I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 65: Welcome Back

"Don't you have to go to the mall to buy something for your friend? Are you going to buy it online?" Xia Meng asked, looking at her brother.

"Okay, let's go," Xia Ruo nodded. If you buy online, you don't know how long it will take for the courier to arrive, and it would be nice for Xia Meng to choose gifts at the mall.

In the end, Xia Ruo and her sister often go to the mall.

Without hesitation, Xia Meng took Xia Ruo to the cosmetics area.

"It's here, cosmetics are just needed for girls, so there is definitely nothing wrong with sending cosmetics," Xia Meng said as he led his brother to a cosmetics shop.

"You can watch it right here, but if you are giving a gift, I recommend lipstick and perfume. These two are better as gifts," Xia Meng recommended.

"Huh?" Xia Ruo turned to look at his sister's face, somewhat puzzled, "Do you usually put on makeup?"

"No, I only use some mother's skin care products occasionally. Look at what I do. I am a student and rarely make-up." After Xia Meng was stared at by her brother, she covered her face.

To be honest, for some girls with light makeup, Xia Ruo really can't tell whether they have makeup or not. Even Xia Ruo doesn't know whether Chun has makeup or not. It seems that there is something similar to lipstick.

"You quickly choose your gift."


With Xia Meng's guidance, choosing a gift is quite simple. Although she said she didn't use cosmetics, she still chose a perfume gift box she liked and a lipstick gift box for Xia Ruo.

According to her, there is absolutely no problem in sending girls to girls, and they won't look straight. Moreover, Xia Meng chose the type that is not very expensive and is very cost-effective.

Only Xia Meng explained what slogan number, perfume type, etc., Xia Ruo didn't understand, did not understand, she could only nod her head vigorously, and then waited for Xia Meng to choose to pay.

"Well, according to me, you can give this kind of gift no problem," Xia Meng patted her chest confidently, confident of her choice.

"Well, thanks a lot."

Xia Ruo also felt that Chun would like to send this kind of stuff.

When he had bought the present and was going back, Xia Ruo saw the women's clothing section again, and then stopped.

Come here, all came here, do you want to buy a dress for Chun?

This thought suddenly popped into his mind.

The animation world is very peculiar. Except for some special animations, many characters in animations always wear one piece of clothing. They rarely change clothes. Tsubaki also wears that robe-type witch dress. I don’t know if she will I like modern clothes.

For beautiful clothes, girls should also like it.

It wasn't that Xia Ruo had any other thoughts, he just felt that Chun seemed to have only one set of clothes to wear. In case it was torn during the battle, there must be a spare.

And this time she already has cosmetics as a gift, so she can leave her clothes first, put them in her own pocket first, and then take them out when she uses them.

It can be used as a gift or as spare clothes. You can prepare for it. If you forget to bring a gift next time, you can also take it out.

"Why don't you choose a dress for me," Xia Ruo turned to her sister and said.

"Huh? Women's clothing? You want to send clothes," Xia Meng asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter? Can't you give me clothes?" Xia Ruo asked back.

"Yes, you can," Xia Meng nodded, giving her girlfriend a gift anyway, whatever she wants, "what kind of clothes are you going to give."

"It's better for you to choose, whatever you like, just choose what you like, I'll pay for it," Xia Ruo still chooses the clothes to be given as a mess. He thinks that in fact, the women's clothing are almost the same and can’t tell. Good and bad.

Whether beautiful or not depends mainly on the face and figure.

"I choose? Good!"

Xia Meng didn't expect her brother to trust herself so much. Naturally, she couldn't live up to this trust, and she would definitely do her best to help her brother choose gifts.You know she is a little princess shopping, a master of mini skirt appreciation.

She has long been fond of a dress, it is super beautiful, but that dress is too mature and she is not old enough to wear it, but that dress really made her look greedy for a long time.

I asked her brother about the girl's height and figure, and she directly found the location of the skirt she saw last time, and without asking her brother, she packed it up.

Anyway, no matter what he chooses, his elder brother will only nod his head, so it is better to surprise him.

Xia Meng chose a big red dress with straps off the shoulders, a bit of a light wedding dress.

She was thinking, if the woman in the photo really wears this dress, it will definitely look pretty.


It didn’t take long to choose the gift. Xia Meng’s efficiency was very fast, and the gift was bought without spending even an hour in the mall.

Back at home, Xia Ruo put the present in the portable space, and then took Tom across again.

The time ratio can be adjusted in both directions. After Xia Ruo stayed at home for four days, two days have passed since the world of Inuyasha. When traveling to the world of Inuyasha, Xia Ruo adjusted the ratio to the faster flow rate of Inuyasha.

The white whirlpool disappeared, and Xia Ruo appeared in the room.

The place where Xia Ruo appeared was actually the room he was staying in the village temporarily, because he traveled back from here, but suddenly, he heard a voice.

"You're back."

The sudden appearance of the female voice frightened Xia Ruo. She turned to look over and found that Chun was kneeling and sitting there, quietly alone, without knowing what to do.

This woman is not doing well in her room, so why did she come to her room.Xia Ruo was a little strange.

Chun looked at Xia Ruo with curious eyes, "This space technique you used is very delicate, and it's not the same as that storage ability. It's a pretty powerful technique. Did you just come back from the family?"

Xia Ruo told Chun that he was going home through spatial ability, so Chun knew it.

"Yeah, I made Miss Chun wait for a long time. In the past few days I have left, does Miss Chun feel bored? Without my food, can't eat ordinary meals anymore," Xia Ruo smiled and looked at Chun Asked his face.

"No, after you left, I have relaxed a lot these days, and I can eat two more bowls for meals," Tsubaki said blankly.

"Cough cough," Xia Ruo couldn't help but cough when she heard this, she didn't seem to expect Chun to answer that way.

Seeing Xia Ruo's reaction, Chun's face still didn't show the slightest expression, but there was a slight smile in his eyes.

"Welcome back."

"Well, I'm back."


ps: I'm asking for a ticket, I recommend a ticket, brother Meng.

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