Lin Xuan followed the crowd quietly. Although he couldn't see it in the dark environment, he had excellent eyesight and could vaguely see that there was a narrow corridor in front of him!

"I'm afraid the hall is not the size of a square... It's only a part of the mausoleum. I don't know what will happen if I go deeper and deeper?"

Lin Xuan walked nearly 100 meters before they came to the dark corridor and said to themselves.

Although he had gone through the Holy Spirit's cave without any damage, it was only because there was no means of killing.

After all, it's a cave of practice. It can't be a trap every step. It's totally different from this mausoleum!

"Surely no one wants to be dug after his death, so the danger is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Otherwise, the Duan family would never have announced such secrets!"

At this time, Lin Xuan was still guessing silently, but he saw that the first few spirits stopped immediately, and then he looked back with some strange eyes.

"Cough, which of you wants to explore the way first?"

The Duan family old man coughed, and then looked at the dark crowd behind him. Most of these people were from the major families in Yulin city.

Smell speech, a lot of people subconsciously back half step, no one is a fool, this period of old people dare not go first, but want to let them go to explore the way, this is not clear that there will be danger ahead?

"Don't worry, we won't treat you badly. If anyone wants to explore the way first, we will promise that the treasure in the mausoleum will be as good as he can choose!"

This time, he even made a promise!

"Haha, I don't know if there is any life to go out alive. I don't know if there are any treasures in the mausoleum. Even if there are, I won't get them in the end!"

"It's true that whoever you like to go, I won't go anyway!"

Many people stop here, and the leaders of their families look at the old man with ambiguous eyes and a smile.

"Brother Duan, the white wolf with your empty gloves is really very effective. It's clearly a treasure in the mausoleum. If you promise to give it to others, you promise to give it to others?"

At this time, an old man in green touched the goatee on his chin and said with a smile.

"The treasures in the mausoleum can be found by those who can. We'd better rely on our own abilities."

"That's right, brother Duan. You Duan's family discovered it early. You must know something we don't know. At this time, don't hide it. If there are any difficulties, we'll solve them together!"

After hearing this, the old man sighed and said, "in this case, I will tell you the truth. We have never investigated whether there is any danger in this corridor."

"Just once drove a few wild animals into, during which nothing happened, but those wild animals never came out again!"

Hearing this, some people were surprised and said, "what? Never came out again. Did they all die in it? Where is the corridor? "

"Fortunately, we didn't go in first. Hey, the old man cheated me!"

"Duan's family is uneasy and kind-hearted. Be careful!"

Lin Xuan's side, a few people whispered, but he was still listening.

"Oh, no matter what, we always need a pathfinder in front of us. It's impossible for us to enter together. If something dangerous happens at that time, we can't walk away!"

At this time, the most dignified old man of Shen family laughed, his eyes were a little dim, and he faced the people again.

"You Yulin city's major families to discuss, take a look, think who ahead of the road is more appropriate?"

Smell speech, Yulin city many family leaders all looked at each other, finally very tacit understanding of the family with spirit of the family out!

At present, except for them, there are only a few small families left, all of them are spiritual peak and half step spirit realm!

Suddenly, a few familiar eyes fell on Lin Xuan. Someone said with a smile, "this man has the lowest accomplishments, and he has never seen him before. He must not be from Yulin city!"

Then, almost everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xuan, who was not good at his face.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm not going!"

Lin Xuan shook his head like a rattle. These people made it clear that he had no background and wanted him to be the Pathfinder!

"Hey, boy, since you're here, you can't go now if you don't want to!"

"Yes, you'd better cooperate with me. Don't let me do it myself!"

"How dare you refuse, you rubbish? Can you die?"

Many people yelled at Lin Xuan and scolded him!

Especially just now to Lin Xuan complexion not good several family children, at the moment all sneer toward Lin Xuan come over, want to personally catch him to explore the way!

"Have you thought it over? Do you really want to fight me?"

Lin Xuan suddenly laughed. He looked at the three family disciples who were getting closer and closer to him. There was a trace of gloom in his eyes.

"You have the lowest level here. It's most suitable for you to explore the way. If you don't follow, don't blame us for being rude!"

A young man in a sky blue robe snorted and threatened Lin Xuan.

"Then come and see if I look so bullying!"

Lin Xuan's face suddenly became cold. Then, his face was like frost. He didn't wait for several people to catch him, but took the initiative!

When he stepped on the moon shadow step, he didn't even have to run the gold body. With a common punch, he beat the blue robed youth upside down and hit the stone wall heavily!

The next moment, he once again downplayed the clap, the second person will instantly mouth spray blood, eyes full of fear kneel on the ground to beg for mercy, said: "I'm wrong... Wrong, we have eyes don't know Mount Tai... Master, forgive me!"

Now Lin Xuan, who is still in the ninth stage of spiritual cultivation, is extremely powerful. It's as simple as chopping melons and cutting vegetables to deal with people of the same level!

With the help of Lin Xuan, many people's faces changed and exclaimed!

"What... Isn't he spiritual cultivation of nine sections... But hiding cultivation?"

"Wocao, who is this man? How can he be so strong? That light blow killed blue clothes directly... This man is not a spirit..."

"You can't be wrong, only the master of the spirit realm has such means... This man is too deep to hide, so he is a master of the spirit!"

Everyone frowned and thought that Lin Xuan had hidden his accomplishments, otherwise he couldn't explain it at all!

However, at this time, Lin Xuan moved again. His shadow step was like a shadow. The third man wanted to escape, but he was locked by Lin Xuan and moved directly in front of him!

This time, in order to frighten people, Lin Xuan did not show mercy. He said silently in his heart, "long arm fist!"


In the middle of everyone's gaping, Lin Xuan made a blow, which made the whole underground mausoleum sound like an earthquake. There was dust falling from the top of his head!

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