Lin Xuan thought silently, but his face was silent.

But at this moment, the old man of Duan family, who was absorbed in front of the bronze gate, cried bitterly: "brother Shen... Master Shen, help me... I don't want to die..."

At this moment, his ruddy face has no blood color now. The bronze gate not only needs to absorb the spiritual power in their bodies, but also needs to eat them as blood and devour them all!

"No, I won't!"

Another master of spirit is extremely remorseful with tears in his eyes, but it's too late at the moment. No one can stop the strange bronze gate. The bright veins are more flexible, just like a fish in the water, walking upstream of the bronze gate!

With the passage of time, the people in front of the door clearly changed. At the moment, the first six spirits had turned into skin and bones, and their hair was dry and falling, as if they were dying

"I shouldn't have come!"

"I hate it

It seems that the old man of Duan family has already seen his own ending. He screams in despair, but his voice is getting older, like a broken Gong voice, leaking everywhere!

"Wuwu... I don't want to die, who can help me..."

"It's so painful... The exuberant vitality in my body is passing away..."

After that, the young family members, male and female, were all in despair. A terrible atmosphere was brewing in the black iron hall!

Their long black hair decayed and turned white at a very fast speed. Their full bodies turned into skin and bones. In a short half column of incense, they seemed to be old for decades!

"Am I going to die?"

Lin Xuan's eyes moved. He saw a young family disciple who was just beside him. He showed his ugly face with only dry skin, and even lost his strength to cry!



At this moment, the withered body, which had been drained of life and spirit by the bronze gate, burst open like a stone. The body split in an instant, and the residual blood splashed everywhere, just like hell.

Many people hiding in the distance, see this terrible scene, eyes are full of fear, at the foot of some virtual soft, want to escape.

"Run away..."

"Let's go..."

"Let's go... We'll all die here..."

The rest of the family had never seen such a scene, and they all ran towards the center of the open-air hall, trying to escape!

"Hum, who dares to go!"

However, at this moment, the old man suddenly snorted and clapped his hand. The son of the family who ran in front of him was seriously injured by the hand and fell heavily in the middle of the mess hall, covered with a layer of broken branches!

"If my guess is right, the bronze gate needs to be sacrificed with blood to open!"

"You see... The bronze gate has moved... The gap in the middle is getting bigger and bigger, and it's about to open!"

The old man, surnamed Shen, has a cold face. He puts his eyes on the seriously injured family son who started to run away. He directly picks him up and throws him directly in front of the bronze gate, watching the man completely devoured by the bronze gate!

In this scene, even Lin Xuan felt cold all over.

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that Lin Xuan's strength is not afraid of the old man at all. With the background of "five elements view", the old man will never make up his mind!

"Hum, if anyone wants to leave, he will come to the same end!"

In order to open the bronze gate and obtain the treasure behind the gate, the old man named Shen has completely lost his face!

Even the rest of the spirits were afraid of it!

At this moment, only the Shen family is intact. There are four masters of the spirit, especially the old Shen family, who is the most powerful and frightening!

With the bronze gate, the blood and spiritual power of the more than 20 masters were completely absorbed. They all seemed to be weathered and turned into dust. Even the last bones could not be left!

At this time, I saw that the bronze gate seemed to be full. It was divided into two parts and slowly opened to both sides

Inside, a cold breath gushed from the crack of the door. Even if it was far away, it made everyone shiver!



Suddenly, everyone's ears suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the door!

"What's that voice... Elder Shen... Let's go. It's terrible..."

"The heartbeat... It's like the heartbeat of some kind of creature... Plop... What kind of creature is this... It can transmit the heartbeat from such a distance..."

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time... I have a premonition of great terror!"

At this time, even the remaining four lingzhe masters in Yulin felt cold and scared!

"This chance... We can't enjoy it. Elder Shen, I'm sorry we can't be here. If we lose our lives, it's really not worth it!"

The four spirit masters seem to have reached an agreement. They all firmly want to retreat and dare not stay. They want to leave with their own family children!

There are only less than 15 of them!

But at this time, the old man Shen said without expression: "what's the hurry... Maybe it's not as dangerous as we imagined. Three or five thousand years later, even with the ancient charm of the bronze gate, I even think... This is the mausoleum ten thousand years ago, we all guessed wrong!"

"This place is not the burial place of dutianzun, but an unknown existence..."

"And that one, at least, was buried ten thousand years ago... For such a long time, let alone being an invincible one, even the king without a crown... Will be buried in the long river of history, and there is nothing left!"

After hearing this, several spirit masters looked at each other and stopped

Maybe, it's not that dangerous

If you open the door, it's full of exotic treasures?

Greed, like a Warcraft that devours human nature, makes it hard for them to turn back!

"Yes... Even if there was anything in the burial cave so far, it has already turned into dust and nothing is left!"

"The heartbeat... Maybe it's just a cover up, maybe it's just to scare me away!"

"Good! Tens of thousands of years later, I don't believe there are living creatures in this mausoleum! "

"Maybe it's the monsters who came into cangming mountain by mistake. Um... Some monsters with large size can hear the heartbeat from a long distance..."

The four spirits comforted each other and gave themselves a reason to stay!

During this period, the crack of the bronze gate became bigger and bigger, which was enough for one person to enter... But from the outside, the inside was shrouded in darkness.

Fear, shrouded in everyone's heart, no one dares to enter the first!

And the strange heartbeat still resounds through the ancient hall, and the boundless cold air is pouring out from behind the bronze door

"Plop... Plop..."

Lin Xuan's eyes were deep, and he wanted to see clearly what was in the dark. At the same time, he was ready at any time. If he really noticed something bad, he would run away immediately!

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