Human face in front of the fruit tree.

A pig head monster about two to three meters high slowly walked into the human face fruit tree, and then picked two fruits from the face fruit tree and put them in his mouth.

Ha ha ha ha.

The human face fruit the size of a human head was eaten into the stomach like this.

"Catch some more humans, and then grow more human face fruits. As long as I keep eating, I can become a big monster. Hahaha, my luck is really good. I can find such a powerful fruit tree."

The pig head monster was plump, and the monster body was like a ball. It didn't look like any powerful monster at all. It tasted deliciously every bite.

But there was clearly only one monster here, but suddenly a second voice came.

"Yes, as long as you grab more humans for me as a nutrient, then I can give you more fruit and stronger power."

The sound was the human face fruit tree in front of the pig demon. Although it did not have eyes and mouth, it looked like a dark tree, but it did speak.

The human face fruit tree is also a monster.

"Okay, okay, I know, I will catch more humans. I ate so many fruits. The average wizard is just my food. No one can stop me anymore."

The Pig Head Monster snorted coldly, and could say, "No one can stop me." It seemed that it was very confident in its power.

"Then I wish you good luck. You have killed so many people. Then there will be exorcists, witches and other demons who will come and arrest you. Even you may have been targeted by now. Then you I'm dead, but I can't move," the human face fruit tree seemed to remind the pig demon.

"The exorcist is just a stronger human. The witch is just a weaker woman. It is better for a woman to come, hahaha" The arrogant pig demon didn't pay attention to the reminder of the human face fruit tree. He heard it. When there are witches, even the tone is a little excited.

It seems that she is still looking forward to the arrival of the witch.

"Hey, I hope there won't be any powerful monsters coming over."

After saying this, the human face fruit tree stopped speaking.


Xia Ruo and Chun walked up the river all the way, and then at the bottom of a cliff, they found a lot of falling human face fruit. It seemed that the human face fruit had fallen from above.

If it fell from the mountain, then the human face fruit tree should be on the top of the mountain.

The location is found, but how do I get up?How long does it take to climb a mountain.

"It's so high! This mountain is too steep, it doesn't look like it can be climbed at all, how did that monster come down to catch people," Xia Ruo looked up at the towering mountain peak, and did not understand.

"Maybe the monster can fly, this is normal," Chun looked solemnly at the position on the mountain, she felt a hint of danger from the position of the mountain peak.

"I can feel a strong evil, and a sense of anxiety."

When Chun said this, Xia Ruo's face became a little serious. Since Chun said this, the monster on the top of the mountain is really dangerous. After all, the fog monster that I met last time was in Chun's mouth. It was just a little monster with weird ability.

"Since you feel the danger, it is very likely to be a powerful monster. Why don't we go back and get ready to find some helpers?" Xia Ruo thought of the first thing to be steady.

This is not counseling, this is prudent.

Preparing everything is Xia Ruo's character. He doesn't like challenging things that are uncertain, and he doesn't like failure, let alone things that might die in the real world, even playing games.

Xia Ruo once played a game to fight a black dragon boss, and prepared the resources and consumables that can slaughter three black dragons before going to fight the black dragon.

"There is nothing to prepare, and preparations can't improve the combat power too much. Since it has already arrived, there is no need to be afraid."

Obviously, Chun is not the same person as Xia Ruo, she has come here in countless dangers.

Since Chun had said this, Xia Ruo couldn't persuade her anymore, and could only support her decision in this case.

"Then let's go together, I will protect you as much as possible then."

When Xia Ruo wanted to protect herself, Chun's mouth curled up slightly, but her smile quickly disappeared, as if nothing happened.

Chun shook her head, and then looked at Xia Ruo, with a rare gentleness in her tone, "However, this time demonization is indeed a bit dangerous. If I bring you, I can't take care of you. You just wait here obediently. I."



Xia Ruo always felt that Chun’s tone to herself now seemed to be talking to a wayward child, and couldn’t help but twitching at the corners of her mouth. What does this mean? From her words and tone, the relationship between the two is obvious. Closer than before.

But did Miko consider herself an unreasonable kid?

"I can also be a helper!"

"Good, obedient."



Tom on the side covered his mouth again, but it was obviously too late, and the laughter had already come out.

Xia Ruo wanted to say something, but Chun was obviously worried about him and didn't want to take him. Chun did not know where he pulled out a paper man, and then two white fingers lightly flicked, the paper man became The giant bird carried the Tsubaki into the sky.

Chun flew away, and Xia Ruo could only stand still.

"Just flew away?" Xia Ruo stared at the towering mountain peaks blankly. He just wanted to climb the mountain to catch up. It is estimated that the matter will be resolved after climbing halfway.


Tom wanted to comfort his master. He thought it was good. Tom didn't like to fight such horrible monsters. Although it seemed that those monsters were stupid, they were not as good as it.

"It really didn't take me."

Don’t you even plan to give one shot for this kind of little plot’s daily demon removal?

Chun went straight without taking herself. In fact, Xia Ruo was not very angry. After all, he could feel that Chun was worried about himself, but Xia Ruo was more worried about Chun's safety at this time.

After all, in the original game, Tsubaki's reputation is quite big and he has a strong reputation, but the record is really shameful, no one has ever fought, and the combat performance is even more shameful than the record, and he was beaten by various tricks.

As the saying goes, the blackening is twice as strong, and the whitening is weak by three points, but after the blackening, the performance is not very strong. The most eye-catching in the whole plot is just a curse on Kikyo, and then it is always Being abused, being pulled by Kikyo, cursed by Kagome rebound.More popular is that it looks awesome, but always overturns.

All kinds of dark history made Xia Ruo involuntarily want to worry about her.

"I'm so worried about Chun," Xia Ruo was really worried, but looking at this steep mountain wall, he really couldn't climb it.

"If only I could fly."


"Huh? Tom, you dare to taunt me!"

Xia Ruo frowned and glanced at Tom who was doing nothing next to him, and suddenly had a good idea in his mind.

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