"Ah... Little bastard, I have to kill you today. I see where you are going!"

Once again, the thin old man suddenly became angry. The boy in front of him was as slippery as a loach. His body method was unparalleled, so he couldn't catch him at all!

You should know that Lin Xuan's moon shadow step is already a perfect state. When he moves horizontally, it's really like the moon shadow. It's so ethereal that it's hard to find it!

The old master of the Li family once again urged the spirit power in his body to rush to Lin Xuan, hoping to kill him quickly!

And this, also let the spirit power in his body consume quickly!

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, has the reason that he can't extinguish the xuanjing, and he hasn't done it at all. The consumption of performing the moon shadow step is directly proportional to Lin Xuan's speed of absorbing and transforming the aura of heaven and earth, and he is always in the peak state!

"I'm not afraid of you at all, but I treat you as a dog. Ha ha ha!"

"You are happy to eat dust behind me!"

"Hey, hey, I just don't fight you head on. If you have the ability, you can catch up with me!"

The two of them kept moving, but the place was not too far away from the Chu family. Lin Xuan always turned around and returned again. The old man was angry, but he had nothing to do!

"Damn... Stop him, don't let him go!"

However, at this time, the old man seemed to realize that if he fought with Lin Xuan alone, he could not touch Lin Xuan's clothes. He yelled at the Li family experts in front of the Chu family!

The three clan elders who had passed the age of sixty were all masters of the half step spirit. The Li family was really strong. They were killed by Lin Xuan, and there were so many masters!

At the moment, after hearing the master's order, he immediately surrounded Lin Xuan!

Just, Lin Xuan faces in front of three people's encirclement and intercept, he not only does not change the direction to avoid, but also sneers, showing a pair of conspiracy to succeed!

"Long arm boxing!"

Lin xuanru's fierce horse attacked him. In a flash, he collided with an old figure who stopped him!


The old figure was almost instantly shaken by Lin Xuan's huge boxing style, and the whole person was badly hurt!

But the old man's shadow is still alive, and its vitality is extremely tenacious!

And Lin Xuan didn't expect to be killed by a single blow. There was a gap in the situation of containment!

Suddenly, like a mouse, he escaped from the loophole again, making the master of the Li family angry!

"Son of a bitch... You are so angry. If you are caught by me, you will be broken to pieces!"

However, Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he used his long arm fist again. He turned around and rushed to another Li family old man who stopped him!

No one expected such a scene. They all thought that Lin Xuan would just run away, but they didn't expect that he would dare to fight back!

The most surprising thing is that Lin Xuan's counterattack was very effective. He mobilized his whole body strength, plus the bonus of his magic power. With a long arm fist, he hit an elder of the Li family here, who was seriously injured even if he didn't die!


I saw the old face of the Li family's fear, fell on the distant stone steps, wailing in pain!

At this moment, the last remaining clan elder, somehow, was so scared that he turned around and ran away. He didn't dare to stop Lin Xuan!

"Ha ha ha... You Li family are really rubbish. A litter is rubbish. So many people can't catch one of me!"

At first, Lin Xuan was afraid of being surrounded by the Li family in such a small place as the Chu family. But at that time, the Li family owner was also conceited. He didn't put Lin Xuan in his eyes and thought it could be solved easily!

But I didn't expect that Lin Xuan's body method was so clever that it was hard for him to get close to him!

Now out of Chu's house, it's too late to intercept. The place is spacious enough for Lin Xuan to be free!

Moreover, after successive attacks, the spiritual power in his body is still full. On the contrary, in his rage, the leader of the Li family has lost dozens of attacks, and most of his spiritual power is consumed. At the moment, not only his breath is much weaker, but also his speed is more full, which is hard to sustain!

"Little bastard, if you're a man, you'll fight with me openly. What's your ability to run around?"

Angry, the thin old man even said this, which made Lin Xuan feel funny!

"Ha ha, you old man, it's a good thing to say that a spirit Master bullied me. If I hadn't been promoted to a spirit Master, how could I have been chased so miserably by you? If I had fought at the same level, I would have sent you back to the West with one blow!"

While running, Lin Xuan did not forget to turn back to ridicule. Even so, the thin old man behind him could not catch up with him at all, and his mentality collapsed completely!

"Lin Xuan... Well, you're kind. I won't chase you. Hum, I think you care about the little girl of Chu family. Hum, I'll kill her now!"

"You can run, but she will die!"

"I'll see if you want to save your life or come back to fight me!"

Li's home owner gave a cold smile. He was annoyed by Lin Xuanqi and didn't want to chase him any more!

On the contrary, he ran directly to the Chu family and made it clear that he wanted to force Lin Xuan to fight him!

At this moment, Lin Xuan knew that the old man had reacted and no longer ran with him. His strategy just now could not be used!

"The old never die, bully them to have what sense of achievement, hum, I accompany you to play!"

Lin Xuan had no choice but to take the initiative to fight with the thin old man. His best physical killing move was the long arm fist. It not only had the magic power bonus, but also the medal effect of "fighting against heaven". The fist was so overwhelming that the old man had to take it seriously!

"Well, I'm too much of myself!"

However, although he knew the importance, he tried his best to fight with Lin Xuan, but he was still conceited!

The battle between the two makes the void wail and tremble. The one close to the void is swept by the afterwave and flies backwards!

However, this time under the fight, both failed to take advantage, all suffered a little injury, was a huge shock force to open!

"Youming palm!"

I saw the old man roar again, and there was endless black fog on his palm. The great spiritual power came out of his body and interweaved a dark hand in the air. It seemed that he could beat the mountains, and he wanted to beat Lin Xuan to death!

However, Lin Xuan is not a vegetarian. Although the Youming palm seems to be in a great position, the pressure on Lin Xuan is not enough to make him turn around and run away!

"Falling cloud palm!"

"Magic power - Juli!"

Under a series of bonus, even if Lin Xuan was at a disadvantage in the field of spirit skill duel, he was also extremely terrifying, fearless and immortal!

In the sky above Lin Xuan's head, the huge palm like a white cloud suddenly collided with the big hand of black fog, and a terrible explosion occurred!

However, when everyone was frightened, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place. The next moment, Lin Xuan turned into a swordsman. In his hand, a golden sword appeared in front of the old man!

In the old man's astonished eyes, Lin Xuan's speed seemed to exceed the speed of sound, which made him completely unresponsive!


A golden silk thread seems to have cut through eternity, breaking out a metallic trill, falling fiercely, leaning from the air through the immortal body, falling heavily on the ground, rolling up boundless dust, flying all over the sky!

"Horizontal sky chop!"

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