"Dutianzun has been strong all his life and is invincible to Qingzhou government, but it's a pity that even such a strong man has finally fallen!"

The old man of the Shen family sighed after hearing this.

"Yes, it's said that this dutianzun is a great man of the time. He once sacrificed his life to protect his native land. Five thousand years ago, in the forbidden area of the immortal Kingdom, there were ancient demons in the ancient forest. They set foot in Qingzhou Prefecture and made waves. No one could control them!"

"In the end, dutianzun alone, with the determination to die, fought in nineteen cities, expelled the demons, and returned peace to Qingzhou Prefecture!"

Lin Xuan had never heard of this taboo before, but from Shen Yan's mouth, he could already imagine the peerless demeanor of the invincible.

"What a hero

"We're looking forward to it."

People are very sigh, as if back to the era of disaster, it is difficult to calm the mood.

Only Lin Xuan said abruptly: "since it is speculated that this mausoleum is the burial ground of the great master, the hero of the elder generation has already died, and we and the younger generation should not be disturbed."

Lin Xuan's words are still very euphemistic, but in fact, it means: "the venerable person you are talking about is rare in the world, which is admirable. As a result, you have to dig other people's graves. It's too bad!"

Smell speech, everyone looks at each other, all to Lin Xuan brain sea road some speechless.

"Cough, brother Xuanmu doesn't know. We are just guessing. We don't know whether this mausoleum is the place where dutianzun lies. If all the signs show that this place is indeed the place where dutianzun sleeps, we won't disturb it any more. We will retreat and blockade it again!"

Shen Yan coughed a, some embarrassed way.

"Dutianzun is the great power of the forefathers. He has great kindness in Qingyun Prefecture. Naturally, we will not profane his burial place!"

"Oh, I see. It seems that I misunderstood brother Shen Yan!"

Lin Xuan Oh, nodded.

Shen Yan stopped talking, never mentioning the glorious deeds of dutianzun.

But then a family expert in Yulin City shamelessly said: "the dutianzun has been dead for a long time. Everything left by his old man can be regarded as a treasure. It's a waste to stay in the mausoleum. It's better to present it to us!"

"Brother sun, it's too early to say that. We'd better find out who is the owner of the mausoleum first, and then make a decision."

At this time, there is a sense of justice of the spirit of the master to remind a, can't see!

"Extremely is extremely is!"

It was echoed, and people's steps did not stop. They were walking along the long corridor all the time.

However, the corridor seems to have no end. After walking for a long time, people still haven't seen the exit, which makes many spirit people frown!

"What's the matter? Can't we be trapped in a maze?"

The well-informed old man of the Duan family was puzzled.

The so-called array, also known as the method of array pattern, is quite mysterious. It is the natural pattern and interweaving rule that ancient great powers discovered by observing heaven and earth. After a special arrangement, it can show the earth shaking power.

It's very obscure and difficult to understand. It's hard to understand if it's not the best talent!

If the array can reach the peak all the way, it is also extremely powerful!

However, since ancient times, the method of this array pattern has been mastered in the great religion and sect. Only a few people can understand it and become a unique array mage!

In a sense, the threshold of a master of array is the highest way to practice. Any master of array who has made a little achievement in the way of array pattern, no matter where he goes, is the guest of honor of all major forces, which is more difficult to find than a pharmacist!

"Dutianzun is extremely gifted. Maybe he really understands the way of array patterns. He doesn't want to be disturbed after his death. Maybe he can arrange array in his mausoleum!"

Shen Yan nodded, also aware of a trace of unusual, will say their views.

"Array pattern?"

Lin Xuan's eyes twinkled, and he thought of a lot.

"Yes, it seems that we are really trapped in a maze, but fortunately, this is not a big killing array, but a maze. At most, we can't get out of it."

"But it won't kill us directly. As long as we find the flaw in the array, we can break out!"

The spirit of the Shen family. The old man knows more about the secret. Although it's not good to arrange the array patterns, the old man has learned how to break the array in ancient books!

"This kind of maze array is just an entry-level array. Let's wait in a certain territory. If a powerful master doesn't even need to look for a flaw in the array, just one step, the array will collapse naturally!"

The old Shen family is worthy of being born into a big family and has rich experience. He explains to the public.

Lin Xuan didn't say a word. He was afraid to reveal his origin. After all, he came from the "five elements view", but he didn't understand a lot of knowledge. He would be suspected.

The best choice is not to speak, always a smile I knew so, calm calm, so that I can maintain his image!

"I don't know how to find the flaw of this puzzle?"

At this time, behind Lin Xuan, someone was extremely on the road and told his doubts for Lin Xuan.

"Ha ha, actually it's not difficult. There will be eyes in this kind of maze. Where the eyes are, they are the flaws."

"Generally speaking, the eyes of this maze can be turned into plants, flowers and leaves in the array, but even if the disguise looks like it again, it's still fake. As long as we carefully explore, it's easy to find unreasonable places in this small corridor!"

The old man, surnamed Shen, stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

"In that case, I'll go on a new round and make a careful investigation, and I'll find something!"

Shen Yan a pair of clear appearance, opening a way.

And Lin Xuan is also from all walks of life, with all walks of life, looking for this narrow corridor, which place is unusual!

Sure enough, they didn't walk for long. Lin Xuan's sharp sense of spirit was touched. He looked at the flickering flames in the lamps hanging on the wall of the corridor!

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but Lin Xuan frowned deeply and said calmly, "if there is a problem, stop!"

Then, almost everyone's eyes fell on him.

Lin Xuan pointed to the lamp and said calmly: "you see, we have stopped, but in this closed corridor, the flame in the lamp still moves without wind, swaying and dancing. Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Wen Yan, the old man surnamed Shen also carefully looked at the still swaying flame, frowning tightly.

At the next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed. He held his hand and made a fist. He hit the lamp heavily, but was blocked by an invisible barrier!

The flame was enveloped by an invisible barrier in the void. The dense and obscure natural veins, like oracle bone inscriptions, seemed to be visible and invisible, shining together!

"Found it, here it is!"

The old man, surnamed Shen, continued with a look of joy: "we'll hit this place with all our strength. As long as we break the eye of the array, the maze will be solved naturally!"

"What are you waiting for, I'll come!"

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