As a result, even Lin Xuan didn't expect that he would have made money if he could hurt the old man, but he didn't expect that the latter's body was so fragile. The water of the spirit was not as good as Lin Zhong of the Lin family!

It's too weak!

"Yes, just like me, the same realm does not mean the same fighting power!"

Lin Xuan was silent.

But at this time, everyone seemed to wake up from a nightmare and exclaimed: "who is that man..."

"I'm not wrong. The Li family's lingzhe master was killed by this young man with one blow..."

"Oh, my God, what have I witnessed? He is the realm of spiritual cultivation in seven stages!"

"This young man is definitely a prodigy in a big family. He can prove the existence of the venerable in the future. It's too shocking!"


"In a trance, I seem to have witnessed the rise of a lingzun..."

Not only the outside world, but also the children of the Li and Chu families who were still fighting just now, looked at Lin Xuan with very complicated eyes, including surprise, shock, awe and fear!

At this time, I don't know who called out: "Li gongfeng is dead... Li gongfeng is dead... Run..."

Li Jiafan is the person who heard this, just like a reaction. He was scared out of his wits and ran away. He didn't dare to stay!

And Li Dahai, who was just so arrogant, was trembling in his legs and stomach. His teeth were tight. He swallowed his saliva subconsciously and wanted to run away directly!

But Lin Xuan had come to him in an instant, and let the latter have no way back!


Li Dahai, who was like a fat pig, knelt down in front of Lin Xuan with no integrity and cried bitterly: "young master... Don't kill me, it's my li Dahai who has no eyes, it's my Li family who suffer from it... Young master, don't kill me, I know it's wrong..."

"As long as you agree to let me go, I will promise you that I will never come to trouble again!"

Li Dahai was not afraid. Lin Xuan's scene of killing the master of the spirit immediately just now really shocked him. He couldn't resist at all.

Li Dahai thought that Lin Xuan was only able to fight the nine stages of spiritual cultivation. When the family spirit master came, he was not worried. However, he did not expect that even the spirit Master was not Lin Xuan's opponent!

He has never seen such a strong man in his life. In the small city of Yulin, he has never seen such a powerful person in his life. Li Dahai is scared to death!

Lin Xuan suddenly smiles, but his smile is a little strange.

"Last time, I let you go. This time, do you think you can survive?"

"Don't... don't, I have a spirit stone... My Li family also has a spirit stone. As long as you don't kill me, I can give you a spirit stone..."

No one in the world is afraid of death, especially Li Dahai, who cherishes his life!

However, he also looks at people's dishes. For example, he is very arrogant to Chu Kun. He is not afraid that Chu Kun dares to kill him!

But now to Shanglin Xuan, this demon like figure, even the spirit person has been killed. He is just a half step spirit person. What is he?


Lin Xuan was smiling and interested.

"How many spirit stones are you going to pay for your life?"

"Ten thousand... Oh no, twenty thousand... Fifty thousand!"

Li Dahai's eyes were full of fear. Under Lin Xuan's coercion, he did not dare to resist!

"Hehe, is your dog worth 50000?"

Lin Xuan laughs. Now he knows the reality of the Li family. He knows that there is only one master left in his family. In addition, the Li family's worship is so fragile that he has no fear before!

"Young master... Please forgive me, young master. What we Li family can take out is only fifty thousand spirit stones. No more

Li Dahai's pig liver color is bitter.

"Well, then fifty thousand spirit stones. You stay here and send someone to your Li family to bring the spirit stone. Hum, then I will keep my promise and let you go!"

Lin Xuan nodded. Although he knew that the Li family must have more than 50000 stone possessions, he also knew that if there were more, I'm afraid the old master of the Li family would not take it!

If you force people to jump over the wall, maybe you will do something!

But as long as Lin Xuan gave them a chance to survive, after seeing Lin Xuan's force, he would not dare to fight against him again as long as he didn't have the confidence to win!

At this time, Li Dahai felt relieved. He was really afraid that Lin Xuan would be unreasonable and kill him!

"All right, just a moment, young master. I'll send someone to get the spirit stone for you right now."

"You guys, have you heard what the young master said? Go home as soon as possible and tell the master truthfully. Bring the spirit stone to save me!"

Li Dahai's fortune alone can't bring out such a large sum of stone. This must be reported to the owner of the Li family!

However, this time is different from the past, the face of Lin Xuan is no longer afraid of the Li family!

There is no other choice. Either the Li family leader is angry after hearing about it and wants to kill Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan will fight with him again. If he wins, Lin Xuan can still make a profit for nothing!

The Li family has been operating in Yulin City for hundreds of years, but they still have a lot of inside information. Finally, if they are all cheaper than Lin Xuan, it is estimated that the ancestors of the Li family will be able to survive!

Another possibility is that the Li family leader, after hearing about it, was afraid of Lin Xuan's strength and agreed to his request. He was dumb and ate Coptis and suffered!

In this waiting time, Li Dahai no longer dare to be half arrogant. He looks flattering, for fear that Lin Xuan will kill him in a rage!

When he saw that Chu Kun was seriously injured, Lin Xuan took out a big pill and gave it to the girl in Qingshan. He said in a soft voice, "feed your father quickly. This pill can protect his life!"

The girl listened to Lin Xuan's words and first fed Chu Kun the pills. Then she stared at Lin Xuan with red eyes, sniffed and said, "how can you come back... I said that to you, don't you go?"

"Ha ha, you don't believe that I can do it to Fu lingzhe. I came back to prove it to you!"

Lin Xuan laughs like sunshine.

"By the way, I almost forgot that your brother was also seriously injured. Well, I have a big huandan here. Let's feed it to your brother as well!"

As they were saying this, Lin Xuan suddenly noticed that Chu Tianyou, who was not far away, had been in a coma, and his breath was very weak!


The girl didn't say anything. She seemed to be a little shy. She took the pill from Lin Xuan and put it into Chu Tianyou's mouth. Then she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him any more!

At this time, Lin Xuan didn't say much, and his eyes swept the crowd of onlookers who came into the Chu family to watch the opera. His eyes were so fierce that many people didn't dare to look at him.

However, suddenly a young man was surprised to see Lin Xuan's face and said, "what... It's the guy just now!"

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