"Ha ha, brother Xuanmu must know that if Luohuang city were not on the edge of Qingzhou mansion, such a huge city would be the largest city in Qingzhou mansion..."

"Unfortunately, the most prosperous city today is Yunxiao city at the foot of qixuezong Mountain Gate, and the second largest city is meteorite city at the foot of Tianjiao mountain!"

"And I'm in the third place when I'm in Huangcheng!"

Speaking of this, Shen Yan once again chuckled and continued: "but brother Xuanmu, don't underestimate our Luohuang city. We must know that our Luohuang city is also full of pride. This place is backed by many small branches of the ancient forest forbidden area, and there are many scarce resources available. Even many big religions come to our Luohuang city to buy it!"

"I Luohuang city is only located in a remote place, which leads to less people than Yunxiao city. In terms of the size of the city, it used to be the first frontier city in front of the forbidden area, and it was built to resist demons and beasts. It is even more known as Qingyun first pass!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately to that haven't seen male city to give birth to curiosity.

As for the name of Qingyun first pass in Shen Yankou, it is the general name of Qingzhou Prefecture and Yunzhou Prefecture, because the two states are adjacent to each other, and all of them border on the ancient forest!

As one of the forbidden areas in the immortal Kingdom, it can no longer be matched with the forbidden areas in the Daqian dynasty or even the northern region. It can be imagined that the forest in ancient times is boundless. From the last frontier of the Daqian Dynasty to the inside, it's all the forbidden areas. I don't know the destination!

These days, Lin Xuan's understanding of this vast world is more profound than before, and he is also excited about this vast world!

He already knew that the star city he was in was a city on the edge of Qingzhou Prefecture, bordering on the abyss forest, the branch of ancient forest!

And Qingyun two states were the two most marginal state capitals in the far north of the Daqian Dynasty, with forbidden areas as the dividing line!

As far as Qingzhou Prefecture is concerned, it is 300000 Li from the south to the north, and 100000 Li from the east to the West. This is only the size of a prefecture.

From qingzhoufu all the way south, across more than a dozen prefectures, we can reach the capital of Daqian Dynasty. Although other prefectures are not as vast as qingzhoufu, they also have at least 100000 li of land.

It's two million Li to go to the imperial city. Ordinary people can't even get out of Qingzhou mansion for a lifetime!

Even a monk, if he can't control Changhong, taking Lin Xuan's speed as an example, he can travel at most three thousand li by day and night, then two million Li is 666 days and nights, which is equivalent to two years

It's a straight-line distance. There's no need to make a detour. If you encounter any difficulties or dangers in the middle of the way, it's good to arrive in ten years, let alone two years!

When Lin Xuan thought that this was the whole world, he knew that he was too young!

Their great Qian Dynasty is located on the edge of the northern region... How vast the northern region is, with countless dynasties and sects

In addition to the northern region, there are four major regions, East, West, South and Central... Among them, the central region is the most vast

Lin Xuanguang's head is a little big when he imagines it. He thinks that such a large piece of land may not have been included in the whole solar system in previous generations, or even far beyond

In fact, Lin Xuan got all these secrets from the dutianzun. When the dutianzun endowed him with skills, he also presented some insights... Many of these insights came from some important places in the northern region

Therefore, the understanding of the world is also derived from the dutianzun!

Even if he knew the secret, it only increased his knowledge to Lin Xuan. For him, it took ten years to go to the imperial capital of the great Qian Dynasty. It was a dream for him to travel in the northern regions!

I'm afraid it's only when you reach the realm of dutianzun that you can shrink into an inch. You can reach any corner of Qingzhou mansion in a moment

"No one knows where the forbidden area is connected, except that there are many terrible races in it, and even mysterious races handed down from ancient times..."

Shen Yan is worthy of being born in Luohuang city. She has more knowledge than those who come from the edge of Tianxing city like Lin Xuan.

"Ancient times? When is that? "

Before that, Lin Xuan said that he had been practicing in the five elements, and he didn't know anything, so he went out to travel. Therefore, it's not shocking for him to ask questions!

"Ha ha, according to the records of ancient books, ancient times was the earliest time when the human race was born. No one knows how many years ago. At that time, Xianyu was the age of hundreds of millions of monsters and beasts!"

"Terrans can only survive in the cracks!"

"Later, at the end of ancient times, the tribulating Terran had the great ability of their ancestors to create the method of practice, and the Terran was able to rise!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, this is the information that gets with him at the beginning accords with.

"After that, it was like a prairie fire. After thousands of years of development and growth in ancient times, the friars of our people are all over the immortal Kingdom now..."

"Tens of millions of years?"

Lin Xuan suddenly felt that something was wrong. The blue stars in his previous life all have a history of 4.6 billion years. This world is only tens of millions of years in one era. Isn't it too few?

Even if Lin Xuan read the Honghuang novels in his previous life, hundreds of yuan would pass by!

"Yes... Tens of millions of years. It's not easy to develop in those long years!"

But Shen Yan obviously didn't know Lin Xuan's doubts, and still said to himself!

"I see. Maybe the Terrans in this world are not the first to be born. The monster of the ancient race has a longer history than the Terrans, and the monster is just like the blue star of the previous life. Because it's too long, it's already buried in history!"

Lin Xuan said to himself, but he didn't show it!

What they said on this road, to many mortals and even the friars in the small town, can completely subvert their three outlooks. I can't imagine that the world is so vast!

Although Shen Yan was born in Luohuang City, his cognition is still limited. He only knows a general context of immortal realm, but he can't realize it as clearly as Lin Xuan!

Because he accepted the gifts of the dutianzun, which were all personal experiences and travels of the dutianzun, not on paper or oral stories, so in his consciousness, Lin Xuan had a specific understanding of this vast world outlook!

The distance between Luohuang city and Yulin city is six thousand li. Lin Xuan and Shen Yan are on the same journey in the starry night, but they can't arrive until two days later!

"That's Luohuang city. It's really the first gate of Qingyun!"

Lin Xuan and his wife were standing in the distance, with a trace of surprise on his face. On the horizon, there was a huge city like a mountain, rising up from the ground!

Far away, Lin Xuan recalled the Star City, only to find that he was really a frog in the well!

"This is the real big city... What kind of big city is Tianxing City, which is bigger than Yulin city!"

In the heart, after seeing the real big city, Lin xuanman was filled with emotion!

Shen Yan beside him was also very satisfied to see Lin Xuan's expression, as if his hometown was so amazing and praised, with a strong sense of pride!

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