"Brother Lin, what do you think?"

Suddenly, Shen Yan's face calmly asks Lin Xuan.

What do I think?

Why do you ask me what I think? I'm just a fake. I don't know as much as you. Don't ask me!

Lin Xuan's heart was crazy about Tucao, but who let him make complaints about five lines of disciples, but at the moment he could only swallow his bitter fruit.

"There has never been such a terrible thing recorded in the classics inside the gate, and I don't know!"

Lin Xuan shook his head, pretending to be calm.

"Is there no similar record in the five elements view?"

Shen Yan continued as if with a sigh.

"No, I'm not. I'm just not a book lover. There are so many ancient books and documents in the five elements view. I can't finish reading them. Maybe I've missed the key information!"

Lin Xuan coughed and explained!

In this terrible underground mausoleum, you should be careful at any time. If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger. So Lin Xuan has been paying attention to the situation in the black iron hall with his spare light!

However, in a long time, the simple bronze gate was finally opened, which was like a huge beast swallowing the sky with a big mouth.

"Well... The bronze gate has been opened. If there is anything dangerous, it has already rushed out. If it doesn't rush out now, it means that there are only dead things in it, not living ones!"

"I don't want to be afraid. Just take the harsh heartbeat as an illusion. Ignore it. Everyone will go in with me!"

At this time, the elder of the Shen family walked ahead, but his steps were extremely cautious. They all went back to the bronze gate again, where they couldn't see their fingers like an abyss!

But they had been prepared for a long time. The Shen family took out more than ten torches from the storage bag. This torch is not a general torch, but a special one made from the oil of old trees. It's not easy to put out!

"You guys, go ahead. If you are in danger, we will save you!"

The old Shen family once again selected three pathfinding stones from the crowd, but deliberately ignored Lin Xuan.

"Elder Shen... Please..."

"I don't want to... Elder Shen, let me go. I don't want Yibao. I want to go back to Yulin City..."

"Help me, I don't want to die..."

The three people who were selected were so pale and bloodless that they were afraid to go forward!

With a pair of pleading eyes to look at their own lingzhe clan old, hoping to support them!

However, a few spirit masters did not say a word, this is to give them up!

"Someone has to do this Pathfinder. Do you want us to do it or not?"

One of the spirit Master naturally said!

At this time, the selected three people want to escape, but they are blocked by several spirit men of Shen family. It seems that anyone who dares to escape will be killed on the spot!

"Go quickly, don't hesitate. If you have a long time, you will be afraid of accidents!"

Shen's cold eyes swept over the three, which made them subconsciously bow their heads and dare not look at each other!

"Do you want to die?"

However, with the three people still not moving, the old man surnamed Shen was furious and turned over completely!

"Looking ahead, there may still be a ray of life, or die now!"

The old Shen family sneered.

Finally, under such threats, the three talents are reluctant to go ahead!

In this regard, Lin Xuan has no feeling that he is not the Savior. In this world, weak urination is the original sin, and no one will sympathize with you!

If he had the same cultivation as these people, I'm afraid it would be him who went in now!

However, as the three men kneaded and stepped through the bronze gate, nothing changed. The strange veins on the bronze gate seemed to disappear. They all disappeared!

"Elder Shen... Nothing..."

One of them looked back happily!

At this time, all the talents put down their hearts and followed the three forward!

The dust under their feet is the ashes of the people who died just now

However, when all the people entered the dark space, they could not wait to see the furnishings and layout inside. Behind them, the originally silent bronze gate suddenly lit up and came back to life

Boundless veins interweave out, there are two spirit of Yulin city feel bad, want to escape instantly!

"Ah... Why..."


But before he left, he was fixed in front of the bronze gate and could not move. His whole body's Qi, blood and spiritual power were absorbed by the bronze gate again!

They don't understand that they were cautious enough and they were the first to escape, but once they made a mistake, they became eternal hatred and turned into blood food again

And after entering the bronze gate, Lin Xuan and others, because they didn't act rashly, so they are very safe now. The bronze gate can't affect everyone!

"Everyone, stay away from the bronze door..."

The old man, surnamed Shen, was silent for a moment.

Immediately, all of them continued to go deep inside, but the lighting of the torch was very limited. They could only see clearly the situation within five steps, nothing!

Just at this moment

The bronze gate, which absorbed the two spirit masters, closed slowly, and its back was also covered with strange veins. However, the veins seemed to connect people's feet

From the bronze gate, two lines of shimmering light, like little snakes, flow slowly towards the feet of the people, like flowing water!


They roared helplessly, only feeling that the spiritual power and Qi and blood in their bodies were being pulled out a little bit. They seemed to think of their own solution, and they would turn into ashes. They couldn't leave anything. They were completely crazy, shaking their heads like crazy, and wanted to escape

However, those lines are like villains, grow hands and feet, those fine lines around their feet, it is difficult to move half a minute!

"What to do... The bronze door is closing... I'm not going to be trapped here, are we?"

"Clan elder... I don't want to die..."

The rest of the family's children seem to be in constant spirit, frightened by such a terrible scene, and they cry like madmen!

"There is no way to retreat... It's better to die and live, and fight!"

At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly calm mouth way!

"You see, the white lines slowly flowing down under the bronze door, that should be the spiritual essence drawn from the two people, which is transported to the depths. Perhaps, in the deepest part, there are really horrible creatures recovering."

"However, no matter what kind of creatures rely on blood to revive themselves, they are all vicious people. We must not let them do what we want. If they can be destroyed as soon as possible, they will have a chance of life!"

Lin Xuan was extremely calm. His eyes were slightly cold. He was looking at the dark depth. At the moment, two white lines with faint light were moving towards the deepest place

"Yes, what brother Xuanmu said is very true. We can't waste our time here. The heartbeat is more and more powerful... Is it that we are on the verge of recovery... To die but not to be stiff is for evil spirits... We can't wait to die!"

At this moment, although the people of the Shen family have some regrets about entering so recklessly, they can only share a common hatred now, otherwise they can't get out of this terrible mausoleum!

Shen Yan and others are almost the same as Lin Xuan's conjecture. At this moment, they don't think that the heartbeat is an illusion, a cover up, but a real existence!


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