After a long time, all the dust came to an end, and Lin Xuan was in all eyes, either shocked, frightened, or regretted

He seems to be the focus of the whole audience, and his unpretentious style makes many people's teeth tremble!

"This master... Is in a terrible mess. He can't stop him if he says to do it."

I don't know who broke the silence in the field. They were all speechless, and they thought they were right!

This is so unreasonable!

Lin Xuan doesn't know what people think, but he has no fear now. As long as people don't recognize him, he is Lin Xuan. How do he want to toss!

After breaking the two levels, Lin Xuan's attitude was completely different from that when he had to be careful everywhere before. He wanted someone to die and give him experience and spirit stone!

"Well... Cough, I think there is something wrong with the candidate you just selected. Let's re elect it!"

Although the old man of the Duan family is in the second stage of spiritual cultivation, when he sees Lin Xuan's domineering style, he kills people if he doesn't agree with them and makes a big noise. Naturally, this kind of person doesn't want to offend him in death!

Just now, he even had a feeling that even if he made a hard connection, he would not die or be disabled!

"This person, you say that you are a master of spirit, and you are a master of spirit. What else do you hide? Isn't that a nuisance?"

All the people present were afraid. No one dared to say that they wanted to revenge for the dead family. If they annoyed the evil god, they would not all have to be told here!

"I seem to have seen such a powerful scene somewhere..."

At this time, someone stood not far away from Lin Xuan and asked in a low voice.

But he seriously stared at Lin Xuan's face, boldly looked at it, and then denied his guess. He muttered to himself, "no, no, it's not a person, but where does this master come from?"

Many people have such doubts, but no one dares to ask him directly. They are all very afraid.

"I don't know what to call this man?"

At the next moment, Shen Yan, who was originally standing in the front of the team, suddenly came to Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

"My name is Xuanmu. I come from the five elements view."

Lin Xuan's calm return.

This view of five elements is also one of the most famous forces in Qingzhou Prefecture. Although there is no heyday of qixuezong, there are many experts in the view of five elements!

There are very few disciples in the five elements view. Everyone is a gifted genius, and the apprenticeship is very strict!

"It turns out that he is a master of the five elements. I'm sorry to disturb you!"

At this time, when he heard that Lin Xuan came from the five elements view, not only Shen Yan's face was very different, but even the old man of the Shen family was very enthusiastic about making amends to Lin Xuan!

This is the view of five elements!

The top five transcendent forces of Qingzhou government are far from being able to compete with their families!

"It doesn't have to be like this. I'm just the most humble disciple in the temple. I can't be called an expert. Just call me Xuanmu!"

Lin Xuan was surprised by this kind of battle. He didn't expect that he would scare these people by making up a story!

But also, he is so fierce, be afraid, in this kind of moment, no one will doubt!

"Hahaha, brother Xuanmu is really a wonderful person. No one in Qingzhou Prefecture knows that any disciple in the five elements temple is extremely gifted. I think brother Xuanmu is very talented, and his future achievements will be extraordinary!"

At this time, Shen Yan praised Lin Xuan more warmly, which almost made him laugh in his heart!

"Are these people so easy to cheat? No wonder in those martial arts novels of the previous life, they all paid special attention to followers when they were wandering in the world. If they were from the orthodox school, they would be respected by people

"If there is no sect or sect, people will be despised. Haha, even the Qin Xiu who was killed outside the underground cave pretended to be a disciple of the blood weeping sect... At that time, I was so scared that I was afraid of being investigated. The names of these major sects are so useful!"

In his heart, Lin Xuan thought.

However, Lin Xuan waved his hand and said modestly, "brother Shen, I'm just the least accomplished younger martial brother in the school. Above me, all the elder martial brothers are the real pride of heaven and the most extraordinary talents in a hundred years!"

Fuck you!

You are so strong, you still pretend to be your mother, and you are the worst one. How can I have the face to stay here?

Many people secretly scold, do not know is jealousy or heart imbalance, all face distortion!

Even Shen Yan was stimulated by Lin Xuan and didn't want to talk!

"Cough, brother Xuanmu is a wonderful man, ha ha ha!"

But in the end, Shen Yan took a fancy to Lin Xuan's "background" and wanted to make a friend with him, so he had to fight hard and ha ha.

"Hey hey, brother Shen Yan is also a dragon and Phoenix among people. He has been promoted to the spirit at such an age. He has a bright future in the future!"

After a commercial mutual blowing, the two people are as warm as a bosom friend of mountains and rivers, so they are almost sleeping in the same bed!

Then, of course, no one dare to ask Lin Xuan to explore the way, all of them regard him as the ancestor, which also let Lin Xuan see the magic of fox pretending tiger power!

The other two who threatened Lin Xuan just now were given up by the people and chosen as pathfinders. They were seriously injured. They were already very pitiful, but they didn't expect Lin Xuan to let them go, but the people didn't let them go!

Despite all kinds of reluctance, between death and a glimmer of life, these two people can only bite their teeth and swallow them into their stomachs, acting as pathfinding stones and walking in the front of the corridor!

Now Lin Xuan, who has announced his identity, has a different treatment. He no longer has to be left out in the cold as before, and he doesn't have to keep up with the rest of the people. Instead, he walks in front of the team with a lot of spirit masters!

"I don't know if brother Xuanmu has any special views on this mausoleum?"

In the corridor, Shen Yan obviously talked a little more. He was always looking for Lin Xuan to ask for his opinions!

"Ha ha, I really don't have any opinions. To tell you the truth, I happened to pass by Yulin city. I didn't know what happened on cangming mountain, so I went up the mountain with the team. I know much less than you do!"

"Brother Shen, please tell me more about the mausoleum?"

With no change along the corridor, Shen Yan relaxed a lot, nodded and said: "cangming mountain has existed since ancient times, and its fierce beasts have never been cut off. If someone can build a mausoleum here, it's not ordinary people."

"And we've been searching for ancient books these days, looking for clues about cangming mountain, and finally let us find some information."

Shen Yan looked at everyone's expectant eyes behind him and continued: "you might as well tell brother Xuanmu that five thousand years ago, there was a venerable Da Neng named Dutian in Yulin city."

"According to the records of the ancient books, this man's cultivation reached the peak of the venerable realm, and he ran across Qingzhou Prefecture. Even those extraordinary sect leaders and patriarchs were his friends, and they were extremely strong."

"It's just that even if you are a great master, if you can't get closer, your life will be reduced a little bit. It's said that in his later years, he returned to Yulin City 3000 years ago and finally entered cangming mountain to seek a breakthrough!"

"But since then, no one has seen him again. It must have been the failure of the customs clearance and the long history!"

"We suspect that this mausoleum is the last burial ground opened up for us by the dutianzun!"

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