In an instant, the scene changed rapidly. Lin Xuan, holding the Huanglong sword, cut the sky and let the old man fall to the ground in pain. The whole person was divided into two parts by the eternal light of the sword from his chest. He was completely destroyed!



The old Li family and Li Dahai screamed at the same time. They rushed to the side of the old man's body like crazy, crying out with sorrow!

In addition, all the people present were cold in their hearts. They were full of fear when they looked at Lin Xuan. The fierce and terrible sword skills made them shudder!

"He's a demon. How can he be so terrible?"

"That Sabre technique is terrible. It's a real master of spirit. He died like this!"

"Unbelievable, is it really the seed of a venerable person?"

"When the Chu family is lucky, they should be able to get involved with such arrogant people. If there is no accident in the future, I'm afraid they will make a fortune!"

"Yes... Now in Yulin City, I'm afraid the other big families who were still eyeing Chu family should think about whether they want to provoke such evil spirits!"

"In today's battle, most of the masters of the Li family fell, and even the two most powerful masters of the spirit disappeared. From then on, there will be no more Li family in Yulin city!"

"Haha, in the past, the Chu family was the fat meat that the fierce tiger beast had been staring at, but now it has completely changed. On the contrary, the Li family has become the fattest one, and its deterrent power has been greatly reduced. There is no one in the family who can support it any more!"

Among the onlookers, there was an uproar again and they talked about it one after another.

And Lin Xuan, standing in front of the Li family, his white clothes swayed with the wind, his black hair was like a waterfall, and his eyes were deep.

"Young master... We would like to offer all the savings of the Li family in exchange for your forgiveness."

Although Li Dahai was sad, he couldn't resist Lin Xuan and other strong people. He was completely convinced. In order to protect his life, he didn't hesitate to hand over all the resources of the Li family!

Lin Xuan, who just heard this sentence, said jokingly: "ha ha, for me, killing you is just a knife. Where can I use your savings for me? I can go to collect them myself!"

"Don't you want to drive me to the end of my life?"

Another Li family old man was slightly angry, but there was a tremor between his words. He was obviously extremely afraid of Lin Xuanwei!

"Does the Dragon care what the ants think?"

Lin Xuan sneered, but the words changed, and continued: "well, it's not impossible to forgive you. From now on, the Li family will give priority to me, and all the inside information of the family will be mine..."


The Li family is still hesitating, but at this moment, the fat Li Dahai has knelt down on the ground first and said in a loud voice: "master, but I am sent, I will never die!"

It's ironic to hear that. Lin Xuan killed his father just now, but now he has to pay homage to an enemy of life and death. He really has no backbone!

Smell speech, Lin Xuan also smile, he went to Li Dahai body, patted his big face, continued: "very good, I see you have great potential, after you are the new leader of the Li family!"

"Yes, thank you, master. Li Dahai will take the lead in the future."

Li Dahai's face changed so fast that he didn't even react to the clan elders beside him!

He scolded Li Dahai with heartache, but when he looked at the cold corpse under his feet, he shivered and said, "master, I know where all the good things of the master are hidden, so he put them in his storage ring and always carries them with him."

The goods squatted down very consciously, picked the white jade ring from the old fingers and handed it to Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan showed a childlike look and said with a smile, "good. You will be in charge of the supervision of the Li family in the future. From now on, all the Lingshi income of the Li family will be sealed up for me except for your normal expenses. I will withdraw it from time to time, master!"

"Of course, after that, if the Li family is in any trouble, you can let me know!"

Li Dahai and others naturally have nothing to do with it. They all have no opinions and nod respectfully.

At this time, although a lot of masters died in Li's family, there were still three half walkers left, as well as Li Dahai, a spiritual peak!

In the past, the business of the Li family could continue without being eroded by other families. With his powerful force, Lin Xuan brought the Li family under his command. From now on, he will have a steady stream of money making channels!

"No matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat."

With a sigh in his heart, Lin Xuan immediately began to clean the battlefield and collect all the belongings of the dead people.

Even Li's own people helped him collect it as flattery!

"The people of the Li family are really the grass on the wall. Hehe, it's really contemptible to sell the goods for honor."

"Don't make sarcastic remarks here. I'm afraid it will be more unbearable if you are against the evil spirits."

"Haha, although the choice of the Li family made us spurn it, it undoubtedly kept the fire. If the evil god goes further in the future, the Li family will naturally rise with the tide, and even be respected in the whole city of Yulin!"

Although many onlookers were far away, they heard it clearly. This was what Lin Xuan intended to do. He could not stay in Yulin City in the future. If he left, the Li family would not have a spirit now. I'm afraid that they would be watched like the Chu family!

Therefore, Lin Xuan seems to be humiliating the Li family in public, but he is protecting them from being eaten away as soon as he leaves!

"Lying trough, this old man is really rich. Hehe, even though there are so many things to carry with him!"

Now that the master of Li's home is dead, the white jade ring has naturally become a ownerless thing, and the spiritual connection that was originally established has dissipated!

Lin Xuan mastered the white jade ring effortlessly. The rich materials in the ring made Lin Xuan have some tongue!

"Ha ha, the storage space in this ring is really big. It's about four cubic meters. A hill is piled up just the size of a fingernail. There are more than 50000 spirit stones by sight!"

"This is not to mention the many semi miraculous drugs and medicinal materials in it. The green grass in the crouching trough is nothing but bitter bamboo grass. It's a real miraculous drug. What a surprise!"

"There are more than a dozen small bottles of pills. They seem to be quenched elixir. They are rich!"

"The old immortal has accumulated wealth all his life, all of which have been taken over by Laozi!"

Lin Xuan almost went crazy in his heart. It's not only that, but also that he got a lot of spirit stones and pills from other corpses. In particular, another Li Jialing worshipped him and found a storage bag, which was also full of good things!

"Before I went to the Li's house to get the bottom, I had already got more than one hundred thousand spiritual stones of cultivation resources. Ha ha, I'm really rich!"

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