"Hum, Li Dahai, you promised me that as long as my Chu family gave you Lingshi, you would not pursue it. Now you come to my Chu family to make a big trouble. You are a man of no credit and no reputation, I should not let you go!"

Chu Kun's angry voice also spread to Lin Xuan's ear. Lin Xuan looked from the crevice between the figures, and suddenly saw the middle-aged man's face full of remorse!

"Hahaha, Chukun, you are too stupid. You are not as good as a three-year-old child. Hum, you are such a fool that you can be excused for burying the Chu family!"

"Besides, hey hey, you remember clearly, I just said that I would not pursue, but I didn't promise that the Li family would not pursue either!"

Li Dahai smiles and looks proud!

"The most shameless... Father, what else do you say to these people? I, Chu Tianyou, even if I die today, will take you to be buried with me!"

Chu Tianyou glares at Li Dahai and tries to bear the pain from his body, so he will rush up to fight with Li Dahai!

"Hey, hey... This young master of Chu is very brave. Just like his father, he is a little stupid. He even takes the initiative to fight with Li Dahai, who is in the seventh stage of spiritual cultivation. Does he think death is not fast enough?"

"Hum, I can't help myself. Li Jialing worships his relatives. The Chu family can't resist it!"

"Today, it seems that the Chu family will be wiped away from Yulin city!"

"It's all fate!"

I do not know when, in front of the Chu family gathered a group of onlookers who came here to watch, all sighed.

Just as the onlookers were talking, Chu Tianyou had no fear of fighting with Li Dahai, but he was injured and was not Li Dahai's opponent at all!

Just a few tens of breath, he had been slapped on his chest by Li Dahai. A mouthful of blood came out of his mouth. His body was shocked by the huge impact and fell to the feet of the Chu family. His whole body was paralyzed and his bones were about to fall apart!

"God bless..."

"Young master!"


All the Chu family exclaimed repeatedly and helped Chu Tianyou up, but the latter had lost his fighting power and even had a lot of trouble standing up. With the help of others, he was still shaking!

"Li Dahai... I'll fight with you!"

Chu Kun's eyes are full of blood. When he sees that his son is seriously injured by Li Dahai, he is very angry. In a hurry, he rushes towards Li Dahai like a wild leopard!

However, at this moment, among the Li family, there was a 60 year old man who gave a cold hum. He stepped forward and stood in front of Li Dahai. There was a terrible wave all over his body. He waved directly at Chu Kun, who suddenly came!


The moment Chu Kun and the old man were opposite, he couldn't resist the extraordinary power. There was a crack in the palm of his hand, and the powerful spiritual power poured into his body, causing great damage to his internal organs. His face was pale, and his forehead was full of cold sweat!


Chu Kunqiang is biting his teeth, but the sharp pain from his body still makes it difficult for him to calm down. He can't help roaring, his mouth is bloodshot, and his eyes are full of despair!


The old man is out of his reach. It's like an ant looking up at a dragon. It's hard to compete!

As the old man in his sixties took another hand, he suddenly clapped his hand. In a hurry, Chu Kun couldn't dodge and suffered a heavy blow again. The whole person seemed to fall down, and the look in his eyes was not much!

The buildings were shaking because of the terrible aftershock like the earthquake. The sixty year old man showed a disdainful smile on his face and said sarcastically, "hum, I can't help myself!"

"It seems that the Chu family can't do without that old thing!"

"In that case, I'll see you in the past. I'll give you a ride to the Chu family. Ha ha ha!"

The old man in black robe in his sixties laughed wildly, as if he thought of the grudge with Chu family, and looked scornful!

In his eyes, the Chu family now even today's owners are so easily defeated by him, who can save them?

The Chu family will die today!


The girl in green shirt rushed to her father in tears and looked at his injury.

"Yue'er... I'm incompetent for my father. I can't protect you and wait for you. Poof..."

Just then, Chu Kun, who was seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of black blood again, and his face was even paler and bloodless.

"Don't... I don't want my father to go..."

Just as the girl was crying, the old man moved again, as if fighting against the wind. He came to the girl and the master of the Chu family in an instant, and suddenly waved his hand again. He wanted to kill them!

In his eyes, there is no difference between men and women, and he doesn't pity the girl in green shirt. This palm carries the power of terror. If the person in spiritual realm is hit, at least half of his life will be taken away!


All of a sudden, however, a gust of wind blew, and Lin Xuan turned himself into a shadow faster than the old man. He could stand in front of the girl!

The straight and fearless figure in white, as if forever, stood still, even in the face of the most powerful blow of the spirit Master, there was no retreat!

The next moment, he seems to have turned into a God, and a dazzling golden light appears on his body, just like the golden arhat of Buddhism, which is inviolable!

In Lin Xuan's eyes, the most powerful handprint came to him suddenly, and the difference was only half a meter!

But in this fast, Lin xuanshuo big iron fist, also suddenly waved out!

"Magic power... Juli!"

"Long arm boxing!"

"Break it for me!"

Lin Xuan roared, dare not have the slightest tuoda, because he is facing at the moment, is a real spirit Master, even if the talent is mediocre, it is worth him to take seriously!

This irresistible punch almost contained Lin Xuan's strongest means of close attack. It was so powerful that it seemed to break through the void and emit bursts of sound!


There is a huge roar in the whole world. The gorgeous silver white aftershocks are like tides, sweeping all around. People are looking up and down

Many little friars who are not far from the most central position are shocked by the huge fluctuation, and their Qi and blood are in disorder. They almost spit out blood!

And as the aftershocks dissipated, I saw the old man with boundless momentum and disdain, his eyes wide open, full of incredible expression!

He didn't understand why he suddenly appeared a straight figure in front of him, and that figure, with a random punch, was so fierce!

This blow not only broke his arm, but also made his heart explode!

The old man stood still like a sculpture. A gust of wind came again, like the last straw that crushed the camel. Finally, he fell down powerlessly and couldn't close his eyes for a long time!

In his body before the last glimmer of vitality dissipated, the old man's mind finally understood that he died of physical fragility!

Lin Xuan, who he faced, was out of common sense. His physical strength was like a wild beast, which made his fragile body hard to resist such a big impact. His heart was really exploded!

And at that time, if he used the spirit skill to fight with the absolute powerful spirit power, he might not die so fast!

But, there is no if in the world!

Everyone stood and looked at the figure bathing in the golden light. The whole audience was silent!

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