Just don't wait for Lin Xuan to continue to imagine, his eyes will suddenly emerge a dazzling white light, such as shining mountains and rivers, gorgeous!

The white bone sitting on the dark coffin seemed to be immortal. It seemed that it had come to life. The jade finger gently touched it, which made the coffin tremble!

"Ah... God... You old man... You haven't died for so many years... How dare you stop me..."

The next moment, a roar like a broken Gong came from the coffin, which made the whole mausoleum tremble!

On the ground, there are more animals galloping, dare not come near here!

And in the depth of the mausoleum, Lin Xuan and others were just like frightened birds, shocked by the terrible roar!

"Is the existence in the coffin just shouting" Du Tian "? Is that the white bone sitting on it the body of dutianzun? "

"However, how can this be possible... It's not the state of the venerable... Why... Why can the jade bone last forever? It's the change of heaven after the promotion of the supreme king

Not only Lin Xuan was puzzled, but also Shen Yan, who was beside him, seemed to be shocked to discover the new world!

They hide far away, and the white bone seems to have found their existence. It deliberately shrinks the terror wave around the coffin to make them feel better. They no longer have the impulse to kneel down when facing the strongest!

This seems to be the suppression of the blood of those monsters. For the human race, the power of the sages and the prestige of that realm is too great a blow to them!

Even if you don't do anything, just feel a trace of the true Qi of the sages, you will lose your qi and blood in the body!

However, just at this time, I saw that the Yingying white bone was like Huang zhongdalu, making a huge voice, like King Kong: "You evil things do not completely perish, how dare I die first..."

"Hahaha... Dutian, you old thief, if you hadn't been enslaved by you in those years, where would you be my opponent..."

"Hum... Now, three thousand years later, even if you still have a divine idea... Hahaha... Even if you have great fighting power, you are mortal, but I am immortal... What can you do to me?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Inside the dark coffin, there was a terrible sound of laughter!

"Immortal? Then I will suppress you for another three thousand years! "

Sound like thunder, frighten the world!

There seems to be a pure white figure coming out of the jade bone. His hair is gray and his face is old. But he can see some young demeanor. He must be a unique gentleman!

"Dutian... You old thief are too rampant. Hehe, I seem to smell the smell of blood food again. Hahaha, that's the Terran you've protected for half of your life... I'll devour them all now. I see what you can do for me!"

Inside the coffin, there was a frightening sound again.

This time, the unknown existence aimed at Lin Xuan!

"No... back up now!"

However, the words of the old Shen family have just come down, and the feet of all the people suddenly interweave infinite mysterious veins

For a moment, Lin Xuan's figure disappeared in the same place. His keen sense of spirit made him feel anxious. No matter how many other people could not understand, what he said was the language he used to play games in his previous life!

However, at this moment, the dark coffin again made a mocking voice and said: "hahaha... Dutian old thief... See... This is the Terran you protect. At this moment, like a bereaved dog, I'm playing with you wantonly, but you can't move a cent, you can't save them... They will die eventually!"

"And you need to keep suppressing the coffin with your own deformity..."

"Dutian... You dare to start... Do you see that those weak insects are running away in a hurry... Go and save them quickly..."

"Dutian... If you have the ability, you can let me out... I promise not to hurt them... You and I will fight again... Don't you want to suppress me for another 3000 years? I'll see if you are as powerful as you said!"

"Ha ha ha, Du Tian, dare you?"

"Can't you leave at will any more... If I guess correctly, your last lingering thought will disappear..."

"Ha ha ha... Even if you don't continue to fight with me, when your last memory is completely destroyed... No one can restrain me any more!"

"And you... The protector of the Terran... Just watched with your own eyes, how I tormented these weak insects..."

"All day... Do you feel heartache? Why don't you do it? Are you exhausted?"

"Hahaha, how many more times can you do it?"

Inside the coffin, there was a nightmare like magic sound, a scream of surprise and laughter, and it was terrifying!

However, the next moment, such as thunder sounds again!

"The right way will never die, and the great spirit will last forever!"

In the huge mausoleum which was originally dim, boundless light came from the sky, as if it had penetrated the thick ground, shining on the illusory and old spirit!

At this moment, the unreal figure in the white bone becomes more and more solid, and it seems to reproduce the supreme spirit of that yea

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