“ If the dutianzun loses, we will not be spared. In the end, we will become the blood food of the monster... So now, if you still have treasure, don't hesitate to be stingy and borrow it from the venerable quickly... "

At this time, the old man of Shen family looked back at Lin Xuan and Shen Yan, and saw that they were heavy.

"I have a medium level forbidden weapon, which can be used several times, but it can be useful to the masters of the spirit, but it is useless to the masters of the spirit..."

"The two invincible characters in the field, even if they are not in their prime years and their accomplishments are not as good as they were in their prime, they are at least in the realm of the spiritual master and even the peak of the spiritual master... This forbidden weapon is of no use at all!"

Shen Yan hung her head and her eyes were full of regret!

And the next moment, Lin Xuan suddenly remembered the reward he had received from the system - Baiyu Qiankun Ding!

"Although this tripod is not a sharp weapon to kill, it has reached a high level... It has been called a rare treasure..."

You know, the rank of this weapon is the same as that of pills, and there are only five ranks!

Low level, middle level, high level, holy level and God level only exist in myths and legends!

Each grade is divided into inferior grade, intermediate grade, superior grade and best grade!

Lin Xuan's white jade heaven and earth tripod, which is obtained from the system and used to improve the quality of pills and the success rate of refining pills, is a treasure of high-level inferior products!

Only the real venerable can possess these treasures. You know, the more top-level magic weapons are, the more difficult it is to refine. There are few in the world!

Before his realm is too low, can only use alchemy, but can't really push this cauldron furnace!

In other words, the real power of this tripod can only be used when it reaches the realm of Lingshi. If it is held by a real lingzun master, it can maximize its power!

The reason why Lin Xuan didn't think about it before was that he was not sure whether his white jade tripod was qualified to fight with Fang Tian's painting halberd!

"System... Help, can you check the rank of Fang Tianhua halberd?"

Lin Xuan doesn't dare to waste a second in this room, but he still hopes that his system can give him a hint

"Painting halberd of Fang Tian (damaged) - original level (high level top level) present level (medium level top level)"

Originally, Lin Xuan was just a dead horse doctor. After all, the system never paid any attention to him, but he didn't expect that he could really see

"Steady, steady!"

Hearing the system prompt coming from his mind, Lin Xuan immediately summoned up the courage to take out the white jade heaven and earth cauldron from his personal space. He was only the size of his hand. Without saying a word, Lin Xuan turned it into a remnant shadow. Fighting for the risk of being seriously injured, he resisted the aftereffects of the battle between the two men. He forced the sweet blood from his throat and stepped on the moon shadow step, Stop 20 meters away from dutianzun

He could not move on any more. Lin Xuan felt that if he only moved forward one step, his body would be destroyed by such terrible waves!

At the moment, Lin Xuan's eyes seemed to have a flame that could not be extinguished. He was biting his teeth and supporting the terrible aftereffect. He roared: "my lord... Go on!"

Then, Lin Xuan threw out the flawless tripod and smashed it in front of the white shadow!

All of a sudden, Lin Xuan felt that he was fixed by a terrible look. That kind of fear made his legs tremble, and even the moon shadow step could not be used any more

This is the prestige of the realm!

But at the next moment, Lin Xuan felt a warm spring wind coming again, which made all his uneasiness and fear dissipate. In an instant, almost instinctively, Lin Xuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place!

When he was far away from the center of the battlefield again, he noticed the smile of dutianzun!

"What... How can these weak insects have high-level treasures... It's impossible..."

All of a sudden, the figure in the black fog roared, as if I couldn't believe it!

"Damn... I would have killed you first if I knew!"

With that, the figure in the black fog turned the gun head with Fang Tianhua halberd and attacked Lin Xuan!

However, just at this time, a white shadow suddenly stopped in front of the monster. The white jade tripod in the hand of dutianzun was completely enlarged under his urging. The boundless white light gushed out from the tripod furnace, and the situation in it was surging, as if it contained another world!

Then, I saw the cauldron stove suddenly turned upside down and wanted to take in the demons in the black fog!

"Take it!"

Lin Xuan had never learned this kind of magic weapon. It seemed that the master of heaven was whispering some incantation. The white jade heaven and earth tripod suddenly turned into a terrible weapon!

This is the first time that Lin Xuan saw the power of the white jade tripod. Before, he only used it as an alchemy furnace

"What... This cauldron can still be used like this!"

As if he had found a new world, he opened his eyes wide and did not squint!

"No... old thief..."

However, I do not know that because the white jade of emperor Lin Xuan is too awesome to the power of the emperor, the law of the imperial instrument is even more severe. I see that the black mist is turning back in an instant... It is really worth a little bit of being inside the income tripod.

"Dutian... You can't do this... No... leave me alone... I can swear that I will never disturb the peace of the human race..."

However, no matter how the existence in the black fog yelled, there was no response from the God. He just urged the cauldron to take away the demons!

"Dutian... You are too cruel... In that case, let's not live!"

At this moment, I saw that the black fog suddenly became violent, separated several black fog, circled in the open mausoleum, finally attacked Lin Xuan and others, and wanted to devour them all!


However, a voice like Tianxian made the separated black fog shiver, and finally turned back and re integrated into the demons!

"What... The power of the law in this rebuke... Dutian, how do you know so many means..."

"OK... I'll be sealed by you again... My Shouyuan is enough... But next time, when I wake up and return to the throne, I'll see who can save them!"

The black fog roared, and finally it was hard to resist the magic power from the white jade heaven and earth tripod. It was completely sucked in!

"White jade heaven and earth tripod... There is heaven and earth in it!"

Lin Xuansheng had some feelings. He had mastered the white jade tripod for so long, but he didn't find that the tripod had such a function, but he was instantly understood by the dutianzun

"Venerable... Why can't you refine it?"

At this time, all the dust settled, the monster was completely put into the tripod, and it was difficult to get out of the trap. Lin Xuan looked at the more illusory figure!

"If you don't want to... In fact, you can't..."

A long and distant sound reverberated in the open hall!


All the people turned their eyes. They couldn't imagine that they would really pay attention to Lin Xuan. In their eyes, it was like a miracle reappearance!

How can dutianzun, who has been dead for thousands of years, talk to such little people as them?

You can blow it all your life!

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