"Brother Xuanmu, the front is where my Shen family is!"

Lin Xuan raised his head, looked at the nearby castle of bluestone, and felt the distant breath of this huge border city. The hundred feet old and mottled wall stood around the city like gold!

On the arch of the city are carved three ancient words of vicissitudes, which seem to go through the ages.

"Luohuang city!"

Even on the way, Shen Yan said that Luohuang city was not as prosperous as Yunxiao City, but when he really came to the foot of the gate, he found that the so-called "not prosperous" was only relative!

Outside the gate of the city, the motorcade extending in all directions didn't know where it came from. The crowd surged and drove the ugly triangular beast into the city with great style!

This triangle beast is one of the most easily domesticated monsters, so it is very popular in the territory of Qingzhou Prefecture.

There are also many monks from afar, such as ascetics, gathered in this huge city.

Lin Xuan and his wife also entered the city with the flow of people. The broad bluestone road did not know where it extended. On both sides of the road were shops of the chamber of Commerce, and there were also barefoot peddlers. What they sold were not all kinds of goods, but all kinds of miraculous medicines or precious materials that were useful to monks!

The prosperity of this place is dozens of times better than that of Tianxing city. People are full of voices. It's not like Tianxing city. After all, it's still a little lonely!

"Hey, did you hear that the second young master of the Zhao family is said to have made a battle to the young master of the Hong family for the sake of the third young lady of the Shen family. He wants to fight on the stage of life and death!"

"And the young master of the Hong family also took these letters of war, and they made an oath that if anyone lost, he would never pursue the third miss of the Shen family again!"

"Let's go. Just now someone said that the second son of the Zhao family had already been waiting at the stage of life and death. Today we will decide whether to win or lose. If we go late, I'm afraid we won't have a place!"

"Is extremely is extremely, now falls in the Phoenix City's youth talented person also to hear the wind to rush in the past, we also quickly go!"

As soon as Lin Xuan and Shen Yan entered the city, they heard that all the people around them were talking about the events that happened in Luohuang city today, which made Lin Xuan have some interest!

"Ha ha, brother Xuanmu, it's a coincidence that we came back. Now we have a good play to watch."

At this time, Shen Yan suddenly smiles at Lin Xuan, and the expression on his face is different!

"Ha ha, I don't think brother Shen's face is natural. Why, is there any secret in it?"

Lin Xuan laughed.

"To tell you the truth, brother Xuanmu, in fact, this good play has already started for a long time. The third miss of the Shen family mentioned by those people just now is my third sister..."

"But my sister is arrogant and devoted to practice. She doesn't like both of them!"

"But they couldn't fight each other, so they discussed with me how to get rid of them..."

"Before I left, I told her a plan to get rid of one of them first!"

At this point, Shen Yan's smile is more thick, funny way: "I and three younger sister said, let them two fight, make a vow, who lost, can't entangle!"

"When the first one is solved, the second one can be solved in other ways, slowly!"

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect that when I returned today, I just ran into the disturbance caused by the two people!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately also understand come over, to Shen Yan joke way: "you this method is really damage!"

"No way, who let them always pester the third sister, I have to do this

Shen Yan shook his head and said with a smile.

"Well, you and I can't miss such a good thing, but where is the platform of life and death? Brother Shen still needs to lead the way!"

Lin Xuan's smile was full of joy.

Then, with vigorous and vigorous steps, they arrived at the stage of life and death in a short time!

The so-called arena of life and death, which is a large martial arts arena in Luohuang City, is mainly used for the challenge competition held by the chamber of Commerce on weekdays. Other people can bet on their favorite challenge players, just like those underground black fists in previous lives, mainly to earn gambling money!

Today's duel between the second son of Zhao family and the young master of Hong family has shocked the whole city. Naturally, the chamber of Commerce will not let go of such a good opportunity. It has decided the odds early in the gambling house beside the venue!

Lin Xuan is also a sweetheart. Seeing such a grand occasion, he immediately wants to make a bet!

But he is not familiar with the two people who are going to fight in the challenge arena. He doesn't know which one to bet on!

"Ha ha, brother Xuanmu is not from Luohuang City, so I don't know about them. It's my negligence. I'll tell brother Xuanmu what I know!"

At the moment, seeing Lin Xuan hesitating in front of the gambling house, Shen Yan is so smart that he immediately understands that Lin Xuan also wants to gamble, but he doesn't know which one to bet?

"Thank you, brother Shen!"

Lin Xuan did not refuse, thanks.

"The second son of the Zhao family, whose real name is Zhao 3000, is one of the most talented people in Luohuang city. He was the same year as me, and his cultivation is now spiritual!"

"The Zhao family is also one of the top ten families in Luohuang city."

"The young master of the Hong family is also an outstanding person, named Hong Tian, who is a typical person with thick accumulation and thin hair."

"This man's practice speed was extremely slow. It took him three years to break through from the eighth stage of spiritual cultivation to the ninth stage of spiritual cultivation... However, it was just when everyone thought that this place was not talented enough and would be devoid of people in the future!"

"But who would have thought that in less than a year, this man actually directly broke through the spirit, and now he is similar to Zhao 3000. He is a spirit!"

"However, the Hong family is not a big family. The strongest person in the family is just the peak of the spirit."

Shen Yan seems to have emotion, talking to Lin Xuan!

"Ha ha, the same realm? It's not easy to bet. I don't know if brother Shen has any other information, so we can calculate their real strength more accurately! "

However, after listening for a long time, Lin Xuan found that what Shen Yan said was nonsense. He just introduced the origin of the two to him!

"Of course, there are some news, but I don't know if it's accurate. As far as I've heard, Zhao 3000 is now ranked 11th in the first place in the underground arena organized by Yulong business club!"

"And Hong Tian is only the 17th in the list of a!"

Smell speech, Lin Xuan nods, this news, can barely distinguish two people's strength level, but also like Shen Yan said, can't confirm the most real combat power!

The so-called underground challenge arena a list is the score ranking obtained from the challenge arena. If you get the corresponding ranking, you will get the resource reward provided by Yulong chamber of Commerce!

"Generally speaking, people like Hong Tian, who are not prominent in the family, will definitely attach great importance to the cultivation resources. They will be very keen to win a high ranking in the challenge arena!"

"But he won't fight any more when he comes in 17th!"

"Unlike Zhao 3000, even if his family is famous, he still refuses to let go of the resources reward of Yulong chamber of commerce until he can't fight any more!"

"Ha ha, of course, maybe Zhao 3000's real strength is stronger than this, but he is clumsy!"

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