Lin Xuan took a step and opened the door. A warm beam of light shone on him.

He clenched his fist, and felt as if the blood of a wild beast was revived in his body. His Qi and blood were like waves, the tide of spiritual power was rolling, and his eyes were shining!

Lin Xuan even has a kind of illusion that his current strength can hang the whole Yulin city!

"As far as I know, the strongest friar in Yulin city is no more than the third section of the spirit. I'm not bad at breaking two levels now. Even thanks to the special skills, my real strength is stronger than the third section of the spirit, and I have to compete with the fourth section of the spirit!"

"Of course, this kind of analogy is only for ordinary monks. If they are both arrogant and have advanced skills, I'm afraid I can only do two sections for those who pay for spirit at most!"

Lin Xuan said to himself.

However, these are only Lin Xuan's own conjectures. What's the matter still needs to be dealt with in the battle.

"This breakthrough almost exhausted all my resources, from 320000 experience when I was promoted to the eighth stage of spiritual cultivation to 640000 experience when I was promoted to the ninth stage of spiritual cultivation. Every time I doubled!"

"Now the upgrade experience given by the system is even more terrifying, which is 3.2 million!"

"This means that if I don't have the limitation of the skill, I need at least 3.2 million experience points to be promoted to a spiritual person!"

"At present, it's one and a half months since I left Tianxing City, and four and a half months before the bloody sect opened the Mountain Gate... Well, it's not that I don't have no chance, but the premise is that I can find enough resources!"

Lin Xuan silently looked at his personal space. Except for a few spiritual deeds with 20000 spirit stones, there were only 3000 spirit stones left!

"But it's not easy to get such a huge amount of resources as this time!"

"At that time, if I can defeat the monks in the realm of spiritual cultivation, I don't know if I have a chance to be selected to practice in the blood weeping sect?"

Lin Xuan had some doubts, but at the moment he couldn't figure out how qixuezong recruited disciples. He could only improve his strength as much as possible!

But then, Lin Xuan went straight out of the courtyard. He planned to say goodbye to the Chu family. Now, it's not good for him to continue to stay!

"It's time to leave. Now even if I don't have the face to rob all the families in Yulin, I may not be able to get enough upgrade resources!"

"Moreover, if the major families in Yulin have no backing, I don't believe it. Which one of them is good at running here for hundreds of years?"

"Hey, if I really turn into a robber and rob all the families, I'm afraid the city Lord's house will start. Although there are not so many laws in the previous life in this world, it can't make me lawless!"

"They were responsible for killing all the Li family members before. The city Lord's office won't take care of them. If I turn my gun to find trouble for the major families, I really want to die!"

"Besides, I can't do such a bad thing without injustice and hatred!"

Therefore, the only way left is to leave Yulin city. Even if you go into cangming mountain to hunt monsters and seek a cure, you can't be right with the emperor!

"Even if it's as strong as the first transcendent sect in Qingzhou Prefecture, Qixue sect should always follow the rules of emperor Daqian!"

Thinking, Lin Xuan has come to the main hall of the Chu family, and at the moment, it seems that a family meeting is being held in it!

As soon as Lin Xuan entered the gate, he heard a slightly surprised figure inside: "Lin Xuan... You are out of the gate!"

A beautiful girl in a red dress stood up from the meeting hall and said happily to Lin Xuan.

"Well... I'm out of the gate!"

Lin Xuan nodded and walked into the hall. Someone respectfully arranged a place for him.

"Brother Lin is really the best one in the world. He broke through two realms in one jump this time. How can we be embarrassed?"

Chu Tianyou also stands up laughing and praises Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan didn't hide his breath. As long as he was closer, he could feel his state.

"Congratulations to Mr. Lin for going up to a higher level. Now he is full of vitality and great achievements. I've been lucky to see such talented people as Mr. Lin in my life, and it's not a waste of my life!"

Even Chu Kun, the owner of the Chu family, showed his strange color and exclaimed.

A month and a half of time to break two levels, this is absolutely the level of the wizard can do, too incredible!

Everyone knows that practice is a long process, many people even several years or even ten years to break through a small realm!

Even today's Chu Kun has been practicing for more than 20 years, and he is only half a spiritual person. Compared with Lin Xuan, he can't compare!

Lin Xuan chuckled and didn't care.

If we let these people know that he didn't start practicing as a teenager, but half a year ago, I don't know what his expression would be!

"Ha ha, the Chu family leader is over praised!"

"Master Chu, when I came here, I saw that you were all sitting in a tight seat with a heavy complexion. How could it be that the Li family came to visit me during the period of my seclusion?"

Lin Xuan sat at the top of the table, wondering.

"That's not true. Mr. Lin doesn't know. A few days ago, the Duan family brought a news that shocked the whole city from cangming mountain. It's said that there is a strange treasure in the depths of cangming mountain. In the daytime, there is a great splendor, and the demons and beasts in it are strange, which makes people panic!"

"Moreover, with the news coming out, in recent days, not only the families in Yulin City are discussing to form an alliance to go to cangming mountain for treasure hunting, but also the experts from Luohuang city are borrowing Duan's family. It is said that they will go up the mountain together in two days!"

"Earlier today, people from the Duan family came to our Chu family and invited us to send experts to join us. But I knew that the Chu family was weak, so I didn't want to join in the fun. So I held a family meeting here to listen to the plans of the family members!"

Hearing the words, Lin Xuan nodded and said curiously, "is the Duan family that the Chu Master said very powerful in Yulin?"

"I don't know. Although this family is not the strongest in Yulin City, it has a very deep background. They don't know what kind of luck they've taken. There's a beautiful girl in this generation!"

"That woman was selected by qixuezong four years ago and went to practice in the door. It is said that she has a high accomplishment now. She married a young master of Shen family in Luohuang city in qixuezong!"

"This time, the people of the Shen family got the news. It is said that there are several masters of the spirit. Among them, there are some Tianjiao disciples who live in the Duan family!"

"Now it's led by the Duan family in Yulin city. When they organize good people, they plan to be led by the spirit masters and enter the mountain together!"

"Our Chu family doesn't have a master of spirit. It only increases the number of casualties when we go there. Therefore, we refuse to come from the Duan family."

In the future, Chu Kun will talk to the dragon. After hearing this, Lin Xuan nods and goes on: "the choice of Chu family leader is really wise. First of all, there are many fierce beasts in cangming mountain. There must be many experts in this field. They may even make all the high hands of the spirits in Yulin City go out. It must not be easy to snatch food from these strong people at that time."

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