All the onlookers finally dispersed, but the impact of the battle shocked the whole city of Yulin. Those who had been watching before and wanted to fight against the Chu family all withdrew their ideas!

With Lin Xuan and other strong people, no one dares to covet. That's the existence of the spirit killer. He almost destroyed the whole Li family!

Lin Xuan once again seized nearly 60000 stone resources from the Lin family, including some handed in by Li Dahai and others!

He just stayed in Yulin City for two days, and then he gained nearly 200000 spiritual stone cultivation resources, which filled his personal space!

Up to this time, Lin Xuan did not count the resources of pills and herbs. He was just a spirit stone. He had nearly 150000 before!

And the cultivation resources, including dozens of semi miraculous drugs, especially the bitter bamboo grass, if converted into a spirit stone, it would be worth 150000!

In other words, Lin Xuan's total value has now reached a terrible 300000 stone!

When he was in the Lin family, Lin Xuan did not dare to think about it!

"Sure enough, since ancient times, killing and robbing is the best way to get rich!"

"These resources are enough for me to break through the eight stages of spiritual cultivation, or even the nine stages of spiritual cultivation!"

Lin Xuan returned to Chu's home and received heroic treatment, ranging from the white haired old man to the young children. All of them were extremely respectful to Lin Xuan. Without him, the Chu family would be really over!

"Brother Lin, you are so kind that you can't repay me!"

Chu Tianyou has already awakened, facing Lin Xuanxing big ceremony way!

"Brother Chu, get up quickly. It doesn't have to be like this. We are friends when we are predestined. Helping you is also helping myself!"

Yes, if he hadn't helped the Chu family, how could he have become rich!

They talked for a while, and Lin Xuan asked Chu Tianyou to arrange a training room for him. Although the fight seemed easy, the danger made Lin Xuan realize his weakness!

Now that he has enough resources, he naturally wants to practice in seclusion. When he tries to get out of the pass, he already has nine stages of spiritual cultivation!

The latter, of course, soon arranged the training room for Lin Xuan.

"Brother Chu, I don't want anyone to disturb me while I'm closed."

Lin Xuan enters the room and turns his head to Chu Tianyou!

"Yes, even if elder brother Lin doesn't mention it, I will tell everyone in Chu family not to come here to disturb elder brother Lin Qingjing!"

Later, Lin Xuanguan closed the door and sat on the futon. Instead of rushing to practice, he immersed his consciousness in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Ninth Section of spiritual cultivation..."

A series of killing prompt sound suddenly sounded in Lin Xuan's mind, these killing are his harvest, experience plus Da huandan reward!

Especially after killing the owner of the Li family, Lin Xuan also got a special reward. He can get 20 cubic meters of portable space again!

"Ha ha, I'm worried that the space is about to be full and not enough. Now I'm relieved. In this way, my portable space will be 30 cubic meters!"

Then, Lin Xuan looked at his own state!

"Upgrade experience 65421 / 320000."

"There's more than 250000 experience points to upgrade!"

Lin Xuan said to himself, and immediately took out dozens of fragrant semi panacea and a white jade tripod from his personal space!

He wants to refine a batch of higher-level quench elixirs first. In the past, although there were many low-level quench elixirs, their experience value was very rare, and refining was very troublesome!

"Now my mind is full of high-end alchemy, but I just don't know if it's practical!"

Lin Xuan murmured, and immediately his mind moved. The small white jade tripod, which was the size of the palm of his hand, suddenly turned into a one meter high medicine tripod and fell in front of Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan also threw those semi miraculous medicines into the white jade heaven and earth tripod!

"Quenched elixir can be said to be the elixir with no threshold. A pharmacist can quench a handful of herbs. Now I have practiced the alchemy in the God of medicine, and there is no reason to fail!"

He is not afraid of his own semi magic medicine refining waste, very confident.

Then, he recalled the alchemy in his heart. He turned the spirit power into a fire, and stirred up the white jade heaven and earth tripod, which was suspended in the air, emitting a brilliant luster!

For three days in a row, Lin Xuan was immersed in alchemy.

Because he made so many semi miraculous drugs at one time, it took a lot of time and more spiritual power to smelt one furnace. However, Lin Xuan practiced the immortal Sutra, and his spiritual power was still abundant!

At this moment, Nuo Da's practice room has already been filled with the fragrance of medicine, and the dense aura like a cloud overflows from the white jade heaven and earth cauldron, which is a sign of Dancheng!

At the next moment, the fire of spirit power gushed out of Lin Xuan's palm, and the whole white jade cauldron trembled. The lid of cauldron stove on three feet and two ears seemed to be broken by a powerful medicine force, and it made a sound!


The cover of the white jade tripod flew up in an instant, and a large group of pure aura came out of the tripod. Lin Xuan also opened his eyes in an instant. He was overjoyed and said happily, "it's done!"

Then, he put away the cover of the white jade tripod, and then stood up and looked into the white jade tripod. Hundreds of powerful quenched elixirs were lying quietly in the tripod with a faint light!

Lin Xuan used a spell to take out all the quenched elixirs in the cauldron. He put one of them on the tip of his nose and took a sniff. Then he felt that he was going to be an immortal. He felt very comfortable all over!

This is Lin Xuanwen's response to Da huandan!

"Lying trough, the best low-level quenching elixir, hahaha, it's the same level as dahuandan. Let me count. There are 165 quenching elixirs here. If each quenching elixir provides me with 1000 experience points, it will be 165000 experience points!"

"If all the other pills are refined, it will be enough for me to be promoted to eight sections of spiritual cultivation!"

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan immediately pinched a nail sized quenched elixir into his mouth, closed his eyes, and began to refine it!

In addition, even the free aura in the heaven and earth also ran into his body!

It didn't take long for Lin Xuan to refine this quenched elixir. He immediately observed the increase of his experience value, and it really increased by more than 1000!

"It's not bad as I expected. It's the same low-level elixir. It's a thousand to my experience points!"

This time, Lin Xuan plans to shut up directly to the end of time. He even wants to rely on the huge cultivation resources to break through two small realms and promote himself to the ninth stage of spiritual cultivation!

Next, Lin Xuan took seven days to make all the medicinal herbs with spiritual essence except the bitter bamboo grass.

After refining, Lin Xuan fell into a deep seclusion, and the quenched elixirs in front of him decreased one by one!

In a hurry, Lin Xuan had been shut up for a month, refining day and night. On the 13th day, he was promoted to the eighth section of the spirit!

But Lin Xuan didn't stop practicing. He was still refining pills crazily. In the end, he didn't even bother to buy pills from the spirit stone outside. Instead, he directly absorbed the pure aura from the spirit stone to practice!

Finally, on the 32nd day, a strong wave came out of Lin Xuan's body. He suddenly opened his eyes. It seemed that there was a flash of electricity in his eyes. The whole person's temperament changed invisibly, giving people a strong pressure!

"Hoo, it's a success. I broke two levels in a row."

"Sure enough, I don't have the shackles of practice if I have the upgrade system. As long as I have enough resources, I can upgrade all the time!"

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