Well, after listening to Shen Yan's words, Lin Xuan hesitated even more. There was too much uncertainty, and now he, Lingshi, couldn't waste it at will!

"Let's bet five thousand and three thousand. He was born into a prominent family, and he always had a stronger foundation. He also took the initiative to fight in the afternoon. He must have a strong foundation in his heart!"

"And the odds are also biased toward Zhao 3000's victory. His odds are 1:0.5, while Hong Tian's is 1:1!"

Since he can't get the strength evaluation of the two from other ways, Lin Xuan can only start from the odds in the gambling house. In a certain sense, the gambling house is often more accurate than others!

If you bet five thousand spirit stones, there are two thousand five hundred spirit stones in the account. No matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat!

"Brother Xuanmu is really a Taoist. I feel the same way. Ha ha, I'll bet him five thousand spirit stones to have fun!"

Shen Yan's words are very pretentious. Other people who come here to bet on eight hundred and one thousand spirit stones are all searching for fear of losing!

As a result, the five thousand spirit stones were just for fun. It's really more popular than others!

After they finished their bets, they went to the martial arts arena together. This arena is much bigger than that of Lin Xuantian Star City. There are many challenges. But at this time, many people are concentrated in the middle of the arena, next to the biggest challenge arena!

At this time, in the most central arena, there was already a dignified young man in purple standing in the field. He was very conceited with both hands on his back, and his eyes were full of rebellious color.

"This man is Zhao 3000. I don't like him the most. He always looks at people with his nose. He is very conceited."

Shen Yan and Lin Xuan find an excellent position in the show. They come early, but the play doesn't start!

However, what Lin Xuan didn't expect was that shortly after they sat down, a graceful young man with a folding fan came up to Shen Yan and said with a smile, "Oh, it's not Mr. Shen. Ha ha, your second brother-in-law is here to watch the fun, too?"

"An Zihao, I don't want to fight with you today. Don't disturb me here!"

Shen Yan sees a visitor, suddenly complexion a cold, seem to have hatred general, cold way.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a few days. Mr. Shen has a good temper. Ha ha ha!"

An Zihao gently shakes the folding fan and laughs.

Then, his eyes moved to the left and fell on Lin Xuan. He felt his head suspiciously and said with a smile, "Oh, is this a friend of Mr. Shen? It looks very strange. Where are you from? It's not the poor relatives of the Shen family who don't pay attention to their clothes

Originally, Lin Xuan's eyes were looking at his nose and his nose was looking at his heart. He didn't intend to take care of Shen Yan's private affairs!

But he didn't expect that this an Zihao unexpectedly hit the idea to his body, in the mouth despises unceasingly to him.

"An Zihao, you are just arrogant on weekdays, but brother Xuanmu is here today, you dare to be so rampant. Hum, do you really think I dare not fight with you?"

At this time, Shen Yan suddenly stood up and glared at an Zihao!

"Yo, Mr. Shen has a big voice. I'm scared to death... However, if Mr. Shen wants to fight with me, I will accompany him. I'm afraid... Mr. Shen really dare not!"

One side, Lin Xuan listen to this person speak, immediately almost vomit, in the heart secretly scold a way: "grass, originally is a sissy!"

The white face of an Zihao is as delicate as jade. His fingers are long and white. Even his body is as thin as a woman.

But such a person, Lin Xuan is aware of a trace of danger!

"I didn't expect that this man looked so young. He was already in the second section of the spirit, lying in the trough. What's the world? The speed of practicing sissy is so fast!"

Sissy secretly Tucao, more and more make complaints about this sissy.

"Hum... Don't motivate me... Today I'm going to accompany brother Xuanmu. I don't have time to fight with you. If you really want to fight, you can wait for me to make a breakthrough. You and I will fight together. I will never lose you!"

It is obvious that this sissy has just made a breakthrough, so she takes the opportunity to find Shen Yan's trouble. This kind of talent duel basically has a small direct gap with the same level, but if the sissy is higher than him, it will be a great loss to duel!

Fortunately, Shen Yan was not inspired by the sissy, but calmed down!

"Yes, if he loses today's World War I, he will not only lose face, but also affect his mind of practice. If he is born from then on, he will really fulfill his wish!"

Lin Xuan looked at Shen Yan in his heart, calm enough!

"Ha ha, since Mr. Shen doesn't dare, forget it. If you and I watch a big play together, we can get a good story!"

At this time, sissy ha ha a smile, raised the orchid finger, mouth self-care laugh!

But the people who knew their grudges couldn't help laughing: "poof... Ha ha, these two enemies are watching a big play on the same stage. I'm really looking forward to the picture!"

However, at this time, an Zihao coldly glanced at Lin Xuan and said, "can you sit next to Mr. Shen? Why don't you get out of the way

Smell speech, Lin Xuan immediately a Leng, didn't expect that this an Zi Hao unexpectedly find trouble on his body again!

At the next moment, Lin Xuan sneered and said, "what are you? You dare to give me directions here. I didn't bother to worry about you before, but I made it worse. Oh, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

He has never been a good tempered man. There is no word "endure" in his dictionary!

"Brother Xuanmu... No!"

At this time, Shen Yan also noticed that the edge of Lin Xuan's words was too strong. I'm afraid that he would really offend an Zihao and remind him!

However, as soon as he said this, he saw that an Zihao's white face was as black as jade, and his eyes were full of killing intention. His voice was cold and he said, "well... Well, ha ha, even Shen Yan dare not talk to me like this. You, the waste of spiritual realm, dare to be rampant in front of me!"

"I asked you to go away, didn't you hear me?"

However, Lin Xuan was still calm and calm in the face of such aggressive eyes.

"Arrogance, I don't know how to live or die!"

At this moment, an Zihao completely angry, actually really want to start!

He closed the folding fan lightly, and his infinite spiritual power gushed out of his palm and poured into the jade folding fan, making it shining!

Then, as if the folding fan turned into a sharp sword, it became a sharp weapon in an Zihao's hand and hit Lin Xuan!


At this moment, all the people who were waiting by suddenly flew away subconsciously for fear of being affected!

No one expected that this an Zihao was really like a madman, so dignified in the show!


Lin Xuan didn't move an inch. His face was like a flat lake. But he didn't know when a yellow dragon sword appeared in his hand to resist the surging folding fan!

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