I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 45 Sleep With Me, My Tent Is Big

"I'm here to travel, is there any problem?"

After eating, Xia Ruo took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the surrounding scenery and the bonfire burning in front of him. When the time came, Xia Meng could explain what he was doing these days, so he said that he was camping with friends.

During the period, Xia Ruo also secretly took a photo of Chun, beside the bonfire, Chun's face looked red under the orange flame, very attractive.

"What are you doing?" Chun found Xia Ruo's movements a bit strange.

"It's nothing."

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she put away her mobile phone and went directly to the place where she was going to rest. She couldn't really sleep against the big tree at night. After the sun went down, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower.

Even if the bonfire was still burning, Xia Ruo was a bit cold.

Fortunately, Xia Ruo prepared the tent. After taking the tent out of the portable space, and opening the tent, it was not easy to set up the tent.

Xia Ruo took out a light to illuminate, and then followed the instructions on the tent to play with the tent for a long time. Maybe the difference between the instructions and the actual situation was too great. Xia Ruo didn't set up the tent for a long time.

At this moment, Tom on the side couldn’t stand it anymore. He pushed Xia Ruo away with the cat’s paw, and then took a look at the manual. After taking a look, the cat threw the manual aside, and then patted her chest to make herself The owner is optimistic.

"You can?"


Then, in Xia Ruo's eyes, the Tom cat's movements seemed to have afterimages, and he whirled around the tent a few times, and then the tent was set up. This kind of scene is really strange.

It's really amazing.

As expected of Tom, Xia Ruo felt that if he had bricks and cement, maybe Tom Cat could build himself a two-story building on site.

Tsubaki, who was watching from the side, also turned his gaze on the cute little cat.She was a little surprised, the cat looked like a monster, why was there no trace of monster on her body.But it is indeed not uncommon to raise some weak cute monsters.

"Why do you have so many weird things, and what are you doing?" Chun asked, pointing his finger at the tent that Tom had just set up.

"This, this is called a tent, it's something used to sleep in the wild at night, you can't really sleep outside, it's too cold outside, and the tent can shelter from the wind and rain, very practical," Xia Ruo explained.

"This thing is pretty good," Chun praised after spinning around the tent twice.

In her eyes, the tent is like a small cave that can be carried.

"It really won't be too cold when you sleep here at night."

"Huh?" Xia Ruo turned to look at Chun, "Aren't you coming to sleep together?"

Tsubaki: "..."

"My tent is quite big."

Tsubaki: "..."

Xia Ruo didn’t mean anything else, except that he couldn’t watch Chun a woman blowing the air outside and sleeping in the tent by herself, but there was only one tent. He was not the kind of virgin creature who was not afraid of the cold. People sleeping in a tent seems like a good choice.

Of course, Tsubaki had no choice but to refuse.

"Yes," Tsubaki nodded slightly, agreeing.


Xia Ruo let out a hum, but didn't know why. After humming, she suddenly became so stiff, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while. Chun stood there, not knowing what she was thinking.

Tom stretched aside, then glanced here.


Xia Ruo looked at the time. After arriving in this world, Xia Ruo asked the villagers to check the time. In fact, the time can still be grasped. Because it was dark early and it didn’t take too long to eat, it was just eight o’clock. If there is no sleepiness at all, it is a bit too early to go to bed now.

I went to bed so early, and then got into the tent with Tsubaki. What should I do if I can't sleep? I can't stare in the tent.

Since it's okay now, I can only find something to do.

Xia Ruo took out a pot, then went to the stove to boil a pot of water, took out the cup and brewed two cups of tea, the tea was left for the guests, because there was a lot left, Xia Ruo brought some.

A faint tea fragrance came out.

"Miss Chun, come and have tea."

After making tea, Xia Ruo poured a cup and handed it to Tsubaki.

"You will enjoy it."

Chun's mouth twitched, took the cup, held the cup, feeling the temperature from the cup and the faint tea fragrance, she took a small sip.

"It's hot and smells good."

The moment he drank the tea, Chun looked like a world away.

According to her expectation, tonight should be sleeping by the tree, relying on the campfire, and staying for one night in the cold night. The night is cold, accompanied by strong winds, cold, depressive atmosphere, and constant beasts and animals around. The roar of the monster.

This is the normal situation of life in the wild.

But now I can have a tea break after eating perfect food.

When did she have such a life on the road, it was a good day for her before, without the bloody smell of monsters on her clothes.

She found that her journey along the way was hard cultivation, but for Xia Ruo, being in the wild was really like entertainment.

After drinking tea, Tsubaki felt a lot warmer and relaxed a little.

The two of them sat together like a cat, then looked at the bright moon in the sky, watching the moon while drinking tea.

Tom cat also poured himself a cup of tea, held the teacup, licked it tentatively with his little tongue, and showed a comfortable expression.

Xia Ruo is the same, enjoying the feeling of camping leisurely while drinking tea.

Sure enough, it was completely different from being at home. Although the life of an otaku at home was very good, it was another kind of comfort to come out to camp with the beautiful woman.

The excitement brought by the environment is different. The feelings caused by the two atmospheres are very different in a safe home and an open field.

"I always feel that the profession of witches is very hard," Xia Ruo said suddenly while drinking tea.

"What's the matter?" Chun did not know what he asked.

"You see, your help to eradicate monsters is not only life-threatening, but you also have to go to different places to eliminate monsters, and often live in the wild. You used to eliminate monsters in that village, and it took a lot of time to find monsters' lairs. , Didn't you bring the monster back a day later?" Xia Ruo said after taking a sip of tea.

"Yes, I spent some time searching for the monster's lair, and it was already dark when I solved it. I slept in the monster's lair that night," Chun nodded.

"It's really hard work, so take a good rest tonight."

"I didn't expect you to be considerate of the witch," Chun's face became softer. She had never met someone who could talk so intimately.

"Miko is a very hard job. People expect too much of witches. They always think that witches are omnipotent. Then when they encounter problems, they like to pray to witches, hoping that witches can help them. The witches are burdened too much, but no one sees them. No one can understand the hard work of the maiden," Chun's tone was a little low, as if he thought of bad memories.

"It's not good to hold one in your heart like that, you can tell me later."

Xia Ruo turned sideways and stared at Chun's face, smiling.

"I can understand."

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