"The only doubt is that the owner of the mausoleum didn't know when he came out of the forbidden area, and how he suffered heavy damage and wanted to hibernate in the mausoleum!"

Lin Xuan's voice was melancholy, and he continued: "later... The venerable should be afraid that the king in the forbidden area will wake up from his deep sleep, and then he will do harm to the world..."

"He came directly to the door to destroy the monster!"

"This is dutianzun, who has been strong all his life. Even in the face of the real king, he can still come to the door calmly...."

"The last time he looked back outside Yulin City, it made my eyes moist... Maybe the venerable also knows that he may never come back here, some of them are reluctant to give up..."

"But in order to suppress the demons, he had to leave his hometown. The venerable did not tell anyone. He came here alone to suppress the demons!"

"It's just that he has lived up to his prime and failed to really take the last step. He suffered a lot in the war..."

"In the old age of life, the fighting power will be greatly reduced, but we still have to fight against such a strong enemy. Such integrity will light up the eternal night!"

"In the end, the venerable won, but he won miserably. When he suppressed the demons, he was injured too much, and he had already exhausted his life, so he sat here..."

"At that time, why didn't the venerable want to thoroughly refine this monster and never suffer from it, but he was really too old and powerless..."

"To be able to suppress demons has exhausted the venerable's last strength. If you don't want to... In fact, you can't..."

Lin Xuan has never shed tears for anyone since he was born. But now, a mist rises in his eyes

He seemed to be in that turbulent and dangerous era. How he wanted to share the burden for the old dutianzun. Maybe... The final result is not falling... But going against the weather!

However, time is running on and on, and even if it is as strong as dutianzun, it can only be reduced to the dust of history

He looked at the more and more faint figure in the void and seemed to see the end of the venerable.

"We don't know what your heart is. If you not only enter here by mistake today, I'm afraid the outside world will think that your heart is closed and unfortunately fell..."

"Yes... Who would have thought that after the old venerable came to the forbidden area with his own efforts, he would come here alone to suppress the demons..."


All the people looked at the figure sentimentally, even if it was hard hearted, it was also shocked by the venerable's mind!

However, at this moment, the illusory figure suddenly said: "let's go... I will do my best to suppress the Millennium here..."

"After a thousand years, even if it can't extricate itself, some people will be born in the forbidden area and come again."

"It's more mysterious than you think..."

With these words, the voice of laughter came from the dark coffin: "Dutian... You are afraid sometimes... Ha ha ha!"

However, when dutianzun heard the words, he sighed: "I have fallen. Even this trace of memory will dissipate in decades."

"When the catastrophe comes again, the person who should be robbed will be born..."

The voice was so far away that Lin Xuan and others heard it in the clouds, but there was some speculation

"After a thousand years, what will happen? "Another catastrophe?"

Lin Xuan murmured in surprise.

"Hahaha, mole ants, I hope you can live for a thousand years and wait for my royal family to return!"

Inside the dark coffin, once again came the shrill laughter.

But at the next moment, the dutianzun suddenly waved his sleeve robe and put them in the illusory sleeve like heaven and earth in the sleeve!

Then, the next moment, all of them were thrown out of the pit.

However, just in this short moment, there are many illusory whispers pouring into Lin Xuan's ears!

"I never thought that... You and I have the same origin... Ha ha, I don't know whether it's a disaster or a blessing..."

"The same is true of the immortal Sutra... But the Sutra has been severely incomplete since ancient times. Even if it is as powerful as me, I have spent six thousand years searching the northern regions... But I can't find a complete skill..."

"So that, let me stop, the venerable... Can't go any further!"

The unreal murmur made Lin Xuan's heart jump wildly. He subconsciously wanted to ask dutianzun about the follow-up skills of immortal xuanjing, but he didn't expect that before he spoke, a white light was pointed out by dutianzun and entered his mind!

"It's like asking you about the reward of borrowing the tripod, not destroying the cultivation methods of the xuanjing venerable in front of his realm... And the enlightenment I gave you in my old age. You need to prepare early. If you still can't find the follow-up methods, you have to try to complete them yourself..."

"If I had not hoped to find the follow-up skills, but had realized it earlier and walked out of my own way, I might not have been reduced to this place..."

The unreal sigh made Lin Xuan's body tremble. Even if the venerable didn't release his authority intentionally, the magnificent and boundless breath still made Lin Xuan unbearable!

"Let's go... I'll seal this place again. If you don't become a king, don't come back!"

"Because what was suppressed in the mausoleum was the legitimate offspring of the ancient royal family in the remote forbidden area, an adult king..."

"Maybe you still have a lot of doubts... Ha ha, I used to be as weak as you... However, when you grow up and see the vast world, you will understand!"

This is the last murmur of dutianzun, and the small white jade tripod in his hand is returned to Lin Xuan again!


As if the sky and the earth were breaking apart, people were pushed to the distance by a soft white light. The original deep cave was buried and covered by a huge amount of soil and towering ancient trees

The center of the whole cangming mountain seems to have been hit by a meteorite, leaving a huge crater, but it doesn't show the slightest appearance of the mausoleum!

"What we have seen and heard during this trip makes us shudder. If it is spread, it will certainly cause a great disturbance, and the whole Qingzhou Prefecture will be shocked!"

"You should not be forgotten by others, such as the venerable."

"We should make it clear to the world and write books and biographies for the venerable."

The spirits of the Shen family are a little lucky for the rest of their lives. There are so many people on their trip, but only the last five are left

I have to say, a miserable word!

"I don't think... You don't want to be disturbed here again. You might as well keep it in your heart. The time is ripe in the future, and it's not too late to say it again..."

Lin Xuan spoke softly. He was the only one who got the harvest in this trip. He got the follow-up skill of immortal xuanjing that he had been dreaming of, but others didn't know about it!

Although the skill is still incomplete and incomplete, it means that Lin Xuan didn't have to worry about practicing the skill at least before he was in the kingdom!

"Ha ha, what brother Xuanmu said is very true. We should keep our mouth shut. Now if this matter is publicized, a large number of people will come here regardless of it. If we let those demons get out of trouble again, it will be the catastrophe of Qingzhou Prefecture!"

Shen Yan stands beside Lin Xuan and laughs.

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