"What Mr. Lin said is very true. It's because of this consideration that I politely refused the members of the Duan family!"

Chu Kun nodded, a kind-hearted look.

But Lin Xuan, who heard the news, had an idea in his heart!

"In the daytime, the splendor is so brilliant that it attracts fierce animals. This treasure must be extraordinary. When we go up the mountain, we will join the alliance of many families in Yulin city."

"When the time comes, you can wait for the chance to change, and fight for the chance!"

Now Lin Xuan broke two levels in succession. He was so strong and confident that he thought to himself.

But he didn't tell the Chu family what he planned, and he didn't want to bring disaster to the Chu family. No matter what happened in cangming mountain, he could leave without any burden!

And the reason why Lin Xuan is so confident is that with his promotion to the Ninth Section of spiritual cultivation, he won the upgrade award from the system.

"The technique of changing appearance (primary chapter). After practicing this technique, you can change your appearance and make it invisible."

This technique is a special reward. Although it's only a primary one, Lin Xuan understands the horror of this technique after practicing. He can really change his face and become anyone. Even the closest one can't see the difference from his appearance!

However, because this reward is only elementary, only the face can be changed, but there is no way to change the body shape. It can't really become another person!

"Even so, it's more than enough to cheat those unfamiliar people."

Lin Xuan said in secret, then stood up to say goodbye in public and said, "I'm very grateful for the acceptance of the Chu family for many days, but all the banquets that come to an end are different."

"What... You're leaving?"

Smell speech, Chu family people haven't opened their mouth, one side of the girl in red dress has been excited to get up from the position, a face shocked.

"Yes, I have nothing to do to stay here, and I just pass by Yulin city. My real purpose is to go to Luohuang city. I have stayed here for more than a month and have to leave."

Lin Xuan's face was calm. He opened his mouth and was very good at telling lies.

"Then you... Don't you want to go to cangming mountain for a walk?" Suddenly, the girl's eyes were moist, her nose was red, and her voice was trembling.

"No, that place is the battlefield of the spirit Master. No matter how powerful I am, I can't get anything if I go there!"

"The chance in this world is ultimately won by the strong, as it has been since ancient times."

Lin Xuan's voice was very resolute. Later, he turned his head and said to Chu Tianyou, "brother Tianyou, it's my honor to meet such an open and aboveboard gentleman as you, but today we are going to say goodbye to you!"

"Ha ha, I've already thought about this day. Brother Lin is a great man in the sky. Naturally, he can't be trapped in a small place like Yulin city. Ha ha, I'll give brother Lin a ride!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan had decided to leave, Chu Tianyou didn't persuade Lin Xuan to stay, but said with a free and easy smile.

"Thank you very much!"

Lin Xuan nodded, did not refuse, this is better, also can let other people know, He Lin Xuan has gone!

"I'm not interested in the treasures on cangming mountain. Don't look for me if anything happens at that time."

This is what he wants to tell the public.

In this way, even if something really happened, people would not associate with him, nor would they anger the Chu family. Instead, they would always be extremely afraid of him!

But just then, the poor girl said in a voice, "I'll go too."

Chu Yue's appearance of crying makes Lin Xuan's mood like Pinghu ripple.

But he has no love for the girl. These days, he just treats the girl as half a sister.

Lin Xuan didn't know what to say to comfort the girl, so he didn't say a word.

In front of the Chu family.

Lin Xuan showed a warm smile to his brother and sister in front of him, and said in a soft voice: "send you a thousand miles, there will be a farewell. Brother Chu, go back!"

"Good... Then I wish brother Lin a great journey and a pleasant journey."

Chu Tianyou didn't wriggle. Although he didn't give up, he had a smile in his eyes with blessing.

Lin Xuan nodded, gently glanced at the girl and said with a smile, "take care!"

The girl tried to hold back the crystal clear tears in her eyes. She clenched her teeth and said, "Lin Xuan... Will you come back?"

"Of course, don't forget that although Yulin city is small, it also has my property!"

Lin Xuan laughed. What he said was the Li family.

"When will you come back?"

Smell speech, the eyebrow of the girl's wrinkling stretched a few, just the two lines of clear tears on the pretty cheek still quietly slide down!

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be long."

Lin Xuan replied truthfully.

The girl was stunned. After a long time, she whispered to Lin Xuan, "be careful all the way. I'll wait for you all the time."

"Don't wait for me, I'm a scum man, no result!" Lin Xuan laughs and doesn't care what she says.

Immediately, he turned around happily without stopping.

On this day, the Li family's heart that had been hanging for more than a month was finally put down, and the evil spirit finally left. When Lin Xuan was in Yulin City for a day, they would be afraid, and Lin Xuan would be in a bad mood to destroy them all!

"Don't be too happy, that one will come back after all!"

Li Dahai stood in front of Li's house, facing the people behind him.

The departure of Lin Xuan also caused some waves in the small city of Yulin. Many people looked to the East in awe or worship.

"The devil like figure has finally left. If he continues to stay, he still doesn't know what kind of Yulin will be like!"

"Yes, my peers can't lift their heads. Even the elders have cut off a lot. This is a weapon in the world!"

"I don't know if I'll have a chance to see the extraordinary demeanor again in the future."


Lin Xuan really went out of the city in front of a lot of people, and for the sake of caution, he walked a hundred miles more.

Then he stopped in a valley and started the technique. He saw the bones of his face make a sound and move slightly. His face, which was originally handsome and elegant, became flat and uninspiring. He would never be seen more when he was thrown in the crowd!

Then, he changed all the clothes he was wearing and put on another set of strong black clothes. Even his long hair was scattered, falling down like a waterfall.

Finally, he completely changed his face, and calmly returned to Yulin city again to find an inn to live in.

Quietly waiting for the news of the mountain!

Three days later, news finally came out from Duan's family that he had made up his mind to enter the mountain!

This time into the mountain, many families have done enough preparation, but Lin Xuan expected, experts.

There are more than ten spirituals alone. The highest level is the Shen family from Luohuang city. He is an old man in his family and has already been the cultivation of the fourth section of the spirituals.

Others, such as the half walkers of various families, and the top experts of spiritual cultivation, have more than 30 people, and the battle is very big.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, turned into a passer-by and sneaked into the crowd quietly.

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