of time. This young man could only say nice things, and he felt sorry for himself. He didn't want to think about what he would do tonight?

But when Xia Ruo felt distressed, Chun felt that this young man hadn't lied. This guy didn't even care about sleeping next to the tree at night, and still cared for himself.

What a strange person.

"When there are usually no people or shelters, I will find some caves to sleep in, or monsters’ dens. I haven’t found any caves along the way, so I can only sleep on trees. It’s cold at night, but it’s better to have a bonfire. Many, there is a bonfire at night, and you can pass by forbearance."

Although Chun had a bad personality, she was not a bad person. After walking with Xia Ruo, she didn't want to embarrass Xia Ruo anymore. Sometimes she thought this young man was a good person.

Chun found some branches and set up a bonfire skillfully in the open space. The bonfire also dispersed the surrounding darkness. After setting up the bonfire, Chun patted his hands and felt the temperature of the flame. At the same time, he looked at Xia Ruo, because Xia Ruo She doesn't light a bonfire, so she does it all.

So why did he still do everything by himself, Chun was somewhat helpless.

"Give it."

Chun took out a small red cloth bag from his arms and threw it to Xia Ruo, with a cold tone, "There is food in it. I will put a barrier around it first. You can eat something here first."

After speaking, she began to arrange the barrier around the big tree. In such a deep mountain full of dense forests, if there is no barrier, it is impossible to sleep at ease.

Xia Ruo opened the small cloth bag Tsubaki gave him, and inside it was a rice ball that was already dry. Just a glance, there was no desire to eat it.

But it seems that because of the reason that Chun was just held in his arms, the rice ball was unexpectedly warm.

"Don't you eat?"

Xia Ruo asked, looking at Chun who had arranged the barrier on the side.

"I still have it here. You don't think I will give you all the food hungry, I'm not that kind of good person," Chun's tone was still so cold.

"I just think that Miss Chun also has such a gentle side, a little surprised."

With a smile on Xia Ruo's face, she put away the rice ball in her hand. Now Chun was still a normal witch, and she would only degenerate into a black witch after he was twisted by the jade of the four souls and jealous of the bellflower.

"Since Ms. Chun will always protect me from now on, I can't justify doing nothing, so let me prepare today's dinner."

Xia Ruo said, took out the camping gas stove and pot from the portable space, which are tools that can be used to cook directly, and then took out a few bags of instant noodles.

Although the ingredients in Xia Ruo's space are very rich, it is no problem to make hot pot, but I have never used these tools before, so Xia Ruo decided to try instant noodles first, and there is no need to start with something truly delicious. Just take it out.

Chun was arranging the barrier, and suddenly saw Xia Ruo starting to take out things out of thin air, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"The technique for storing items?"

Originally, she thought that this young man was just an ordinary person, and she seemed to have missed it, but she was right, the words and deeds of the young man in front of her were not like ordinary people, maybe they used some art passed down from the ancient family.

Tsubaki is a very strong witch, but she is just a storage space technique and has no attack ability, so she still doesn't care about it.

"It's only a trivial ability, it's far from the ability of Master Miko to eliminate demons," Xia Ruo said, picking up a bucket of mineral water and starting to add water to the pot, and then set the fire to boil the water.

After waiting for a long time, after the water boiled, Xia Ruo immediately ordered three packs of instant noodles and added seasonings. The instant noodles were large in quantity and the amount was sufficient.

But only instant noodles were too shabby, Xia Ruo added three eggs and three sausages.

Why is it three copies?Because Tom is still drooling around the pot.

The instant noodles are almost there. If you add too many things, you can't feel the taste of instant noodles. Well, the perfect instant noodles will be ready soon.

The scent quickly drifted out. At first, Xia Ruo was a little worried. What if she attracts monsters? Although Tsubaki is here, don’t worry about it, but it’s always troublesome. But I’ve heard Tsubaki say before that the enchantment she set up is OK. Isolate the smell, the smell cannot be transmitted, so Xia Ruo boldly makes cooking.

"It smells so good, what are you doing? Why I have never smelled this fragrance before," Chun asked the scent that floated, and couldn't help swallowing, staring at the pot in front of Xia Ruo, her eyes straight. Up.

"Well, Miss Chun, come and eat."

Xia Ruo beckoned to Chun, then took out the bowl, added a bowl of instant noodles to Chun, and a lot of soup, and then handed the bowl to Chun.

"Taste it and see how my craft is," Xia Ruo asked, but there is always a shameless feeling to say this when making instant noodles.

"Let me try."

Tsubaki took a bite with chopsticks, and with just one bite, she felt a kind of delicacy that she had never experienced before filling her taste buds.

"Can you eat such delicious food in the wild?"

Tsubaki wanted to throw away the hardened rice ball in his arms.

Xia Ruo added a bowl to himself and Tom, and then he saw Tsubaki sucking the noodles frantically, just two or three mouthfuls, and one bowl of noodles was gone. Not only that, she also had one. He drank all the soup.

After eating, Tsubaki's originally cold complexion showed a happy expression on his face.

Isn't this woman afraid of getting hot?

"You look very happy," Xia Ruo said, looking at Chun.

"Humph," Chun didn't say a word, just coldly snorted, and his face returned to normal.

Xia Ruo was not talking, eating noodles with Tom,

At this time, a gust of wind blew, the bonfire was swayed by the wind, and the leaves of the dense forest were rustling. However, this gust of wind also blew away the clouds in the night sky and exposed the moon.

Looking up at the moon in the dark mountains, I feel that the moon is so close to me.

"Look!" Xia Ruo shouted, pointing to the sky.

"Looking at what?" Chun followed up, but saw nothing.

"The moon."


"The moon is so beautiful. It's the first time I'm in a deep mountain, feeling such an atmosphere to admire the moon, the bright moon and stars, this scenery is really intoxicating."


Chun was silent for a long time before he couldn't help but pop out of his mouth.

"You really came to travel!"



PS1: In summary on April 1, there are a lot of recommended votes recently. At this rate, the first 10,000 votes may be reached.

PS2: I have codewords for a long time, almost two chapters a day on average, very stable, and I am very satisfied.

PS3: There is a setting before, Xia Meng is a cousin, because it corresponds to a plot behind, but I think it is useless, plus the cousin does have some problems, I changed the front to my sister. Small settings do not affect reading.

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