"According to Xuanmu, we don't have to hesitate. If it's too late, we will be doomed!"

Shen's eyes are far-reaching, staring at the deepest, where there seems to be some terrible existence is recovering, there is a great pressure, a little bit toward the outside spread, swept!

"Plop... Plop..."

"What are you waiting for? Take out your weapons, even if it's evil, kill it!"

Lin Xuan calmly took out the golden yellow dragon sword from his personal space. He was not afraid to expose it. After all, it was only a moment after it appeared, and he put it away!

And now the rest of the people have not witnessed, relying on hearsay, certainly will not associate with Lin Xuan's long sword!

After all, there are many people who use knives. Just like today, several people have a big knife in their hands, with different qualities!

While they slowly move towards the deepest, they carefully pay attention to the possible danger in the darkness around them, and show their spirit!

However, at this time, Shen Yan, who was walking in the front, suddenly widened his mouth and looked at the deepest place with a different face. Where were the two white lines climbing up from the bottom!

"What's that..."

Then, in the dark, with the white lines intersecting on the dark object, the mysterious object seems to be revived. The golden lines shine brightly, reflecting the whole space!

It's also at this moment... A terrible scene appeared in front of everyone!

"The coffin... It's dark, the coffin is also burning mysterious patterns... It's the patterns that are shining..."


Lin Xuan's eyes moved up. Like a tremor from his soul, he saw an amazing scene

I saw a figure sitting on the mysterious dark coffin

"No... it's not a figure... It's a... Mummy..."

"How is that possible?"

"Isn't he the owner of the tomb, but since he is the owner, why don't he lie in the coffin, but sit on it

Lin Xuan wanted to see more clearly, but there were terrible waves on the corpse, just like the body of the medicine saint that Lin Xuan had seen in the underground cave!

But the difference is that the old master of the medicine saint was introverted, but even so, Lin Xuan was very scared

In other words, he didn't die normally

There seemed to be many terrible wounds on the blackened body!

"Impossible... Impossible..."

Shen Yan at the front suddenly seemed to be aware of something and continued to say: "that heartbeat has nothing to do with the dark corpse on the coffin... It comes from the coffin..."

"It's a mess here. It seems that there was a big war..."

"Who is the corpse sitting on the coffin... Is the deepest trace caused by his fighting with the tomb owner?"


A cold evil wind came from nowhere. Lin Xuan shivered and looked at the dark coffin more and more terrifying

Even in his heart, he felt that he might be buried here today!

"System... System help... What should I do?"

Lin Xuan wanted to call out the system in his mind, but he couldn't get any response!

"It's over!"

"Damn, no one can rely on me at the critical moment. I can only rely on myself!"

Lin Xuan is evil and wants to destroy the coffin directly!

However, before he could move, suddenly a loud noise came from the coffin


"What's this... It's not a heartbeat... Is it true that an evil devil has resurrected?"

Lin Xuan's heart was shocked, and he dodged far away. At the moment, the small characters in the veins on the upper reaches of the dark coffin became more flexible and strange, and the whole space was shining brightly!

Even Lin Xuan didn't expect that this place was so big that he couldn't see the top on the top and the edge on the left and right!


As if someone patted the coffin in the coffin, with the loud noise, the mysterious dark coffin was also shaking!

However, when everyone was cold, the corpse, which had been sitting on the coffin, suddenly glowed from the corpse


The next moment, I saw that all the black bodies on the surface of the dry body were washed out of the body by a powerful force and scattered on the ground!

And the corpse sitting on the coffin turned into a shining white bone, just like the moon!

The white bone seemed to be alive. The terrible waves gushed from the white bone, and the white waves poured into the dark coffin from under him. He just sat on the dark coffin with the white bone, and the evil things in it could not escape!


The next moment, the sharp voice came from the coffin, like the roar of some kind of monster!

"After so many years, the flesh has long been decayed, but the bones in it are as beautiful as jade... The golden muscles and jade bones... The jade bones are immortal... This is the only change of the supreme King... It's the manifestation of amazing cultivation..."

"Is it true that this long dead man was once a king without a crown?"

In the distance, Shen Yan, pushed to the distance by the terrible wave, seems to think of the records in some ancient books

"Only the supreme king can keep the jade bones forever... And if he can go further and become the supreme sage, he can reach the realm of heaven and man with golden muscles and jade bones. His body will last more than ten thousand years."

Shen Yan is still talking, but in Lin Xuan's ears, it makes his heart move!

"Shouyuan is a hundred thousand years old... My God... Did the medicine Saint... Live so long... What kind of character would he be? In ancient times? "

Lin Xuan was shocked. It seemed that he realized the terror of sages at this moment!

"More than 100000 years of life..."

You know, ordinary mortals can live for 100 years at most, and spiritual friars can only live for two or three hundred years. Unless they have reached the peak of cultivation, there are few longevity yuan!

If you are a master of Lingshi realm, you can live for thousands of years

The venerable has great power. He can live 3000 years. If he has attained the highest level of cultivation, he may live longer

As for the supreme King... People in such a realm can even live a long life

But Lin Xuan didn't expect that if he went further, he would live for 100000 years... This is too terrible!

Living in a low martial world such as blue star in a previous life, if human beings can live more than 100 years, it will be enough to go down in history!

And in this life... There are people who can live for 100000 years... No... let alone 100000 years, even ordinary saints can live for 50000 years, which is almost unimaginable in Lin Xuan's eyes!

"If... Above the sages..."

Lin Xuan lowered his shock and murmured: "if you ascend to the highest level, isn't your life as long as heaven and eternal?"

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