"If you don't want to... In fact, you can't..."

Lin Xuan whispered back to the taste, some curious about the specific reason!

But the eternal light and shadow never spoke again. Instead, they turned the white jade tripod upside down and sealed the monster in the black fog into the dark coffin again!

Then, the light and shadow stretched out their slender fingers and wrote something with their last strength on the dark coffin. Countless lights poured into the surroundings of the dark coffin and turned into small characters of mosquitoes and flies. It was very strange!

With each stroke, the light and shadow become more illusory. Until the last stroke, the white bone in the light and shadow is revealed again, and the original holy light becomes like a firefly, shining slightly.

"Dutian... Let me out... We'll fight another 3000 rounds..."

Inside the coffin, the deep voice came out again, but this time, it failed to turn into a black fog, and was blocked by the boundless white light!

The illusory figure of dutianzun is so beautiful that his eyes are full of vicissitudes.

"Venerable... What happened in those years... And what is this monster?"

"This period of history dust laden past should not be buried here, Reverend you such a hero, should let the world know your supreme demeanor!"

Lin Xuan swallowed a saliva, to go up that supernatural vision, light voice way.

Hearing this, dutianzun shakes his head, ponders for a long time and nods again.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, a picture suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the picture, an old man with rickety gray hair, armed with a long gun, kills everywhere in the mountains. It's ten ancient races that have become human beings. They come out of the forbidden area!

But I met dutianzun. Although the old figure seemed to be able to blow down for a while, the real existence in the forbidden area was like a mountain!

At that time, the venerable had already reached the acme of this realm, and only one last step was needed to enter the king!

The power of dutianzun is too powerful. There are ten forbidden areas for one person to fight alone. There is no one to fight against!

As soon as the picture flashed, the emperor was getting older. His brows had already turned white, but it seemed that he got some information from the experts coming out of the forbidden area!

He steered Changhong and crossed many mountains and rivers. His cultivation was so strong that he came to the bottom of Yulin City in a flash!

But the venerable who did not speak and smile only looked back at his hometown, then turned around and resolutely walked to cangming mountain!

One step away, you are already in the center of cangming mountain. This is a real powerful means to measure the world with your feet!

Cangming mountain in the picture is more dangerous than it is now. Just a glimpse of the monsters in it makes Lin Xuan and other people tremble

"At that time, there were many high-level monsters in cangming mountain... God, it's incredible!"

Lin Xuan said to himself that he continued to look at the reflection that seemed to project from distant ancient times just like watching movies in previous lives!

In the picture, Du Tianzun's spear is inserted on the ground at will, which pokes a tens of meters long hole in the earth. The whole ground sinks suddenly. The black iron hall originally built underground has also become an open-air hall!

"What... It turns out that the gap on the top of the black iron hall was pierced by the emperor of heaven in those years... But I don't know who sealed it up again later..."

"Until now, after the thunderstorm, the ground fell, only to reveal the true face of the hall!"

Lin Xuan murmured, and the people around him nodded to him and agreed with this idea!

They seem to have guessed something, getting closer and closer to the truth!

The next moment, in the picture, you can see that the emperor of heaven does not invade, pushes open the bronze gate unimpeded, and then walks into the huge mausoleum!

In the deepest place, where is an ancient coffin floating in the air!

"It was incredible that the coffin was in the air at that time."

Shen Yan is also a voice of exclamation, curious way.

At this time, the dark coffin in the picture is pushed away from the inside. A middle-aged man in yellow robe, with a dignified face, says something to the dutianzun!

But there is no sound in the picture, such as silent movie!

There was no progress in their communication, so they saw that dutianzun in the picture welcomed him with a long gun!

Then, there was an almost fierce battle. The middle-aged man in yellow robe set up an array in the mausoleum, so he didn't let the aftereffects of the battle spread out. Otherwise, the whole cangming mountain would be broken under the two men's war!

In the picture, it is very true that there is a terrible pressure. Lin Xuan and others can feel that the middle-aged people in Huangpao are more terrible than the dutianzun!

"This... Does it mean that the middle-aged man in Huangpao was really higher than the dutianzun, and he was already a supreme king?"

Lin Xuan frowns, but the picture does not wait for him to think, but blooms a bright and dazzling light, silent fighting, fast flow, seems to last for many days!

The old body of dutianzun seems to contain the power of destroying heaven and earth. When he wants to enter the king completely, he will be able to fight against a supreme King... Even if the middle-aged man in Huangpao seems to be injured, he has not recovered!

But the realm is still there, like an insurmountable gap, blocking a great realm that can be called a watershed!

However, dutianzun created a myth in such an impossibility, even if the long spear was broken in two, even if the last drop of blood was shed, even if the spirit was almost perished

The silent battle finally came to an end. In this battle, the body of the middle-aged man in Huangpao was completely smashed by the dutianzun, leaving only a spirit. He was forced to seal in the coffin, never turning over!

At the end of the picture, the dutianzun, fearing an accident, suppresses the coffin with his body and sits on it at the last moment!

Suddenly, the picture in the air suddenly disappeared, which made Lin Xuan feel melancholy!

"If you don't want to... In fact, you can't..."

Lin xuanruo murmured this sentence again, as if he understood something. He looked sad and said: "at that time, the venerable was in his old age, and it was the critical moment to take the last step. But in order to prevent the existence of the forbidden area, he had to go out of the mountain again!"

"Even though he is old, he is still incomparable. With his own strength, he will kill all the people who come out of the forbidden area!"

"At the end, from their air, we can get the reason why they came out of the restricted area..."

"It was to welcome back their king..."

"And their king... Is in the underground mausoleum at the foot of cangming mountain!"

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