Guanghua then came, the white bone sitting on the dark coffin seemed to grow a bright and clean body, and the illusory figure became solid!

It's like reappearance of the true appearance of dutianzun in his old age, but even though he is a hero, he still can't resist the invasion of aging, and his wrinkled face is expressionless!

"Is that the real body of the... Dutianzun?"

When Lin Xuanyuan looked back, he felt that the ordinary figure was like a towering mountain.

However, the changes in the field are not over, the glory is still pouring in, the old body seems to have reversed the years, the original decline of the body is slowly recovering, it seems to reproduce the appearance of youth!

Such a scene makes Lin Xuan and others extremely surprised, open mouth, don't know what to say!

But at this time, the coffin once again issued a shrill scream, even the lines engraved on the ground of the original mausoleum were silent again, Lin Xuan and others were out of danger for a short time!

"Dutian... Hum, I have to admit that you are the most amazing person I have ever seen. You can refine the muscles and bones of the supreme king with the highest state of the venerable. Hehe, you should not stop here..."

"But it's a pity... When you choose that useless skill, it's doomed in the future..."

"Ha ha ha, I can't imagine how great a threat it would be to our family if people like you had complete skills and would be able to stand on the top of the world."

"Even... When I saw that you could make jade bones in the realm of the venerable, I doubted that such arrogance as you might not be able to complete the following skills by yourself... In fact, you really need to take that step..."

"But the good thing is... You are so gorgeous that I drag you to death after all..."

The laughter is not taboo, the field of Lin Xuan and others, the coffin constantly spit out frightening words.

"Haha... Even after death... Only in a memory, it can be so powerful. When you open your mouth and inhale, there will be endless spiritual rays coming for you to use!"

"For an opponent like you, even I think it's a pity to die silently..."

"The Terran should set up a monument for you and keep history forever..."

"But... Dutian... What's the use of exhausting the marrow in your jade bone and borrowing a wisp of strength for these wastes? From now on... You will be completely destroyed... "

At the same time, the dark coffin trembled again. It was more dangerous to turn over, but it was gently patted by the white figure sitting on the coffin. The dark coffin was quiet again.

But at this moment, before Lin Xuan and others could breathe for a long time, the golden light at their feet lit up again. This time, the thing that made everyone panic finally happened

The lines, which were like dragons, radiated from the dark coffin like ripples. The boundless golden symbols awakened in an instant. Lin Xuan and others wanted to run away towards the edge of the mausoleum almost in an instant!

But the golden ripple did not stop. It was expanding all the time, which made Lin Xuan have no way back!

Just as the lives of these people were hanging on the line, the white light shrouded figure sitting on the dark coffin finally reacted!


There was a sigh that seemed to cross the river of time. It was long and long. Then, it seemed that wanzhang Guanghua had stopped pouring into the mausoleum, and the vague figure gradually revealed its figure.

Enveloped in the light, it was a man with black hair like a waterfall, a big and handsome face. He had a sword eyebrow, star eyes and a high nose

But on the young cheek, there was a look of vicissitudes.

The next moment, his body finally moved, the jade like white bone has been wrapped by the body again, even if the body is only fake, it does not leave any traces!

I saw Du Tianzun suddenly stood up, his slender and crystal clear palm gently waved, in a moment, a sonorous sound came, like thunder in the sky!


In the dark area, something seems to follow the call of the eternal figure, making a trill!


In an instant, two pieces of broken black weapons flew over from the darkness and merged into one in the air. In Lin Xuan's eyes, it was a long black iron gun with an obvious broken mark in the middle. But at the moment, it was reunited by the dutianzun with great magic power.

Almost for a moment, he walked in the sky with a long gun in his hand and left the top cover of the dark coffin.

But in the middle of the mausoleum, when Lin Xuan and other people's lives were on the verge of death, the black iron gun seemed to turn into a peerless weapon, falling from the air and heavily on the earth


The terrible sound reverberated in the ears of Lin Xuan and others. At the next moment, I saw that the gold veins that originally walked upstream of the earth like ripples suddenly broke like a glass plate, and finally turned into gold. The gold spirit dissipated in the invisible!


Lin Xuan saw this amazing scene and knew that the figure in white was cracking the pattern for them. Now, they don't have to worry about being absorbed by the mysterious pattern!

However, at this time, the field suddenly changed.

In the coffin, there was a boundless black air pouring out from the crevice. The evil black air was condensed into a dark shadow in the air, like a human figure, but it was unique.

"Dutian... Three thousand years... Ha ha, three thousand years, I finally came out..."

"Dutian, I want you to die and perish!"

The shadow of the black fog floating in the air, laughing, the next moment, suddenly toward the center of the mausoleum, holding a black iron spear white figure away!


However, at this time, the gun of dutianzun was suddenly thrown out by him, with a light rebuke in his mouth.

That extremely terrifying spear, like a meteor, soared up into the sky and rushed towards the black fog figure!

"Hahaha... Dutian... You haven't fought for 3000 years. Can you still carry a spear?"

However, the shadow of the black fog had no fear. He did not know when a painting halberd appeared in his hand. It was also dark, but it showed a miraculous luster and strange material!


In the sky, two peerless weapons launched their fatalistic battle, and the sound of clang was heard all the time. Even if Lin Xuan and others were far away, they were still affected and nearly died!

And Lin Xuan, even if he had already accomplished half a gold body, could not resist the terrible aftereffect. The blood in his body flowed back, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"It's a war between the venerable. It's so terrible..."

The huge mausoleum was like a huge palace. They watched from a distance and escaped at least one kilometer from the battle center, but they were still affected by the aftershocks!

Even Shen Yan, who has seen a lot, doesn't know what to say at the moment. His tongue is incomparable. What he saw today is subverting their imagination!

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