I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 64 Don't Forget To Buy A Present For Tsubaki

Naoko Yamada no longer knows how many times he has watched "The Girl with Light Tones". This work is very relaxing and different from previous works. It is estimated that this work will become a trend.

Looking at the original picture of selling meat that he drew, Yamada Naoko couldn't help sighing.

If you create a work like "The Girl with Light Voice", even if you work overtime, there is nothing to complain about.

However, at this moment, Yamada Naoko found out that he had received a new e-mail. According to the truth, no one should send an e-mail to himself during this time period.

Naoko Yamada clicked the email with the mouse.

"Oh, it turned out that the resume I sent was passed..." Naoko Yamada shook his head, and it took a few seconds before he realized what had happened.


The loud voice attracted the attention of the surrounding colleagues, and everyone looked at Naoko Yamada in doubt.

"What's wrong, Yamada? Pay attention, this is the company!" The fat pig president of the animation company severely rebuked Yamada after seeing Yamada's exclaim.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Naoko Yamada covered her little mouth and looked at this email in disbelief. Did she apply for the job like this?

Just sent a resume, no telephone interview, no other cumbersome process, just passed it?Relying only on your ordinary resume?

Are you so lucky?

However, after carefully reading the email sent by Xia Ruo, Yamada changed his opinion slightly.

The e-mailers’ views on the future of animation are definitely ahead of this era, and they appreciate their work very much. They have been talking about dreams and the future in their e-mails, and even said that the “future animation is in our hands”. .

The salary is also higher than the current job, and the air ticket is also reimbursed. Once there, you can directly become an animation supervisor.

Compared with the current work, it is simply heaven.

"It's not like a scam, but is it really going to China?" Yamada Naoko was lost in confusion. As an ordinary Japanese woman, she would be very satisfied to live a peaceful life in Japan for a lifetime.The idea of ​​going abroad to work was just a whim.

In other words, I am a little curious about that ancient country in China. Naoko Yamada learned some Chinese in college, but it was just a simple daily level. Can I really live in China?

Naoko Yamada never thought that he would be admitted, because the production team of "The Girl with Light Tone" is obviously extremely good, and people with no merits like him should not be selected.


The Japanese are still in the second, and the most girlish person like Yamada Naoko is no exception. Since some people need themselves, no matter what country they are.

She is only 24 years old now. Yamada Naoko doesn't want her future to work endlessly overtime. Even if she fails, she will start again, she would not want to do this broken company.

Naoko Yamada stood up suddenly, scanned the surrounding colleagues who were still working hard, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Yamada Naoko resigned on the same day and bought a plane ticket to China.

After dealing with the domestic affairs, Yamada Naoko will be able to go to the miraculous company in about a week.


Xia Ruo’s upload of the latest episode of "Platus grandiflorum" has received a very good response. This chapter of Fog Demon is very similar to the previous chapter of a general bloody comic, slowly revealing the world of this monster, Xia Ruo and Chun’s two-line battle, plus Tom is funny from time to time. Generally speaking, it is still normal.

After the setting is accepted, many viewers in the comment area are looking forward to the subsequent development of the plot.

Most of them are for updating.

Compared with the two animations that were released at the beginning, the update of the "Kanji" animation is a bit too slow.

In this world, it is not exactly the same as the previous life. The quarterly animation playback mode of the previous life has become popular, and the mode is more popular once a week. The audience is used to waiting for updates online.

But in this world, most domestic animations are broadcast on TV stations, and many cartoons on TV stations are still the same as TV series. Once the animations are all finished, the TV will broadcast at least two episodes a day.

There will be that kind of weekly change on the Internet, but it is rare.

Unlike Xia Ruo’s idea, the latest episode of "Panjima" was broadcast. Xia Ruo was not satisfied with the gain of prestige. It may be that the prestige increased the most when the first character appeared. The subsequent animation playback cannot be doubled, only New audiences will only grow when they join.

There is no way. The main thing that limits the reputation is the number of viewers. Now it can only be played a little bit first, and the popularity in the early stage has been accumulated. When the number of episodes increases, it may become popular.

After staying at home for a few days, Xia Ruo had nothing to do, and was ready to go to the world of Inuyasha again.


Wait a minute, did I forget something?

Xia Ruo felt the crisis subconsciously, and it seemed that one thing would be dangerous if he didn't want to get up.


"By the way, I almost forgot to bring a gift to Tsubaki. If I forgot, I would be unlucky." Xia Ruo patted her head and suddenly remembered the incident. She had ensured that she was good when she left. If she went back empty-handed, then There really is a problem.

Although I feel that Tsubaki might not care about it, she did not take anything. No, it is impossible for Tsubaki not to care. She is not a kind woman. Maybe she is angry because of such a small matter, and she seems indifferent on the surface, and then secretly gives herself The next prank curse or something.

It's so risky, but I remember it.

Tsubaki had allocated all his guards to his family before, and Xia Ruo was also planning to pick some things Tsubaki liked, and Xia Ruo had already prepared the things he prepared.

To prepare a gift, it is natural to find a professional person, who happens to be in the family.

Xia Meng is watching a TV series in the living room. At home, she usually wears large casual clothes, and then leaned back lazily on the sofa, huddled together, holding a bottle of yogurt in her hand, drinking milk while watching TV.

When she doesn't go shopping, she stays at home and watches TV. Xia Meng is the kind of little girl who likes to watch ancient romantic dramas and Korean dramas.

Except for some TV sets starring a handsome little brother, she is not very interested in others.

Xia Ruo directly found his sister and explained the situation.

"What, you said you want me to take you to buy a gift for that witch girlfriend," Xia Meng tilted his head and confirmed to his brother.

"Yes, that's why I asked you to help me. You are good at shopping, and the clothes you buy are also very good-looking." Xia Ruo nodded. He believed his sister. Xia Meng usually buys good things and looks good. Very girlish.

"Huh huh, she really has eyesight," Xia Meng couldn't hide the pride on her face when she heard her brother's compliment, and drank the yogurt in a happily sigh.

"In this case, then I will help you. By the way, does your friend have any favorite things? Or hobbies," Xia Meng asked, sitting upright, knowing some things, and choosing gifts.

"The things you like, it seems like you like to eat delicious food. She likes all the food we made during camping," Xia Ruo replied after thinking about it.

"Except for food?" Xia Meng shook his head. Everyone likes food, which is useless.

"Well, by the way, she loves beauty and cares about looks."

Xia Ruo remembered another thing. In the original work, Chun loved beauty very much and felt that his beauty was unparalleled in the world. Later, in order to maintain his face forever, he swallowed monsters and completely degenerated into a villain.

"Love beauty, this is normal too," Xia Meng nodded in sympathy. It is normal for girls to love beauty, but if my brother said that, it is probably very beautiful, and it is easier to choose gifts.

"Let's go," Xia Meng jumped off the sofa.

"Where to go?"

"Where to go, of course, to the mall."

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