I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

Chapter 67 Nightmare and Human Face Fruit Tree

Inside the school.

Xia Ruo was sitting on the seat next to the window. The teacher on the stage was giving a lecture, but Xia Ruo didn't want to listen to the class at all, so he sat in a daze in the seat.Because Xia Ruo's classroom is on the fourth floor, he can clearly see the scenery below the school through the window.

He returned to the peaceful campus life, as if a lifetime away.

"I didn't expect the summer vacation to end so soon. I just stay at home and be bored and go to school. The key is that my adventure in another world is so fulfilling. I told me all at once that school started and I didn't adjust it."

Xia Ruo felt a little dazed. The previous experience in the monster era was like a dream. It passed in the blink of an eye, and time seemed to pass a bit quickly.


Suddenly, a familiar meow reached Xia Ruo's ears.

Ok?This voice is...

Xia Ruo suddenly noticed that Tom appeared outside the window at some unknown time. Tom had an anxious expression and kept beating the window glass with his claws.

Tom?Why did it appear here? Also, this is the fourth floor. Did Tom fly up?

And why is it so anxious, has people from another world come in?

Just as Xia Ruo reacted, Tom's claws hit the glass faster and faster, as if he was still shouting.

"what happened?"


The glass was broken by Tom, and Tom rushed to Xia Ruo's face, and then hugged Xia Ruo's face with two small claws and shook it constantly.

"Master, master, have you forgotten? School starts right away, and your summer homework hasn't moved a word!"


A question mark appeared above Xia Ruo's head.


"It's over, the homework hasn't been written yet!"

Xia Ruo was awakened by the nightmare. When he opened his eyes, Tom was riding on his face, clutching his face with his small claws. Did Tom just woke him up?

After waking up, Xia Ruo looked at the blue sky and white clouds above, which gave him a sense of reality.

Sure enough, Xia Ruo remembered that because the weather was so good, Tom volunteered to go down to the river to catch fish for lunch, so he took a nap on the lawn while waiting for Tom to catch the fish.

Fortunately, it is a dream. Otherwise, the homework is not finished after school starts. It is really scary. Wait a minute, the summer homework seems to have not moved a word.

"You're awake," Chun handed Xia Ruo a skewer of grilled fish. It turned out that when Xia Ruo was asleep, even the fish had been grilled.

"Just yelling so loudly, is it a nightmare?"

"Yes, it's a real dream. I just thought that I haven't written my homework yet," Xia Ruo nodded.


Tom wanted to laugh, but instantly covered his mouth with a cat's claw.

"I've slept. I was supposed to grill the fish." Xia Ruo took the grilled fish that Chun handed over and took a light bite. It was just a small bite. Xia Ruo noticed the difference.

"It's delicious, better than what I cooked. Is this fish baked by Miss Chun?" Xia Ruo asked, looking at Chun.

"No, it was the cat who baked it," Tsubaki pointed to Tom who was eating fish. "It was baked well, shouldn't it be a cat."

When Tom heard Xia Ruo's words, he straightened his breasts, and even caught fish with grilled fish. Tom is omnipotent.

"Yes, Tom, the grilled fish is indeed better than me, better than the average grilled fish chef. Why don't you call you Master Soup in the future, this nickname is good," Xia Ruo quipped.


Tom yelled in objection, he felt that the name "Master Tang" was not good.

When they were eating the fish, something seemed to be floating along the river above the river. Tom just finished eating the fish and looked at it curiously. It turned out to be a big peach, about the size of a human head.

Tom had never seen such a big peach, so Tom curiously fished the peach from the river, wanting to see if the peach could be eaten.


But after taking a look at it, Tom immediately threw the peach out in fright. This peach is not an ordinary peach. There is a scary face on the huge peach, which is very real. Just a glance, the face on the fruit is just Make people get goose bumps.

"This is... human face fruit."

Seeing this peach with a human face, Chun's face became serious, "I didn't expect to see the human face fruit here."

"Human face fruit!"

Xia Ruo also made a surprised voice. He knew about the human face fruit. It was a very evil-evil fruit in the original book. It was the fruit grown on the human face fruit tree by using living people as nutrients. Everyone's face is actually a life.

As long as humans or monsters eat this fruit, they will gain powerful power, and if they eat the fruit, it seems that those who eat the fruit will also be controlled by the human face fruit tree.

However, Xia Ruo guessed that it might not be the fruit tree in the original work, because the fruit tree in the original work seemed to have been in a deep sleep, and was awakened only after touching the jade fragments of the Four Souls.

"Do you know Ren Mian Guo?" Chun did not expect Xia Ruo to also know the rumors of Ren Mian Guo.

"Just understand a little bit," Xia Ruo nodded.

"Since the fruit can float here, it means that the location of the fruit tree is not far upstream. We still have to go early to solve the human face fruit tree and the monsters that guard it, otherwise more people will die, like the human face fruit tree. The evil thing cannot let it stay," Chun looked at the location upstream of the river.

She is going to leave now.

"Okay, let's go," Xia Ruo hugged Tom on the side.

Chun is a witch. It is her responsibility and experience to get rid of monsters when encountering monsters, but it has nothing to do with Xia Ruo.

She actually wanted Xia Ruo to stay, but no matter what she said, Xia Ruo had to go with her, which made Chun feel helpless, but also touched.

The two of them walked up the river together.

Xia Ruo was a little worried deep in her heart. After all, in the original book, Inuyasha, who learned the wound of the wind, encountered the monster who guarded the human face and fell into a disadvantage. It can be seen how powerful the human face is.

Moreover, Xia Ruo also heard the rumors that hundreds of people have disappeared from several nearby villages. This shows that at least hundreds of people have been spawned, maybe even more, eat so many fruits, then that The monster is probably already very powerful.

Although Tsubaki is not weak, his offensive methods are too poor. Only curses and Shikigami can see through. The only thing that comforts Xia Ruo is that in Inuyasha, Tsubaki is an intermediate boss, and he has cooperated with Naraku. This type of guardian monster can only be regarded as a small boss.

Xia Ruo took a look at his prestige bar again, and the prestige value was increasing by about 100 points every day. Now the prestige is more than 900.

Probably around tonight, there will be almost the prestige value of upgrading to lv2, and at that time, his strength can also usher in a wave of improvement.

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