"What is he doing? How could you give up your strength and fight with others with bare hands? "

At this moment, Shen Yan was at a loss in the stands. He didn't understand where Lin Xuan's courage came from!

This is not self-confidence, but arrogance!

"This man is too arrogant. He could fight with master an only by taking advantage of the magic weapon. To put down his weapon at the moment is just like abandoning his own hands and feet. It's stupid!"

"Hey, I'll see how this stranger will end up if he doesn't fight against master an later on!"

"Well, since ancient times, pride must be defeated. There is no doubt that this man will be defeated!"

On the stand, some people sneered and thought that Lin Xuan had lost his martial arts!

"Ha ha ha... Waste, OK, today I want you to know that without weapons, you are nothing in my eyes!"

At this moment, even an Zihao didn't expect that his method of motivating generals would work so well. The decadent color just now was swept away. Now an Zihao's eyes are full of fiery flames, looking at Lin Xuan's eyes, with a huge anger!

This is the man who just made him lose face. Now he finally has a chance to be ashamed. He is extremely excited and his blood is booming!

"San Yue Zhang, die for me!"

An Zihao's cold voice came out, and his body moved. In a moment, he came to Lin Xuanchong and gave a terrible slap!

The palm was magnificent, as if there was a mountain falling towards Lin Xuan. All the turbulent spiritual power was gathered in the palm, and one hand was the ultimate victory!

"Young master an is really angry. It's the most powerful master of three mountain palms. It's said that if you practice this palms to the highest level, you'll fall down like three mountains when you raise your hands. You'll be proud of yourself, and you'll turn into powder under this palms!"

"Oh, my God, what a terrible fluctuation. Even if it's so far away, it makes my heart shake!"

"Young master an is the ninth person in the list. It's really terrible!"

"Haha, I have said for a long time that the waste from the countryside is taking advantage of the weapon. If it's a real duel, he will never be the opponent of young master an!"

"Brother Xuanmu... Be careful!"

Not only did the crowd laugh, but Shen Yan was also a subconscious reminder for Lin Xuan!

However, in this light, Lin Xuan had a chance to retreat or move sideways, but he still did not move, like an old tree taking root!

"Ha ha ha, I'm so scared by this terrible palm technique that I stayed in the same place and didn't escape!"

"If this palm is hit, it will not die or die!"

"It's over. It's time to decide."

At the moment when everyone exclaimed, in front of Lin Xuan's eyes, the palm of his hand, which had fallen down like a mountain, had swung in front of him in an instant!

However, the scene that everyone expected didn't happen. Lin Xuan's face was calm, and he gently raised his hand into a fist, and slowly waved it!

Time seems to have calmed down. The needles can be heard falling in the martial arts arena. On the stage of life and death, you can only see that an Zihao, who is as powerful as a rainbow, holding his palm, flies back like a broken kite


Between a few breath, we can see that an Zihao, who is still powerful, has a close contact with the ground of the platform of life and death. The huge impact orders that an Zihao, who is already thin, has a feeling that his whole body is going to fall apart. In his mouth, he also spits out a mouthful of red blood!

"You... You are not a spiritual realm at all... I was cheated by you so miserably!"

An Zihao kneels on one knee, his face is ferocious, and he looks at Lin Xuan reluctantly, coldly!

He forced himself to support the surging of his internal organs, but every time he opened his mouth, he let the blood gush out of his throat!


Dead quiet!

All the people couldn't believe their eyes. They gaped. After a long time, they were in a mess!


"Is it true? I'm not dazed, am I? How is that possible? "

"Young master an lost... And he lost so miserably... Isn't that man really a spiritual realm?"

"He must have hidden his accomplishments. Even master an is not his opponent for his strength. How can he be a spiritual realm..."

"Ha ha, I'll just say, how could this person be so strong..."

However, in the noise of discussion, there was a laugh!

"Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous. I'm not as good as others, but I don't know it. I'm looking for all kinds of reasons!"

"People use weapons to oppress him and save him face, but anzihao doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He can't think of a bare handed confrontation with others... What's the result? I was beaten to spit blood in front of my face... Such funny scenes are rare in ten years in Luohuang city! "

"From now on, I'm afraid this home will become the laughing stock of the whole city!"

At this moment, Shen Yan finally seize the opportunity, cold irony way!

He was humiliated and bullied by an Zihao before, but because the other side was promoted to the second stage of lingzhe before him, Shen Yan was not sure of winning the battle with him, and could only tolerate again and again!

But I didn't expect that under today's circumstances, Lin Xuan even avenged him, which made an Zihao a laughing stock!

His face showed the color of laughter, no taboo, the mouth is full of heart words!

"Brother Xuanmu didn't want to be your enemy, but you are aggressive. Bullying brother Xuanmu is a stranger. Hehe, today's retribution is all your own. You can't blame others!"

On the stage of life and death, an Zihao seems to have been fatally hit. His face is dead gray, his eyes are dim, and he can't help murmuring: "who are you... Impossible... Who are you..."

"Why... Why, you are just a waste of spiritual realm... Why can you defeat me?"

"I don't want to!"

"I want to compete with you again!"

In the murmur, an Zihao's heart seems to breed demons, which makes his face become a little crazy and extremely ferocious!

"Ha ha, I'm a waste. What are you? A fool who's not as good as trash? "

Lin Xuan sneered. He had no pity. He was much weaker than he thought... The reason why he practiced so fast was that he only used resources to accumulate. There was no tempering and polishing!

In fact, to some extent, Lin Xuan and he are the same, but also refining resources can become stronger!

But the difference between them is that Lin Xuan's foundation is extremely solid, and solid to no longer solid!

Only when it comes to being, can Lin Xuan make a breakthrough!

In his eyes, practice is to break through the realm, so no matter whether his foundation is firm or not, he is always breaking through

It seems that the realm is very high, among the peers, it must be strong, but unfortunately, it's all flowery!

Or, in the eyes of such unreasonable monsters as Lin Xuan, there are only frills, not strong enemies!

"I'm not rubbish... I'm not!"

It seems that he is used to enjoying the glory of genius. Today's defeat is like the fall of a comet. In the past, everyone was extremely respectful and afraid of him, and he also enjoyed such glory!

But today, he is ridiculed by countless people as being beyond his capacity. He is no longer the leading role of heaven and earth, but a foil. His strength sets off Lin Xuan's greater strength!

This kind of gap feeling is really too big!

An Zihao's heart is hard to accept, completely fell into the evil way, he has no expression in his eyes, not fatally toward Lin Xuan!

"I won't lose... I'll never lose!"

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