I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 66: You Are So Delicious

"Miss Chun, I brought you a gift this time. See if you like it or not."

Xia Ruo took out the perfume gift box and lipstick gift box she had prepared. The gift packaging was exquisite. Xia Ruo put the gift in front of Tsubaki.

"Gifts, I don't really care about this kind of thing."

Chun's mouth said so, but he took all the gift boxes and looked at the box with curious eyes, as if guessing what was inside.

Xia Ruo is speechless, is this duplicity?

It seems that he cares a lot, but he doesn't seem to care. Fortunately, I brought my own gifts.

Xia Ruo went forward and opened the gift box for Chun, then took out the lipstick and perfume, and introduced Chun to it.

After hearing the effects of the items Xia Ruo said, Chun's eyes brightened. Although she wanted to try the effect of the lipstick, she was a little embarrassed to use the lipstick in front of Xia Ruo, so she could use it again later.

So she just sprayed on the perfume and tried it. Sure enough, there was a faint fragrance lingering on her body. Tsubaki liked the gift very much, but she still looked like she didn't care.

"It's okay, I also have something like rouge, but thank you anyway."

Although she doesn’t seem to care about these gifts, for Tsubaki, being able to say thank you is already a huge change. At least according to her previous character, she hardly ever said the word'thank you' to others. .

"It's fine if you like it. Ms. Chun is a very beautiful girl. She has a very good temperament and works well with everything," Xia Ruo also felt the changes in Chun and said with a smile.


Although Chun's performance had always been plain, she still couldn't resist Xia Ruo's straightforward praise, she could only make a soft hmm, and her eyes floated elsewhere.

Having been praised by Xia Ruo all the time, even Chun was a little embarrassed.

Chun suddenly thought that Xia Ruo was actually a very nice person, bringing gifts to herself and still being able to praise herself tenderly, but she never praised Xia Ruo and was always indifferent to him.

Do you want me to praise him too?

Chun suddenly thought of this kind of problem. The previous Chun never thought about this kind of thing, but recently she didn't know why, she became a little girl.

But Chun did not praise others, nor did he praise it.

"By the way, did Miss Chun eat anything? I brought some snacks from my sister," Xia Ruo took out two packets of snacks from the space and shared them with Chun.

It was just the ordinary bear biscuits. There was no other idea. Xia Ruo picked it up and used it as a snack in idle time.


Chun took it, opened it and ate two bites, but after Chun ate it, it felt dry. She looked at Xia Ruo, and suddenly Chun thought of a good idea.

"The snacks you are talking about are not as delicious as your cooking. I prefer to eat your cooking."


When Xia Ruo heard this, she turned her head and looked at Tsubaki. Tsubaki was actually complimenting the deliciousness of his cooking, "You mean, my cooking is delicious?"

"Well," Tsubaki nodded seriously, although there was still not much expression on his face, "The food you cook is delicious, the best I have ever tasted."

Hearing these words, Xia Ruo was really happy, and no one had ever praised her cooking level. Xia Ruo couldn't get anything out of the food she cooked by herself. He just felt so normal.

Today is the first time to be so praised.

In the past, Tsubaki just ate it with a sullen head, and said, "It's delicious", how come it has changed so much today.

Is it because you feel better after receiving the gift?

However, Xia Ruo was a bit too proud and asked one more question, which was actually just casual.

"Which is the best food I have cooked?"


Chun lowered his head and thought for a while, then thought of something.

"The noodle you made for the first time was the best."


The noodles I made for the first time, instant noodles...

What I make is not as good as instant noodles.


The smile on Xia Ruo's face was frozen, and then gradually disappeared.

"Meow hahahahaha!"

The eavesdropping Tom beside him couldn't help making a human-like laugh. He kept rolling on the ground and beating the ground, as if he was amused.


Before he finished laughing, Tom was hit in the head by a can of cats thrown by Xia Ruo.

Chun looked at Tom strangely. She didn't understand why the cat laughed, and she also noticed Xia Ruo's depression, some inexplicable, she praised him, how did he become even more depression, is she really that bad at complimenting others? ?

at night.

Xia Ruo made another pot of instant noodles for Chun, adding eggs and sausages. Judging from Chun's expression, she really liked this.

Xia Ruo didn't understand, whether it was awful to make it by herself, or Chun liked the taste of instant noodles.

After eating and drinking.

Early the next morning, it was time to start again.

"That's right," Chun suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Xia Ruo. "Someone came to me before and asked me to get rid of the demon. It was nearby. People who came told me that there are often strange people in nearby villages. Missing, there is a high probability of being captured by the monster,"

"Well, what then?"

"It may be dangerous, do you want to go with me?" Chun asked, staring at Xia Ruo's face.

"Of course together, if you go alone, I will be very worried about you."


Xia Ruo's answer was the same as Chun's guess.


Not long after Xia Ruo and Chun left, a black-haired witch came to this small town with a little girl.

When the little girl walked into this town, there was a trace of worry on her face, as if she was afraid of something.

"Sister Kikyo, I heard that someone has seen the Tsubaki Miko here."

"Maple, we are just passing by here to ask for news by the way, don't worry about the others," said the black-haired witch next to the little girl.

The black-haired maiden looks very beautiful, with jet-black eyes, a melon-seeded face, a jet-black and bright, supple Ji hair style, with a clean white headband to tie her hair, delicate and beautiful facial features, a touch of cherry lips, a firm and confident expression There is a sense of melancholy.

Wearing a traditional witch costume with white and red, with a simple bow and arrow on his back,

She is Kikyo, the most powerful witch of this era, and the little girl next to her is her sister, Maple.

"Sister Kikyo, but I am still a little worried. The Tsubaki Maiden feels very dangerous to me. I feel that there will be bad things when I meet her," Feng's voice was a little timid.

"Don't be afraid, that woman can't hurt me," Kikyo's expression is as firm and confident as ever. With her strength, she has this confidence.

"And Tsubaki's purpose here should be to eliminate demons. She and I should be able to cooperate."

Kikyo came here because I heard that there are monsters here. In the nearby villages, people are often missing. The villagers are very panicked, and the number of missing is quite large, exceeding hundreds.

In addition to the large monster lair that can cause such a large-scale villager to disappear, there may also be a very dangerous monster doing evil.

No matter what it is, she will take action to solve it.

After entering the village, Kikyo asked around.

Tsubaki's clothes and identity are still very conspicuous. Kikyo soon learned that Tsubaki and a young man had removed the demon together, and the relationship between the two seemed to be very close. Hearing this news, even Kikyo could not calm down, so Tsubaki Such a person would actually bring a man.

"With a man? Intimacy?"

Kikyo, who had always been calm, suddenly became a little messy.

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