"What is this strange treasure of cangming mountain that attracts so many strong people?"

"I don't know yet. The Duan family just looked at it from a distance and didn't dare to approach it. The specific treasure remains to be determined."

"I've heard that what I found this time is not a strange treasure at all, but a big tomb. It's said that it was the burial place of a lingzun master thousands of years ago!"

"Yes, it's hard for outsiders to know that part of the family. But someone at the top of my family went to find out the secret and said that there was no sign of a strange treasure in that place!"

"There's no scene of brilliant sunshine."

"Yes, it's just a big grave as gloomy as a mountain. It's said that there were many thunder flashes in cangming mountain a few days ago. I'm afraid it was a thunder that split the big grave into a gap, and the black fog was rolling!"


Lin xuanming's realm is only nine sections of spiritual cultivation, which is low among these strong men. He has been following the rear of the team, together with the younger generation of some major families!

From their mouth, Lin Xuan almost touched the situation on cangming mountain!

"I didn't expect that it was actually a mausoleum. Ha ha, if it happened to dig people's ancestral graves in the previous life, it would certainly be scolded, which is harmful to Yin de!"

"But in this world, this big tomb without owner is the chance. Whenever the owner of the tomb has something good to bury with, he can make people fight!"

Lin Xuan has no sense of existence. He is very ordinary at this time. He just listens quietly and acts as a listener.

All the way to cangming mountain.

Lin Xuan looked up at the vast mountain in front of him. It was towering like Mount Tai, surrounded by clouds and mist.

It is full of beautiful trees and towering ancient trees. Before Lin Xuan and others really entered, they had heard the roar of animals coming out of it, which was particularly frightening!

"Ahead of us is cangming mountain. We all know the danger of cangming mountain, but I still want to remind you that you must always be careful. Every plant, flower and leaf on the road may turn into a killing move and kill you!"

The head of Duan's family was dressed in a gray robe. He turned around with a serious face and said with a smile.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the second stage of the spirit, and I'm not worried about it."

"But the most important thing to be careful about is the black robed old man around him. He has gray hair and wrinkled face. He looks very old. He seems to have few days to live, but he is a master of four sections of spiritual cultivation. His inner spiritual power is introverted, but he is very thick and solid."

This means that if it wasn't for the old man who came from Luohuang City, he would be very likely to make a breakthrough and become a master of five sections of the spirit!

Lin Xuan thought to himself and weighed the strength of all the people present.

In addition, there is another young master of the Shen family. He seems to be young, but he is already a spirit. He walks calmly in the middle of the crowd, and is extremely luxurious!

"This is a great man from the Shen family of Luohuang city. If there is no accident, I will see him at the opening ceremony of qixuezong four months later!"

As for the others, Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to them, but now he solved them easily.

Just when Lin Xuan looked at the young master of the royal guards carefully, he did not expect that the man was extremely sensitive. He turned back in an instant, and his eyes seemed to be awed.

Lin Xuan didn't want to expose himself, so he lowered his head at the right time.

Until the young master of the royal guards looked back, many people were relieved. The children of many families in Yulin city all whispered.

"Well, the young master of the royal guards is very unusual. Just his eyes swept past my eyes and made me fall into the abyss. What a terror!"

"His name is Shen Yan. He's a very outstanding descendant of the Shen family. It's said that even in Luohuang City, which is full of pride, the younger generation can rank in the top 15!"

"Only the top 15? It's impossible. In my opinion, Mr. Shen is only in his twenties, but he has been promoted to be a spiritual person. Such gifted talents are only in the top 15? "

"Yes, you know, Luohuang city is one of the top three cities in Qingzhou Prefecture. Talents come one after another!"

Lin Xuan followed the children of many families. He was interested in listening to it, but he didn't think of it. Then someone talked about him!

"Hey, I don't know if Lin Xuan, who has been shining in Yulin City recently, is better than Shen Yan?"

"It's better than that. It must be that Shen Yan is stronger. After all, he has been promoted to a spiritual person, but Lin Xuan is still in the realm of spiritual cultivation. There is no comparability at all!"

"That is, Lin Xuan, at best, is an old man who can bully the old and frail. He is far from an opponent to Shen Yan, who is young and energetic and full of life and blood!"

"Oh, I think Lin Xuansheng's rate is higher. That demon God can't be reasonable. He is a unique genius who can kill two masters of spirit with seven steps of spiritual cultivation!"

Lin Xuan heard that all the people were belittling him, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his heart, pretending to be someone else's tone.


"Hahaha, brother, which family are you from? Don't come here to make me laugh, OK? "

"Hey, brother, if you don't talk about other people, I don't think your accomplishments are very good. If you only practice nine sections of spiritual cultivation, do you dare to come here to participate in the looting?"

"Well, his brothers all praise him. Who knows where this man came from? I don't deserve to come here to look for treasure! "

At this time, a young man in purple, who was wearing a silk scarf and had a mean face, said with disdain.

Several children of different families shook their heads together. They had never seen Lin Xuan!

"Stay away from us, or you will look good!"

Hear Lin Xuan is not from each big family, that person immediately puts down the heart to come, facing him cold way.

"Ladies and gentlemen, when we come to look for treasure together, we naturally have to go in and out together. Even if I said something wrong just now and made you unhappy, how can you leave me alone on the way?"

Lin Xuan asked with feigned anger.

"Ha ha, I don't know where you are from. You don't deserve our company. Get out of here!"

The eyes of the young man in purple are cold, and he seems to be very unhappy with Lin Xuan!

"Haha, what does this guy say? He has to say that Mr. Shen is not good in front of Duan Zixuan. Haha, the Duan family and the Shen family are together!"

"I deserve it. What's the point of a waste of spiritual cultivation? Besides, the man has already left. I really can't see the situation clearly!"

"Ha ha ha, brother sun is right!"

The party looked at Lin Xuan with some schadenfreude and talked in a low voice.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was still following them, the young man in purple suddenly said angrily, "why don't you go away?"

At this time, Lin Xuan's ears moved, and he noticed that there was a hissing sound coming from the grass nearby. The light from the corner of his eyes swept by subconsciously. Then he saw a small green snake with long arms and thick thumbs. It seemed that it had wings and turned into a flash of lightning. It flew up quickly and jumped on the young man in purple!

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