Shen Yan didn't know where to take out a quiet sword. His spirit power surged in his body. The long Bing sword was shining. A sword swept out and fell heavily into the barrier!

However, in Ren Jianmang's sweeping, the complex veins in the invisible barrier appeared again, even clearer than just now.

"Come again!"

Shen Yan roared, blood boiling, is a sword, this time, finally had a reaction.


The sound of broken glass seemed to ring in everyone's ears. A tiny crack appeared on the barrier outside the fire.

"Let me do it!"

At this time, Lin Xuan quietly went to the lamp. His mind moved, and his magic power worked automatically. Lin Xuan once again waved a fist, and his momentum was like a rainbow!

This boxing style with more than one hundred thousand jin is invincible and hard to stop!


There was a loud noise, and the whole corridor seemed to collapse, shaking up, and everyone could not stand still!

And the invisible barrier was also broken by Lin Xuan's fist. The flame in the lamp was almost swept by a huge wind and completely extinguished at the moment when the barrier was broken!

At the next moment, the people who had turned their horses back quickly regained their peace. Many people opened their eyes and looked at them quietly. They couldn't believe it.

It's all amazing.

"How is that possible?"

"How can I be here?"

"That's the horror of the array. It makes us invisible, but we haven't noticed it all the time!"

"Yes, if it was the real killing and cutting array, we would have turned into looting ashes now!"

It was also at this time that Lin Xuancai found that they had never stepped into the corridor at all. Everything just now seemed to be an illusion. All of them were still standing in the hall made of black iron!

The so-called long corridor did not exist at all!

In front of them, there was only a gate made of bronze, which seemed to be connected with mountains, simple and heavy!

"Isn't that to say that as soon as we came in, we were put into a maze?"

"No way. At the beginning, the monsters in the hall were real. Look, the corpse is still there!"

"However, this can't explain. If there is no corridor and only a closed bronze gate, where have all the monsters gone before, there can't be only a few of them!"

Some people have doubts and don't understand.

"Maybe, after entering this bronze gate, you see, there are still blood stains here!"

At this time, Lin Xuan's eyes moved and found that there was a dry red blood under the bronze door.

"Behind the door, what on earth is there?"

Almost all of them, looking cautiously at the huge and old gate, were aware of the danger.

"This is really a mausoleum 3000 years ago. Why do I have a feeling that the ancient charm of such vicissitudes can not be brewed out in 3000 or even 5000 years..."

It's true that Lin Xuan had never seen the monuments that have existed for thousands of years in his previous life, but the simple gate seemed to pull him into the ancient times.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have broken the maze and have come to this stage. Naturally, we should not be afraid. Let's push it away together!"

At this time, the old man of the Duan family looked back at the crowd and said greedily.

"Yes, we are here for this burial ground. How can we shrink back?"

"Maybe if we open the bronze door, we can see all kinds of treasures on the ground!"

Behind him, there are also people with fiery eyes who are not afraid of danger.

Lin Xuan quietly retreated two steps to make way for those crazy and greedy spirits.

The next moment, I saw the Duan family headed by six spiritual masters, all standing in front of the bronze gate, stretched out their big hands, and their spiritual power gushed out madly, struggling to open the huge bronze gate!

However, at this moment, one mysterious and obscure pattern after another suddenly appeared on the plain bronze gate

"What's this?"

In the distance, Lin Xuan subconsciously took the moon shadow step, started the extreme speed, and retreated dozens of steps for the first time.

On the gate, there are some strange patterns of light golden light. They seem to be alive, like snakes and birds, walking upstream of the bronze gate!

All of a sudden, the old man of the Duan family let out a cry of pain



Then, the other five also seem to have some changes, all struggling to get rid of, but the palm seems to be absorbed by the bronze door, so it is difficult to evacuate!


"This bronze door is strange... It's absorbing the spiritual power in our body... It's going to be absorbed completely..."

"Help me..."

"It's not just psychic power... I feel that the blood gas in my body is being sucked away... No, I'm not willing to!"

The old man of Duan family is extremely painful and ferocious. He wants to get rid of the mire, but with his own strength, it is difficult to get rid of it!

"Clan old, I wait to save you!"

"Pull people back quickly!"

"Help the old people quickly!"

At this moment, the children of the six families were all flustered, and the panic summoned people to try to bring their elders back!

"Don't move... Come back!" The old man, surnamed Shen, who had never spoken before, seemed to find something and yelled.

However, it seems to be too late!

When the children of these families reached out one by one to try to attract the elders who were absorbed by the bronze gate, they found a scene that frightened them


"I've been sucked... I feel... The spiritual power in my body is being sucked away by that strange door!"

"Ah... Don't... My Qi and blood..."

More than 20 people, all of whom were restricted by the bronze gate strangely and fearfully, could not move any more.

The next moment, I saw that the bronze gate was brighter than ever, and those strange veins seemed to be completely alive. It seemed to contain a very strange power, mysterious and extraordinary!

"Are these patterns... Also array patterns... Are the array patterns applied on the bronze door?"

"This kind of strange array patterns can't be carved and arranged by ordinary people... Is this also an array?" Lin Xuan looked puzzled. In his mind, it seems that the array should not have such a strange performance

Lin Xuan didn't go to die, but stood aloof with the rest of the people in the distance, beside him, except for a few spirit people, the rest of the family children had been frightened by such a terrible scene, and all of them were shaking.

"Why are these mysterious veins so like..."

Lin Xuan said to himself in silence. When he bombarded the lamp just now, he had already seen some similar strange patterns. At that time, he doubted, but he was not sure!

Now, when he saw the more complete, mysterious and weird veins on the bronze gate, he suddenly thought of the mysterious and unknown catalogue he had got from the Deacon who defected from the Lin family!

The ancient book was full of mysterious veins that Lin Xuan couldn't understand. They were as dense as ants. He recalled carefully that the tiny veins seemed to be very similar to the so-called array veins!

"Towering atlas, name towering... Understand Heaven and earth... And the array pattern is realized by the ancestors' great ability to observe the law of heaven and earth... Isn't that towering?"

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