"No, these two people have already lived up to their glory. Whether they are dutianzun or the unknown terrorist, the power they use now is even less than what they used in their heyday!"

"If it wasn't for the unknown existence, we would never have thought that the cultivation of dutianzun in his later years was infinitely close to that of the supreme King... He could even take the last step against the heaven... Even the jade bones have been tempered... This is the sign of promoting the king... What a pity."

"In the end, he seems to meet such a great enemy. Even if he seals the demon again, he will fall down in the end!"

The old man of Shen family frowned deeply. Although his accomplishments were not very high, his experience and insight were definitely the most knowledgeable of all!

You know, although the Shen family is only in his sixties, he is really old. Now he is more than 150 years old. It can even be said that he is a living antique!

Lin Xuan thought more. He continued with a heavy face: "the demon seems to be the enemy of our human race. Did he come out of the forbidden area of the ancient forest?"

The old Shen nodded, then shook his head and said, "maybe... That was the age of dutianzun. He was not expected by people, but he showed unparalleled demeanor. He went retrograde all the way up and stood at the peak of Qingzhou Prefecture. Even the heyday of qixuezong would worship him as a dutianren. In terms of real combat power, It's even stronger than the old patriarch of qixuezong five thousand years ago! "

"No one in Qingzhou Prefecture was able to threaten dutianzun at that time, even when he was old and frail, or when he closed his door and attacked the kingdom of the king..."

"If we say that the venerable has enemies, I'm afraid it's really coming out of the forbidden area..."

The old man of the Shen family recalled the deeds recorded in the classics and said in a deep voice.

At this time, I saw that the war situation in the center of the battlefield was more and more fierce!

The huge fluctuation seemed to collapse the whole mausoleum. Lin Xuan's figures were a little unsteady and nearly fell down!

"What... The great power of heaven and earth... Is not as good as when it was in its heyday? How is that possible? "

In front of Lin Xuan's eyes, the gorgeous white light shines into eternity. The war between the two men is like a battle between the gods. It's often a whirl of heaven and earth. It's frightening!

"If it's in its heyday... How strong should it be?"

Lin Xuan's face was silent, but his heart was filled with boundless pride. This is the real powerful monk who was born from heaven and earth... This is what we practitioners of our generation need to be called heroes!

However, just at this time, another huge afterwave came towards them. Lin xuanqiang raised his Qi and blood, wanted to stabilize his state, and was afraid of being greatly impacted here, and his Qi and blood flowed against each other. However, in order to avoid exposure, he did not show his immortal body to resist!

In other words... His physical body is abnormal enough to survive in such aftershocks without losing his life!

"Hahaha... All day... You can't do it. Three thousand years later, the once unstoppable spear is only equal to me now..."

"My spirit will never die... And you, this remnant of your mind will die in the end!"

The powerful existence in the black fog laughs. He is not defeated at the first time. On the contrary, they don't want to fight up and down!

"It's a pity... Dutian, if you only have such strength now, I'm afraid you can't continue to seal me in the coffin... From now on, I'll be free!"

"When I return to the throne, I will make you and other humble people pay a heavy price!"

"Seal me for three thousand years... I hate it!"

The voice of existence in the black fog is a little ferocious. It's strong to the dutianzun!

Fang Tian's painting halberd is powerful and surging. It seems that it can cut down the mountains and pour on Bai Ying like a flood in Foshan!


He was forced to retreat a few steps. The black iron spear in his hand, which had been forced to unite into one, was once again severely damaged by the terrible halberd painted by Fang Tian. It was broken into two pieces, and it was no longer sustainable!

At the next moment, the ancient spear eroded by the years seems to have completed his mission. In front of Lin Xuan and others, it turns directly into powder!

"Hum... Dutian... You can't do it... Even if you have no weapons, what else do you want to fight with me?"

"Ha ha ha... Go to hell!"

The terror in the black fog once again waved Fang Tian's painting halberd, like a mountain, fell from a high place, and fell in front of the white shadow!

The next moment, I saw the white shadow two command, the noble spirit suddenly gushed out from his two fingers, into a half man size light shield, to resist the overwhelming blow!

At this moment, even Lin Xuan and others in the distance are all flustered. Everyone can see that today's dutianzun seems to have fallen into a disadvantage!

"Hahaha... Dutian... Do you feel powerless... You want to save these weak mole ants, but you find that you are not in the heyday of that year..."

"Now you are not old, but only the last ghost left... You give up, it's useless!"

The light shield again and again resisted the attack of Fang Tianhua halberd, and the side effect was that the original solid body was illusory at the moment

"Dutian... Do you have a secret method that can borrow power once, but can you borrow it a second time? Today is the end of you. It's time to understand our three thousand years of gratitude and resentment! "

The existence in the black fog laughs wildly!

But Lin Xuan and others are premonition not good, all shocked look to the field!

"To save us, dutianzun left the dark coffin and let the demon seize the opportunity... It's more difficult to seal it now!"

Shen Yan was standing in front of him, frowning deeply!

"What's the origin of that monster? Why is it that after so many years, even the emperor of heaven has fallen, but he can not die?"

Another member of the Shen family expressed his doubts and shock!

"Is it true that this monster was a real king... Just now he seemed to say that if he returns to the throne, he will surely make our people pay the price..."

"If it's a king, it makes sense. Even the weakest king without a crown can live for thousands of years..."

"Now it's only the past three thousand years. Even if this monster was promoted to the supreme king five thousand years ago, it still has at least five thousand years to live..."

"It's a pity... If the dutianzun had taken that step successfully without any accident, he might still be alive now. He has lived for thousands of years!"

A few people all have guess a way!

However, Lin Xuan suddenly said: "if the monster is the real king... Then how can all the heavenly masters fight each other by virtue of the cultivation of the noble realm?"

"It's only in ancient times that such an amazing supreme master came out. Besides, the master has already tempered his jade bone, and it's reasonable to be more powerful..."

"Maybe the monster was very weak, maybe... The mausoleum here seems to have been built ten thousand years ago... And later the dutianzun may have found the monster here. In order to prevent him from being born, he dragged his aging body to seal the monster here for three thousand years!"

"Ha ha, if it's as you said... Now ten thousand years have passed... He should also perish... Unless, that monster is not just promoted to the king's realm!"

Lin Xuan laughs and feels closer to the truth!

"The existence in the forbidden area... Can't be measured by common sense!"

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